Thursday, December 13, 2018

Sandra Leesmith Celebrates Christmas With Us!

Hello Seekerville,

How fun to join you again today.  I was just up to the North Pole and got caught in a whirlwind of activity with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Guess what Mrs. Claus wants to do now?

Write a novel.

My, my, they took advantage of my visit and picked my brain.

Now you might be asking what I was doing up at the North Pole and you might also be asking why Mrs. Claus has the sudden urge to write a novel.

Well it turns out both are for the same reason. We both have had a lot of changes in our lives and the old traditions we had for Christmas just won’t be happening any more. In my case, family and friends have moved on to celebrate with the Lord and so we won’t be traveling to California to their house as usual and won’t have the big family get-together, bicycle rides on the beach or the homemade tomales.

In Mrs. Claus life, she has all this time on her hands because their children are taking over most of the jobs she used to do. She is delighted with this change because it gives her time to pursue a dream she has apparently harbored in her heart for years.

Santa advised both of us to find a new tradition to replace the old. How fun is that?  And you know how the Lord places us in positions to help each other. So that is how I came to be around to help Mrs. Claus. I’d never been to the North Pole and thought it would be a perfect destination for the holidays.

Mrs. Claus has never written a novel before so we had to start at the beginning.  Placing my finger on my chin, I thought back to that lovely visit. I asked her what kind of books she loves to read because that is the genre you would be best at writing.

“Romance novels,” she replied.

“Great,” I responded, excitement bouncing around in my heart,  “I happen to have a lot of experience in that genre and I know a great place to get help.”

“Where is that?”

“Seekerville .”  And I told her all about the wonderful support and writing tips that abound on this marvelous blog.

 Mrs. Claus wrote down all the contact information and smiled, “I’m ready. So what do I need to know?”

“The elements of story to start with,” I settled into the big wing back chair and tucked the down comforter around my legs. “A romance involves a heroin and hero who fall in love, but there are conflicts that prevent them from doing so. The story shows how they resolve those conflicts so that they can live happily ever after.”

“I have a heroine for sure and I think my hero might take after Mr. Claus a wee bit.”

“That’s perfectly normal to use people we know as character models.”

“I’d be careful not to make it obvious,” Mrs. Clause twirled a strand of her white hair around her finger.

“There is a problem with using characters we know and love.” I chewed on the end of my pen. “There has to be conflict. We need to be mean to those characters and make their life rough.”

Lines creased across Mrs. Claus’s brow. “I can’t be mean.”

I straightened and pointed my finger. “Exactly. That is why its best to make up your character. Because my dear, you will have to write in problems that will make it seem its impossible for the hero and heroine to ever get together. Read some of the Seeker novels. They are very good at doing that. Their characters get into some real pickles sometimes.”

Santa danced around the Christmas tree. “You don’t do so badly yourself on that score, Miss Sandra. Tell her about poor Danny on the isolated and primitive island in the San Juan Straights. The city guy had to be taught how to dig for clams, collect oysters off the rocks and….”

“Yes, the heroine of LOVE’S REFUGE, who had escaped to the island because of the trauma she’d faced in an attack from gangs in the city.” I smiled, happy Santa thought to use an example from one of my books.

“I get it,” Mrs. Claus straightened, “She’s a country girl and he’s a city boy.”

“Oh yes, but its much more complicated than that. He works with youth trying to get  out of gangs.”

Santa turned and winked. “The novel was quite humorous during their trials on the island, but when Skye found out about his work, it put her to the test.”

“And that’s another thing you need to keep in mind.” I tapped her notepad. “The hero and heroine need to grow and overcome their flaws.”

Mrs. Claus scribbled more notes onto her notepad.

“The other element you need for story is a setting. And it helps to make it intricate to the conflicts within the plot.” I readjusted the comforter before it slipped to the floor.

“In LOVE’S PROMISES, the setting played a key role.” Santa stepped back, admiring his handiwork. “The heroine wanted to build her famous father’s last house at Lake Tahoe, but the hero worked for the agency that prevented her from doing so.”

“I get it.” Mrs. Clause grabbed Santa’s elbow and spun around in a delightful dance.

Snatching up the notepad that had dropped on the floor, I quickly scrawled a list.

1.      Strong characters
2.      Setting
3.      Conflict
4.      Growth of characters in resolution of the conflict.

Mrs. Claus clapped her hands before grasping the notepad. “This is wonderful. I’m ready to write.”

“You have a start, but I advise you to get online and follow Seekerville. Each post is stock full of helpful tips and useful information.”

“Thank you so much.” Mrs. Claus hugged me tight.

I smiled, thankful I had made the journey even though it was freezing out.

And hey, since autographed books make terrific Christmas gifts, I will pick two winners for my latest book "Love's Healing."

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Sandra Leesmith is retired now, but she used to write sweet romances to warm the heart. Sandra loves to play pickleball, hike, read, bicycle and write. She is based in Arizona, but she and her husband travel throughout the United States in their motorhome and enjoy the outdoors. Sandra’s books are still available and three of her most popular books are audio books. You can find all of Sandra’s books and audio books on Amazon.


