Monday, October 15, 2018

What Are Your True Goals?

by Jan Drexler

I’ve had a lot of time to think lately.

My husband, our youngest son, and I returned home yesterday after a ten-day trip East to visit family. I also spent some time researching my next story, chatting with readers, and visiting my publisher.

During our forty-four-plus hours in the car, I did a lot of thinking about writing: future stories, my work-in-progress, blog posts, my career goals.

I also spent time reflecting on the last eight whirlwind years. What has happened during those years?
  • I’ve achieved my goal of writing and finishing a full-length novel. 
  • I’ve achieved my goal of being a published author. 
  • I’ve achieved my goal of writing for my dream publisher. 
  • I’ve achieved my goal of seeing my book on the shelves of my local library. 
  • I've achieved my goal of writing ten books. 

Number ten is coming in February!

What comes next?

Let me tell you what I was thinking about during that forty-four-plus-hour car ride…

If these had been the only goals for my life, I would be done.

If I had made the mistake of focusing on these goals to the exclusion of everything else, I would be finished.

And I can’t help thinking that if I had never looked beyond these goals, I would be looking forward to a lot of empty years ahead.

But these are NOT my only goals.

I am VERY thankful to have been given the opportunity to write and to share my stories with others, but this isn’t my life.

I am not defined by my writing.

What does define me?

1) I am a child of God.

2) I have a purpose in my life: To glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

3) I have the opportunity to use the talents He has given me to serve Him and achieve that purpose. 

So my goal – the theme of my life – is to glorify God.

Everything else is a means to that end.

* * * * * * * * * * * * 

Count to ten.

* * * * * * * * * * * * 

Let that sink in.

* * * * * * * * * * * * 

Everything in my life is an opportunity to glorify God.

Even if I had never achieved any of the goals I listed above, my purpose would not have changed. If I had never written a word, my purpose – my chief goal – would remain the same.

If I had never finished a book, landed my agent, or signed a publishing contract…my life would still have meaning and purpose.

My desires (plans, goals, wishes) often go unfulfilled. Many times when I have prayed for something, God has said "no," or "not yet." Those are the times when I must remind myself that I have not planned this life, but God has. And His plans are always perfect.

The challenge is to remain content no matter what path God leads me down...and that must be my true goal.

I hope I didn't wax too philosophical today! But I wonder if you've been thinking about the same kinds of things.

If you would like to, share with the rest of us:

What are your goals?

Are you defined by those goals?

What are your goals beyond the one you’re working toward right now?

Comment to be included in the drawing for a copy of my latest release, The Sound of Distant Thunder.



  1. A thoughtful post, Jan. I love being a writer, but almost yearly, I evaluate where I am and ask the Lord, again, if writing is His will for my life. So far He continues to say yes. It's all about service and spreading the Kingdom and sharing the Good News, which can be done in so many different ways.

    Glad you're home from your long trip. As Dorothy said in The Wizard of Oz, "There's no place like home."

    1. Yes, Debby, there is truly no place like home! It was so nice to sleep in my own bed last night.

      But taking trips like this help to give us a new perspective on the day-to-day and allow us to reevaluate our lives and goals. :-)

  2. Amen, Jan. Life if more than meeting writing goals (as wonderful as that is!). More than anything I want to become who God wants me to be and to be doing what he wants me to do--in HIS timing.

  3. Jan, this is exactly what I'VE been thinking about too. I love it when you guys post your inspirational stuff on Mondays, it sets the tone for the week.
    I was a little freaked out last year when Sandy retired from writing and Keli Gwyn also hung it up. We've all worked so hard to get to where we are, and I couldn't imagine leaving it. But writing, like everything else in this life, is temporary, a garment we put on or take off at His will.
    We can't afford to get away from Him, whether we're writing or not. My friend Heidi Chiavaroli (CAROL WINNER) calls it "grace-clinging."
    And on top of that, it promises to be a busy fall. I'm in the process of submitting the sequel to my Oregon Trail story to Pelican, so I'm cleaning up that MS. I'm also making changes to my contemporary Christmas romance after two agents gave me a glimmer of hope at ACFW. The changes involve delving deeper into Jane's issues, and the main issue that keeps her from Christ is childhood sexual abuse. I have never, THANK THE LORD, been a victim of that, but I do need to research it and this promises to be a harrowing journey into places I don't want to go. I am afraid, but hopeful that my research will deepen the book and give hope to my readers.
    Back later I hope,

    1. Kathy, I hope you find the direction you want to go with that new story! It does sound difficult but also like a story that needs to be told.

