Monday, March 4, 2019

It's Release Week for THE UNEXPECTED CHAMPION!!!--A Giveaway!!

It's new release time!!!
The Unexpected Champion releases TOMORROW!!!

Frontierwoman Penny Scott and a Pinkerton Agent from Philadelphia John McCall are kidnapped and taken on a twisting turning ride, deep into the wilderness. He's unconscious. She's blindfolded and under a tarp. They manage to escape but running for their lives takes them over a cliff, down a river and finally into a violent rainstorm.
They are so lost.
When Penny manages to drag them both out of the wilderness a week later, they find the whole state of Nevada searching for Penny and her kidnapper...John.
Now a fire-and-brimstone breathing sheriff--goaded by his fervently scandalized wife (a man and a woman, alone together, for DAYS!!! And not even ashamed??? And right in front of the woman's seven children???) Either John's a kidnapper and needs to be hanged on the spot...or there needs to be a wedding.
A week spent with the city boy about drove Penny mad. Now she's supposed to spend a LIFETIME WITH HIM??? After enough hesitation to seriously annoy John, Penny agrees to the wedding.
John's not sure where that law about a hanging or a wedding is in the Nevada state constitution or the Bible. But right now the sheriff's got a gun and a noose and John's got to marry a woman in leather britches.
They were taken by a shadowy figure looking for evidence they don't have and he's still coming. Only by the time John and Penny are done, he's going to wish he'd've never started this whole thing.

They must bring a powerful, ruthless man to justice, even as this city man and country woman fight a very inconvenient attraction to each other.
Here is a picture of the new set of twins!

I've been trying to help out a LOT and man oh man is there ever a reason why young people have babies. I get TIRED!

My 90-year-old mom fell and broke her arm. 
She's healing but everything is complicated when you're 90.

AND a Cover Reveal Time
Coming in October, book #1 of
Brides of Hope Mountain Series
Tell me what's going on in your life right now.
And what (if any of it) makes it hard to write.
And how you keep going.
Leave a comment to get your name in a drawing for a signed copy of


  1. I love your books, Never disappointed! I don’t know how you keep coming up with the ideas for your story’s but keep them coming!!

    1. I'm not sure how either, Hannah. I hope I never need to give it any thought.
      But not giving it any thought is probably sort of WRONG!!!

  2. Can't wait to dive into this story, Mary! And the cover for Aiming for Love is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!

    1. Isn't that a great cover, Beth?
      I was delighted with it!

  3. So much going on for you, Mary. I just keep busy working two jobs and trying to keep up with all the daily chores and other household projects. I need to really be disciplined in my time management.

  4. Love it! The synopsis is intriguing! Can’t wait to read it!

    1. It's NOT the same blurb as on Amazon. I've been playing with it. Tweaking it for fun so I don't just post the same old thing over and over.

    2. Mary:

      I read both the Amazon blurb and your version. Their blurb is like technical writing…as more an objective summary of the book. Yours is like a movie coming attraction with a series of action scenes that will make the viewer want to see the whole movie.

      Coming attractions don't try to summarize the movie. They strive to show some of the most exciting scenes to make you want to buy a ticket.

      You may be a natural copywriter.

  5. Mary, this post is full of great things. A new release, babies, both two and four-legged, your mom and a cool cover. You go, girl!

    1. We had a new baby calf this morning, Mindy. ONE BELOW ZERO! Poor little thing. It seems to be fine though.

    2. And here I feel bad for the ones born here when it's in the 30s. I hope your cowboy gave that little one a blanket. ;)

  6. My current time-eater is helping with a massive high school robotics competition, doing administrative details behind the scenes, including sending (and resending) hundreds of e-invitations. The actual event begins this later week, where I will drive 3.5 hours to assist the judges' adviser for three days (sans pay). And as much of my life as the event takes up right now, I am a mediocre volunteer next to a lot of the others, who work on it for months out of the year instead of merely two. Unpaid.

    Really looking forward to your book! (And the time to read it!)

    1. Rachael, do you understand robotics? Those things seem so interesting and so far beyond me.
      I wish I could get my Lego obsessed grandson into something like this. I think he'd love it.