  1. Sandra! Welcome home, dear friend! This was such a fun post to receive... I can actually see you chatting it up with the Claus family, offering words of wisdom.


    Please say yes, and say you brought some. I am so into Christmas cookies today!

    I had to wrestle Rafflecopter again, but I emerged victorious!

    Sandra, thank you for spending some of your Advent time with us in Seekerville... and I'm so glad you're enjoying retirement. Life comes with lots of turns and blessings, doesn't it?

    1. Hi Ruthy and thank you so much for inviting me back to Seekerville. It is wonderful to hear from all of you again. And YES, of course Mrs. Claus had cookies. Although Santa whispered in my ear that some of the best cookies he's ever eaten were at your place. He always planned it so that he would be at your house around break time. smile

      And yes, life is always full of twists and turns but our Lord assures us that He has overcome and things really do work out for the best.

    2. Amen to all that and ... I will say... that there has scarce been a CRUMB left on my cookie plate once the old dear stops by! I'm so glad he enjoys them. I'm pretty sure my double chocolate chip M&M cookies are a big fave with him and the Mrs.

      You must have had a great visit! And those twists and turns... I don't know where I'd be without faith to make them doable... and to give us the gift of humor through them. Life... well, it's life, isn't it?

    3. And, dork, you are welcome ANYTIME!!!! (Wait. Did I just call you a dork? In PUBLIC????) Retiring doesn't mean disappearing... it just means retiring, my friend!

    4. Yes, Dork is a good word. I popped in the other day to be sure I remembered how to do this. LOL and it felt so good. I have to say though that since retiring the time management has flown out the window. I used to be so good at it.

      Santa also mentioned your snickerdoodles which are my favorite also.

    5. Ruthy, I totally get it, I am CRAVING Christmas cookies! An iced sugar cookie or a gingerbread man would go down well about now. And it isn't even 9 a.m. my time.

    6. I made some with Finn and Lena yesterday. They're little and it takes them a while.... and Lena might have eaten A LOT OF COOKIE DOUGH and possibly licked her frosting knife many times.

      Those cookies got sent home with Beth! :) The non-Lena ones stayed here. I had such a craving!

  2. Welcome back "home," Sandra! I LOVE your visit to the North Pole with the Claus couple and your tips for the Missus who wants to write a romance novel. :)

    Holiday hugs being sent your way -- and looking forward to seeing you sometime in 2019!!

  3. Hi Glynna, Well I should have asked you what to wear in the snow. Being a desert dweller and one who always RV's to pleasant climates, the chill was brisk. But Mrs. Claus did have that lovely comforter to pull over my lap.

    Love being back here with you all.

  4. Hi Sandra!

    So great to see and hear from you! The North Pole! What an exciting place to visit, especially at this time of year! ;)

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Hi Rose, Good to see you. I'm sure you're used to that snow also. smile But it was gorgeous as long as I didn't have to scrape ice off the windshield. I just waited till it warmed up and Santa gave me a ride in the sleigh.

      How's the writing going? Any books out for Christmas presents?

  5. Sandra, so good to hear from you and sounds like you are enjoying your retirement.
    Merry Christmas!
    Kathy Bailey

    1. Hi Kathy, Good to see you again. I am enjoying retirement. Hubby says his main job is that he is in charge of fun and he is very good at it. smile. We have been so blessed.
      Marry Christmas to you and hope your writing is going well.

  6. Welcome Back Sandra. I loved your post

    You need to visit more often.

    Have a Merry Christmas

    1. Hi Wilani, You are so right. I really do need to visit. Being back here feels so good and right. I miss all of you lovely folks. Happy writing and enjoy this blessed season.

  7. Good morning Sandra -) I have to say, my favorite part of any story is the journey the hero and heroine take to get their (sometimes) hard won happily-ever-after! The more they have to overcome, the more I enjoy it. And yeah, I don't like it when authors are mean to the characters, but in order to have the character growth I so love, it is necessary. None or very little character growth, and I certainly don't enjoy the story. I have read a few of those, thankfully not too many. I put the book down and moved on to the next one.

    Funny that Mrs. Claus wants to write a novel! So glad you were there to guide her in the right path, and point her to Seekerville ;-)

    Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas! May the Lords light shine brighter in your hearts as we ready ourselves to celebrate the birth of Christ.

    P.S. Please toss my name in the Santa hat for a chance to win your book, thanks so much!

    1. Hi Trixi, So good to hear from you again. I really have missed all of you. And yes, we can be mean to those characters. But that is the way of life isn't it? You are in the santa hat for the drawing. And thank you for the wonderful blessing. May His light shine in your heart and home as well.

  8. Hello Sandra! I enjoyed your post! Have a blessed Christmas!

    1. Hi Caryl, How is your writing coming along? You have a blessed Christmas also. I really love this time of year. It is so much fun. I love the lights, the happy smiles on peoples faces, the Christmas music. It just makes my heart sing.

  9. Hi Sandra:

    Write what you know.

    Christmas romances are a subgenre.

    I'd advise Mrs C. to write an autobiographical docudrama romance with the added bonus of having the longest running HEA in history.