  4. Jan, one thing the Lord has been schooling me in is not praying for myself in public prayer sessions, such as church or Bible study. He has pointed me to people who have far greater problems/issues. That's how we (He and I) keep the writing from becoming TOO important. I pray at home, I pray in the car, I pray on my walk -- but public prayer is about other people.
    The artist formerly known as Kathy Bailey

    1. Good morning, Kaybee!

      You're right about researching your heroine's trauma. You need to know why she thinks/acts the way she does, and in order to do that you need to know enough to be able to tap into her memories of the event.

      And that praying for yourself... God asks us to pray for others and for ourselves. But I understand what you mean about keeping your own prayers private. However, don't be shy about asking a trusted friend to pray for you, too!

  5. Hi Jan, I enjoyed reading your thoughts. As I grow older my goal is to draw closer to God. I want to gain a better understanding of Him through his Word, through prayer and in devotions. I am also reading more fiction and non-fiction that make me grow spiritually. Christian fiction entertains me as it increases my understanding.
    Blessings and congratulations!

    1. Hi Connie!

      Yes, I'm right with you! I've started getting up an hour earlier so I can keep my appointment with God through his Word. It's worth it.

      And Christian fiction is invaluable, isn't it? Teaching in stories can be so powerful in helping us understand big concepts. I love it!

  6. Jan, I love when you wax philosophical because it's so important for all of us to pause... think... consider... pray... and then to do our best to glorify God as the primary purpose!!!

    He's been so good to us. How can we make money or possessions or fame more important than the one who created the world?

    We get silly sometimes so a post like this helps re-ground me, Jan. Thank you!

    1. You're welcome, Ruthy!

      I know I appreciated the time I had last week to do nothing more than think and meditate on these things.

  7. Thought-provoking post, Jan. Our goals are an exercise in trust. We have to lay our desires before God and trust Him to bring those things to fruition no matter how long it may take, OR wait on Him to change us so our desires conform to His will for us. Not always easy, but it helps us grow as Christians and draws us closer to The One who are here to glorify. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Like I tell my Sunday School students - the most important thing is to trust and obey.

  8. I loved this post Jan. I am constantly taking inventory, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.
    You are so right, our ultimate goal is to love Him, glorify Him and enjoy Him forever! That kind of takes the pressure off all my own personal goals, and I like no pressure living!
    Thanks for the reminder to take a breath and let that sink in!

    1. Breathe deep, Tracey!

      Sometimes we try to make our lives so complicated, but it really IS no pressure living. :-)

  9. Goals are a hard thing - or maybe not establishing goals so much as prioritizing them. Waiting is difficult too. But you are right. As long as we seek to glorify God first, the rest of it sort of falls together.

    1. One of my favorite verses in Matthew 6:33 - "Seek ye first..."

      When we seek to glorify God first, like you said, we fall into line with his plan and it all comes together in his way. Love it.

  10. Jan, I LOVE how you delineated between your life purpose and your goals. and I love how your goals fit within your life purpose.

    I've set many goals, and the writing ones are largely yet-to-be-fulfilled. But, God . . . He has taught me and equipped me to grow in my relationship with God and in my influence for His glory on the way to the one-day-hopeful fulfillment of my writing goals. If that makes sense.

    I so appreicate your perspective!

    1. I love that, Jeanne: "But, God..."

      Those are the most wonderful words, aren't they?

      I know your writing journey has been long, but you've shared how much you've learned on that journey. I don't know if God will fulfill all your writing goals, but he has certainly brought you close to him on the way!


  11. Goals are but stepping stones which enable a journey while offtimes prescribing its richness by providing many options -- both the safely well worn and the precariously untraded -- and yet, not a one of them is an island worth inhabiting.

  12. Jan, this is a great post. And great reminder for me as I so often get caught up in doing and worrying over producing work. I need to stop for a moment to think about something higher than/ beyond the work goals.

    1. I'm the same way, Missy. It's so easy to get caught up in looming deadlines, blog posts, and meeting the daily word count goal and forget why I write in the first place!

  13. Ultimately my goal is to serve God wherever He calls or leads. Therefore if I have a busy weekend like this one where I taught 3 classes of preschoolers at church. I spent a lot of Friday, and all of Saturday preparing for the classes and then was so exhausted I didn't get much writing done.

    Today I've been gone all day with a card making class and the dentist most of the afternoon. Hope to do some writing tonight

    With the proper goal and priorities of serving the Lord everything falls into place and I don't have to stress on the minor goals even if they are important. Was it worth it teaching all 3 classes yesterday, To hear the little ones saying their verses and telling you back everything you taught them is such a blessing. Even the little 2 year olds that sit in class and don't say a word but yet go home and tell their parents and grandparents every single word you said plus even sing the songs.