  7. Hi Mary! I love both your covers and the blurb is the perfect MOC - although with seven children along for the ride, how much hanky-panky could they really get into, lol? Please put me into the draw as I adore MOC books. And right now what's holding up my writing time is judging RITA books - it's a huge time commitment but every author deserves a fair shot when they enter a contest so I'm giving it my best time and effort, first thing in the a.m. when I'm freshest. I love seeing your "cow baby" photos - they are so adorable, although not as adorable as the grandbaby, of course! Thank you for being inspiring for those of us, like you, in this "sandwich" generation between our children and our parents who often have to take care of both of them.

    1. I am definitely sandwich filling, Laurie. IN fact, I'm nothing but a big old TURKEY!!!

  8. I love the covers of both books! AND all the babies!

    The Unexpected Champion is at the TOP of my TBR pile right now, and I can't wait to read it. But I know that I need to create a block of time to read a Mary Connealy book. I can't put them down. :-)

    What's stealing my time away from writing? Right now, nothing other than my own procrastination. I can't blame anyone else. So I had better get to it!

    1. I can make excuses to procrastinate for EVER!!!

  9. Hi Mary:

    First off, I believe that baby picture would be bought up by "Woman's World" in a minute. That's one of the cutest baby pictures I've seen in WW in many years! It would also let the baby, a future writer I expect, to claim to have been published in WW at a very early age.

    Next, I just really loved the cover of "Aiming for Love". At first glance I thought it was a Louis L'Amour 'Sackett' cover. That girl would make a nice wife for a Sackett!

    BTW: I should be able to tell her tribe by the feathers on the arrows but I just can't make it out. Could you tell us the tribe?

    Right now, in my life, I am collecting specialists like a bird watcher collects birds. I almost got them all. Two new ones this month! Also in my writing life I am working on a book of essays about the wisdom of aging marketed to compete with Seneca the Younger and Cicero (old chickpea himself).

    Please put me in the drawing.


    1. Hi Vince. You're in the drawing!
      I mention NO TRIBE in Aiming for Love. I do mention that this girl learned most of what she knows from her grandpa, a mountain man who lived with an Indian tribe for a time.

      No specific tribe. But part of the book is how cut off this girl is, and her sisters, living alone from a young age on a mountaintop.
      So her not knowing the tribe name makes sense for her character, her family never talked much about life off the mountain except it was DANGEROUS AND THEY MUST NOT GO DOWN.

  10. Congrats in all areas, Mary! But that baby takes the cake. So adorable. Be still my heart.

    The calves are cute too! So are you, hubby and Mama!

    I'm eager to start THE ACCIDENTAL CHAMPION! Your books always please!

    1. LOL it's The Unexpected Champion.
      I do this all the time. It's the Accidental Guardian, the Reluctant Warrior and the Unexpected Champion.

      I say the Reluctant Guardian ALL THE TIME!

      Also Champion turns out to be a doozy to spell. I typo it all the time!

    2. Mary and Debby:

      That's funny and it can be easy to get similar titles wrong. I've been having a problem with the spell checker and Ruth's "A Most Inconvenient Love" which I seem to misspell and which the spell checker corrects to: "A Most Incontinent Love". This has happened several times so far but I think I have caught them all before they were posted. I hope.

    3. Thanks for the correction, Mary! Don't know how I messed up your title. So sorry! In my last series, I had Amish Refuge and Amish Rescue. Seems those titles were too close for comfort, according to most readers. Live and learn!

      Vince, I'm laughing at Ruthy's incontinent title. Too funny!