    Of course, there is a problem of location. I don't think Mrs. C. wanted to live there away from her family and friends. (Very hard to run home to mama.) The view is not much in all directions. And the nights are months long. I don't think there would be a problem with providing conflict in her romance however. But how did she resolve that conflict?

    It's just a natural story with a huge international installed base of interested readers. Since you know her I think you might well write her and Santa's romance if she does not want to do it.

    BTW: Did you learn her first name? I think it might be Sandra. Mrs. Sandra Santa Claus. It has a nice ring to it. :)

    Merry Christmas,


    P.S. your audio books are some of the best I've heard and they would make great 'hands-free' Christmas gifts!

    1. Oh Vince, how I've missed you and thought of you often. You've always been one who has said the right words just when I needed to hear them. And Sandra Santa? Sounds strange, but I sure wouldn't mind the role. I love giving away gifts. In fact I've probably given more of my books away than sold them LOL A salesperson I am not. So I don't miss that part of the writing. But stories still churn around in the ole noggin.

      I never thought about the fact that The Claus's do have a long, long HEA. I'm sure their conflicts were doozies. Well, I can still chat with them and see if they'll clue me into their story.

      Thanks for the mention of the audio books. The narrator I had was wonderful. I really liked how she handled the characters.

      And yes, audiobooks, and Seeker novels make great Christmas gifts.

      Great to talk to you again. Have a wonderful and blessed holiday. Hugs to you and Linda.

  10. Great post and in reference to Vince's suggestion of Sandra: Here in Kenya we often say Santy Claus instead of Santa so Sandy Claus would work just fine! Merry Christmas!

    1. No, I'm not in Kenya but Smarty Auto-correct thinks I am. I am Connie from Kentucky!

    2. That is soooo funny. I thought "Wow, she's on the move," Don't you just love the auto-correct. My sister called me one day all concerned because I had emailed her and was in a hurry and didn't check it. It came out all garbled and she thought I was heading smack into dementia. Too funny.

    3. I think that is great that you have Santy Claus. Guess I'd be ok then. Hope you have a great Christmas in Kentucky and not Kenya. LOL

    4. I'm from Kentucky, and I've heard it said Santy Claus! :)

    5. I laughed when I saw Kenya because I've mailed you things... and nothing went to Kenya. OH>>> AUTO CORRECT!!!!!!

  11. Sandra, we’re so glad to have you back with us today! And what fun! Haha I love your playful take on teaching writing. :)

    1. Hi Missy, You know, I have taught so many to write and so many I have taught have become really successful writers. And I was a teacher. So I guess my calling transferred over to my writing. I think God has such a sense of humor. Because I never did want to be a teacher and here I am always teaching. Now I'm the guru of elder care. And pickleball. Many I've taught have become medal winners. So funny. I love it.

      And it really has been fun to be back. Love all of you and miss you also. You are in my prayers every day though and that is the truth.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. It was super great being with all of you today. I think I'll go find Mrs. Claus and round up some more cookies. A hot cup of tea would hit the spot on this chilly winter night.

    Have a wonderful holiday season. Please be safe, warm and smile. We are celebrating a wonderful birth.

    Best wishes in all your writing endeavors and have a productive and prosperous new year. Love and hugs

    1. Sandra, enjoy that cup of tea! I think I need a little something sweet right now myself. :)

      Thanks again for being with us!

  14. Love this post! Thanks for the fun story...recapping the essentials of storytelling with a fun holiday twist. (Lee-Ann B)

    1. Hi Lee-Ann! I expect Sandra will check back this morning, but I laughed at this, too.... Sandra has a way about her!

    2. Well writers do have fun don't they. LOL. We can make up all kinds of fun stuff.

  15. This post is so fun! I guess Santa has more time to read with the kids taking over, huh? Love that mental image!

    1. Good morning, Amy!!!! The passing of the torch, LOL!

    2. I do too. I can just imagine all his children thinking they have a better way to do it also. LOL

  16. SANDRA!!! I'm SO sorry I'm late to the party, but OH MY, what a WONDERFUL blog, my friend -- I laughed out loud on the first two paragraphs, and the smile stayed all the way through. Such a creative and fun way to teach a great lesson!!

    And, HOLY COW -- you have a new book out??!! How come I didn't know this? I am going to Amazon right now to sign up on your author page and to BookBub to do the same so I don't miss anymore of your books. I did try to find it on Amazon, but couldn't, so could you send me the link?

    Sooooooooo thrilled you are still writing, my friend. I knew you'd laid it aside for a season, so I'm glad you're back in the saddle again!

    Love you!

    1. HI Julie, Sorry I missed you also. I've been on the road today. Left the North Pole and just got home. Much warmer. I must say. LOL. That was my last book and it came out last December. Hope you like it. The free book Holiday Homecoming is a prequel.

  17. What a fun visit, for YOU and US too!
    Glad you had a great time with Mrs. C...

    Understand about changes and such. We are experiencing this as well.

    Blessings to you and Merry CHRISTmas, Seekerville!

  18. Happy is the man whose woman loves to read, for he will ever give her books for every birthday and Christmas!


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