Saturday, November 24, 2018

Weekend Edition


If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes.  Note our new email address and please send your emails to

Monday:  Jan Drexler shared the delight in the details. Winners of a copy of The Amish Nanny's Sweetheart are Vince and DebH!

Wednesday: Debby Giusti's blog post, "Give Thanks," focused on our thankfulness for all God's blessings. The Seekers provided their own Thanksgiving reflections. The winner of the fourth and final story in Debby's Amish Protectors series, Amish Christmas Secrets, is Melissa Cafin. Congrats, Melissa!

Friday: Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday!

Monday:  Erica Vetsch will be talking about Deadline Euphoria! 

Wednesday:  Laurie Tomlinson will join us with some tips on visual branding!
Friday: Prelude to Advent

Ruthy is crazy excited to chat about TWO THINGS. Wait... Make that THREE!

First, there's this: We are having a week-long CHRISTMAS NOVELLA celebration over at Petticoats & Pistols... Mary and Winnie and I are all there and it's Christmas Novella week for the Western-writin' ladies! I'm there on Wednesday, the 28th and we are giving away gift cards to kick off your Christmas shopping... and I'm celebrating these two offerings! My historical trilogy "Christmas on the Frontier" for $2.99 for Kindle and $7.99 for paperback at Amazon.  LINK HERE

And then there's "A Cowboy Christmas", my contemporary Western duo with Linda Goodnight! LINK HERE

And the third thing? Harlequin is featuring a FREE READ starting December 3rd, written by Ruthy! "The Cowboy's Christmas Surprise" is a beautiful serial done over twenty days of Christmas fun... and you get a chapter a day! More next week!

Erica Vetsch's The Trail Boss's Bride is on sale for just $0.99!

Steve Ketchum loves being a trail boss, almost as much as he hates river crossings. But it’s part of the job. As is moving an abandoned wagon out of the ford. But when he goes to haul it away, he’s stunned to see what’s inside.

Kitty Fareholm's good-for-nothing husband picked a lousy time to die. How could he leave her stranded, birthing a baby in the middle of nowhere? She'd prayed for help to come, but did God honestly think a trail-worn cowboy was what she needed? What’s more, Steve’s trail crew is dead-set against having a woman join their camp. He promises the men he’ll leave her at the nearest town...but Kitty just might have other plans.

You can get your copy at:

Prizes and fun on an early Christmastime--next week!

Are you a fan of Jocelyn Green, Mary Connealy Tracie Peterson @beccawhithan, Jaimie Jo Wright or Kimberley Woodhouse ? We'd love to have you be a part of our giveaway! Just follow us on BookBub for plenty of chances to enter and then you can tweet or post on social media about the giveaway for another entry.
The prize is a $150 gift card! Just in time for Christmas!!

Thanksgiving Giveaway on Just Commonly blog, Facebook & Instagram

Click to buy on sale! $1.99

How to Write Flawed Characters & Antiheroes That Provoke Empathy by David Corbett at Writer's Digest.

It's That Time of Year Again-Strategic Planning For Authors by CS Lakin at Live Write Thrive

How Many Viewpoint Characters In Your Novel? by Randy Ingermanson at Advanced Fiction Writing

Get More Done As A Writer by Sarra Cannon at Heart Breathings


  1. Congratulations to our winners... and a Happy holiday weekend to all of you! I'm sneaking in my writing time in the dark wee smalls, but the rest of the days are spent baking with cute kids... enjoying family... and thanking God for all the simple goodness of life. Sending holiday blessings your way, and wait until you see what's in store for Advent... A season of anticipation for sure!

  2. The Thanksgiving celebration continues as many of us gather with family this weekend. Enjoy every moment!

    Prayers for all those in the path of Bruce, which sounds like a massive snow storm. Stay safe and warm!

    Congrats to the winners this week!

    Did anyone shop 'til they dropped on Black Friday? I did. Came home with lots of good buys for the little ones!

    Waving to Ruthy who is always our early bird! :)

    Thanksgiving weekend hugs to all!

    1. I shopped on my computer. :) You were brave, Debby!

    2. I bought one present but otherwise shopped for myself. Got some good buys on clothes.

  3. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and may still be enjoying time with family. Our kids are all here today!

  4. Happy Weekend to all. We are going to spend much of the day decorating for Christmas. Yesterday we put up the outside lights and my son put up the tree in the family room and put the lights on while I was at work last night. He also put lights around the patio door. It looked very festive when I came home.

    1. How lovely, Sandy. You're way ahead of me on Christmas! :)

  5. Happy weekend, everyone! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break. Our week was busy, but I am hoping for a few days of rest before Christmas preparations demand my time and attention.

    I don't get to comment here as much as I used to, but Seekerville is such a blessing to me! I just want to say thank you to you Seeker Ladies and the community here for being so encouraging. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    1. So wonderful seeing your comment, Jeanne! You're always in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs!

  6. Happy Weekend! And congratulations to the winners!

    I'm working in a retail setting for the first time in almost 40 years, so I spent Black Friday and will spend today working. Crazy times, and so much fun! :-)

  7. You're spreading joy, Jan. Bless you!

  8. "Deadline Euphoria"

    Isn't that an oxymoron? I'll have to tune in early Monday and discover the twist. What is next, "acceptance dejection"? What fun!

    I feel like Christmas came early with winning Jan's, "The Amish Nanny's Sweetheart." Thanks!

    And getting Erica's "The Trail Boss's Bride" for .99 cents is also a joy! I just loved those old cowboy cattle trail tv shows. Rowdy is now an old man but still on the silver screen.

    Hope everyone had a rewarding Thanksgiving!



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