  11. Mary, this hit home today. I need to manage my time much better. I was supposed to start working on my galleys at 9 a.m., and got to them at 11. I don't have grandchildren or aging parents, wish I did, those are the BEST reasons for not getting things done. I'd rather have my mom or dad back and struggle for more writing time. What does rob me from writing time? The day job, which has its own ebbs and flows and crises; my husband working nights and sleeping days. It was a blessing when we were raising children, we didn't have to pay a sitter, but now it's just us and when he can't sleep he likes to talk. Also, I have to conduct most of the family business because most places are open when he sleeps. He's really supportive of my writing, but I have to work it around him. I also have an emotionally handicapped daughter. She lives on her own, but takes some of my time. Again, willingly given. As Frankie Heck used to say, "You do for family."
    So I cut back in other areas. Haven't taken on any new church ministries in recent years, time for the younger people to take over. There's a group of older Ladies Who Lunch and I've managed to fend them off. I will go out to lunch if it's for ministry, but not just to socialize.
    My One Word for this year is "Unafraid," and my backup word is "no." I've got to say it more often.
    That said, I did manage to get about 90 percent of the galleys read this morning, which is why I'm late to Seekerville. It's the book you like, Mare!
    I think we have to readjust and rework time according to the different stages of our lives. What Ever Works. If there are distractions at home, I'm free to go to a coffee shop or library.
    Thanks for a great post, may stop back later.
    Kathy Bailey
    "Kaybee" to the world
    Making it work in New Hampshire

    1. Kathy, gallies? It sounds like it is close to published!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Wow, Mary! I thought I was busy, but you might have me beat.
    I chase two children everyday, but they pay in hugs and kisses. It's also my quarter to teach second graders in Sunday school. And my husband and I are helping with Lads to Leaders this year, which occurs over Easter weekend. And I have at least two sewing projects and two painting projects. And we're in final edits for my book that comes out next month. And I am editing a couple more just to stay on top of things. But all I really want is some warm weather so I can work in the yard!

    1. You know, I am busy but I get downtime. Today for example.
      It seems like I end up running so much, but I get quiet days, too. I need to remember that and enjoy it.

  13. You are always one busy lady it seems but there's a smile on your face in each of your photos. :) Having four kids under 7 makes it a challenge to find time to write - nap time or bed time is best, but sometimes my need for sleep trumps writing. :( What's going on? Knots in my stomach! LOL I received a full manuscript request from a blitz I entered a year ago and it's currently somewhere in an editor's desktop waiting to be read. I'd nearly given up on getting a request and was madly editing my second novel to enter the Love Inspired Author search when the request came in. So - all in God's timing. God is a good, good Father!

    1. Lee-Ann, good luck with the manuscript!!!!!
      Four kids under age 7. Wow, I didn't even READ a book for about ten years, let alone write one. And I have four under TEN years old. It's a hectic but wonderful time when you've got little ones.

  14. Mary, congratulations on another release!! I love all these photos. Lots to keep up with but such a rich life with your family!

    1., that is so much nicer of a word than INSANE!!!

  15. Lovely catching up with you, Mary -- and discovering an awesome new series is in our future! Fantastic cover --- would it be terrible of me to wish autumn here faster? Yes, terrible, because we don't even have a hint of spring yet. To everything there is a season, including book releases by favourite authors. Crazy snow and ice filled days has been keeping me busy this winter. If I'm not shoveling it I'm trying to figure out how to navigate through it. And reading...reading always keeps me busy. Yay!

    1. Kav, I am so over WINTER. I can't even handle autumn talk!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Lovely covers on both books, Mary. Congratulations on the new release. You're one busy lady. I really don't know how you do all that you do. And that grandbaby is adorable. I volunteered to help with toddlers in the church nursery and with MOP's. I wondered if I was up to it since childrearing years are so far
    behind me. I'm enjoying it and hope my kids will give me grandkids someday. Marketing and trying to promote my debut novel has kept me from writing since autumn. So much to be done.

    1. Pat marketing a book can be as much work as writing it!!! (and for me well, it's not my comfort zone!)

  17. I'm not a writer, but life events do get in the way of my to-do list. With my family's recent illnesses and the crazy stuff going on at work, it seems like I live for the weekends.

  18. Congratulations on ALL THE THINGS! Woohoo! I am so happy for you!

    1. Thanks, sweetie! See you in April...….and May!!!!

  19. Yay! Congratulations on your new book! And your new cover looks so intriguing! You are one busy lady!! I've been loving your calf updates, and what a cute human baby! Yes, they can wear us out, but what fun!