    Besides when I add the children into my story as secondary characters I can picture some of the kids I teach or have taught as that child in the story.

    The Lord is so good

    1. He is good.

      I also love teaching my preschool Sunday School class and serving in the church nursery, and yes! I do use those experiences when I add children to my books!

      I hope tomorrow is a great writing day for you!

  14. Thanks for the words of wisdom. Now that I’m retired, my immediate goals have changed but my longterm goal is to please the Lord and pray for lost loved ones.

    1. You're welcome, Paula. I believe that when we hold the goal of pleasing the Lord first in our list, everything else falls into place.

      Enjoy your retirement!

  15. Such a beautiful heartfelt post, Jan. As you reminded us from God's Word, our goal is to first seek His kingdom and His righteousness. Like yourself and other here, my life isn't defined by what I do or do not accomplish as a writer. May God bless each of us in His own way while we give Him all the glory.

  16. This was absolutely what I needed to hear today. It’s all about God and the journey with Him. Thank you.

  17. I tend to get caught up too often in my work goals or personal goals (health, financial) and focus less on my overall goal to glorify God through church and my family. I think sometimes the short-term goals are just easier to focus on and seem like something I can figuratively "check off" my list as I accomplish them. Does that make sense?

    1. This makes sense to me, Beth. I think I tend to do the same.

    2. That definitely makes sense. But keep in mind that your short-term goals are heading you in the right direction! You're in a super-busy season of life right now, but everything you do in meeting those short-term goals are teaching your children and others around you where your priorities are set. :-)

  18. Goal are different levels that you want to reach.

    1. And they lead you to your ultimate goal! Thanks for stopping by, Kim!

  19. Jan, this is absolutely beautiful.
    I will admit that I've also reflected on my goals recently (although not in a looong car ride!) and keep being reminded of the fact that my number one priority is serving the Lord. I want to do what HE would have me do. Right now I know I'm supposed to be writing--which I love. But if He nudged me into something else also, I would heed that nudging. There are still lots of things I don't know (LOL) but one thing I'm certain of: His ways are always, always best.

    Thank you for sharing this today---it's going to the front of my keeper file.
    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

    1. Hi Patti Jo!

      Sometimes it's hard to tell where the Lord is nudging us, especially if it is to move us out of a comfortable rut. :-) But it pays to listen, doesn't it?

  20. Great post, Jan, and very timely. Besides not meeting my writing goals, I am also not doing well with my fitness and nutrition goals. I was at the gym this afternoon and visited with my personal trainer about this very thing--setting my goals and priorities to decide what I really want to achieve. So it fits into my life completely.

    1. Thank you, Sandy! And best wishes on meeting your goals!

  21. Thank you for this, Jan. Long and good thoughts on that car ride!

    1. They were good thoughts, Erica! And I got some planning done, too, and that's always good. :-)


    Creamers and buffet plates are to the left. :)

    1. There are fresh cinnamon rolls on the buffet, too! Straight from Indiana's Amish Country!

  23. Really great post, Jan. You know I'm in a season of change and am not even sure what my goals are right now! But, you're right that the ultimate purpose must be the same. Beautiful words that I needed to hear.

    Glad you had a great trip!

    1. Thanks, Glynis!

      You are going through some stressful times. Good stress, but still stressful. Keep your eyes on that ultimate goal and everything else will fall into place in His time. :-)

      And watching "Sinking Sand" on Amazon Prime is going to happen one of the evenings this week!

  24. This is a beautiful post, Jan. And so true. When I first started writing, my naive goal was to use my stories to save everyone. Ha! I have gotten much more realistic since high school. I realize most people who read my books will already be Christians. So, my goal now is to show that even though Christians go through struggles just like anyone else, they're still okay and going to come out stronger and better because of their relationship with God. :-) Congrats on your tenth book!

  25. A few weeks ago, the professor who presented the weekly devotion here at work spoke of a saint who lived in the 13th century. The thing she was remembered for was "she led a contemplative life." When I heard that comment, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God was calling me to lead a contemplative life. These last few weeks have been an amazing and scary journey as God has called me to let go of many things that I do and has led me to Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God...". I am not one to be still, but I'm learning. Jan, your post was another confirmation for me that I heard God correctly. Thank you for your openness and willingness to share where you are in this walk.

  26. Thank you. Great reminders. I'm trying to publish that first book and find myself almost obsessed with it. If I do reach that goal I will then probably look and say well now I have to do another and still feel unsatisfied. But, when we put that overall purpose to glorify Him that puts it in perspective. Thanks, again.


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