    1. It's a good way to be tired isn't it, bouncing a sweet (if occasionally FUSSY baby!)

  20. Already added to my reading list. Looks fabulous.

  21. Cute grandbaby and love seeing the calves.

  22. You have a lot going on in your life, Mary. I love the pic of your grandbaby. SO adorable! I've come through a season of crazy-busy-ness with kids and parents. And hubs traveling oveseas for a couple weeks at a time.

    I'm working on re-establishing a productive writing habit...saying no to some activities and restricting other activities to open up more time for writing. I'm just going to say it, doing this with teen boys under the roof makes carving out writing time a bit of a challenge. But I wouldn't trade it.

    Oh, and I'm gearing up to go on a school trip to Europe with my youngest. We leave later this month. I'm hoping maybe God will give me a story idea or two while we are there. :)

    1. Jeanne, I'm so good at saying NO that I'm kind of ashamed of myself. To the extent a hermit can feel shame.

      I dont' mean no to my daughter and new granddaughter and my mom. But everything else.

      I really ought to go say yes to something. :(

  23. Woohoo! Congrats on another release! And the one coming out in the a gorgeous cover. I'm intrigued by the arrows. ;)

    Things that have kept me from writing lately...preparing for our church Ladies Day conference, editing my recently finished manuscript, proofing the galley for my debut book releasing in May, and the high energy of my 6 month old puppy.

    1. Sherrinda that sounds like you've got a LOT going on!!! And I count editing as writing....mostly.

  24. I am so excited about this book... and the next one! HAPPY DANCING!!!!

    I love seeing the cows, I love that your mom is doing better, she's the cutest thing, and that baby is SO STINKIN' ADORABLE!!!!

    I'm loving the long winter of writing time. You know that when spring does come, many things will be expected of me so I'm storing up words now!!!! Like in a SAFE!!!! :)

    Mary, super congratulations on your life and your continued success. I am so proud of you!!!!

    1. Aw, Ruthy, you are so PERKY!!!

      I am so over WINTER!!!!

  25. Hi Mary, I posted a comment yesterday but it seems to be wondering out there in the Comment waiting place! Congratulations for all of your babies, both human and print. Happy Release Day!

  26. I'm sorry I'm a day late. I did not receive the e-mail until today. Congratulations on the new book and I love the cover on the upcoming series. (rayorr (at) bellsouth (dot) net)

  27. Congrats on the new release, Mary! Can't wait to read it. Love the new cover too. I'm in the midst of working on the third book in my series and got a good kick in the pants from the Good Lord on Sunday.
    Happy Writing!

  28. Congrats on your new book release! I love the premise for The Unexpected Champion. I can't wait to read it! And the Aiming for Love book cover is lovely. Thanks for the giveaway!

  29. I am reading lots of books for review. I try to do them justice when I write my review but it is hard to vary my words. There are so many good ones out there now!
    Wish I could see my grand babies. My daughter and her 4 are moving due to her hubby’s new job.
    My oldest grandson had a baby yesterday! I’m too young to be a great grandma!

  30. Mary, what a beautiful baby. We met our son's family at Disney World and we had a blast, but on the way home we were exhausted. But if they ask us again, we'll say yes again! Congratulations on The Unexpected Champion! I'm so excited for you!

  31. Congrats on your new book! I spoke last night at the Christian Authors Guild on Time Management. I am on the planning committee for a writers conference in October sponsored by the writing group I belong to. Trying to find really inexpensive (read "free") ways to market my book.Squeeze writing in there too! Does life ever slow down?

  32. Hello! I am buzy downsizing my house, going to church events, reading, going to the ymca andvenjoying family. Thank you

  33. Congratulations on all the wonderful blessings in your life. I’ve been busy cleaning closets, drawers, etc getting ready for spring. I had two pretty days that I went out and raked and burnt leaves. Have a blessed day.

  34. What an exciting adventure! I would like to rad this to see if they get married and how it ends. Vivian Furbay jtandviv (at) q (dot) com


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