Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Acceptance: An Often Unappreciated Skill

By pesky blogger and amazingly happy inspirational author Ruth Logan Herne

(Who happens to have a brand new mystery out right now!!!! Book 25, the final book of the Mysteries of Martha's Vineyard series, oh my stars, I am so happy right now!)

I try to be very accepting of people.

(Stop choking.... that is not a nice reaction)

That doesn't mean I always like what they do, or approve of it, but by the right of adulthood and the grace of a free nation, they get to make their own choices and mistakes, just like me. I used to be more critical and then I had one of those FLASH!!!! moments of insight when I realized I was just being a jerk, so I stopped that. Because it's really not pleasant to be a jerk. To them, or you.

So I've improved on that scale. That's good, right? Not perfect, but I figure "Let it be... Let it be..." very Paul McCartney friendly of me.

But then it comes to the whole "God's will be done" thing and the "God's timing" and oh, yes...

"God's got this".

Some might call it lack of patience.

I will argue that point and say I have a lot of patience, but I want total world-domination-type control and I want to make things happen now. Like right now. Like ten minutes ago, right now, and why doesn't the world see that it should happen that way when I can see it so clearly?

So it's not about patience.

It's acceptance and I have a problem with that.

I am the epitome of the "New York Minute" and I don't think it's because I'm from New York. I think I just have frenetic energy and I don't understand the laid-back choices of folks who say one thing... then do another.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

This is huge for writers. I saw a stat that said that over 85% of RWA members will never write a book.


But they love writing.

(Excuse me while I put my puzzled face on....)

They love the "social aspects of writing".

And then there are folks who look at this amazingly wonderful career and treat it like a job.


(Ruthy sighs and waits for the drama queens and kings to calm down, and this is where the acceptance comes in...)

There is nothing wrong with loving your job. Let that sink in, darlings.

It is okay to love your work. It is okay to excel at your craft. It's okay to put in time every day and keep trudging ahead because if you're willing to do that... and if you have a modicum of talent... you can build your own success. And if you're not willing, that's okay, too... but don't get in the way of those who are willing to do the job.

Lots of folks fear success. They fear the work or the rejection or the time invested or the changes that must, must, must be made if you're going to make it in the traditionally published world.

They fear people who are going to remind them to pull up their big girl (or boy) panties and get on with it.

They fear failure.



Failure's just another word for "Keep trying. You're not quite there yet."

Failure's no big deal.


Now there's a big deal. That's a huge deal. Like ridiculously huge.

And that's where the acceptance comes in as far as writing goes. I have to accept a bunch of things I hate. I hate that I have two young friends, parents of young children, and they are both fighting cancer and working to stay alive until a cure is found... I hate that I know people whose beautiful baby didn't survive the birth process.... I hate that I have to watch people I love suffer with dementia and watch them become someone else as the disease wins the battle for their brain.

But for writing, acceptance means I can accept that not every publisher, editor, agent, reader or author is going to love my work.

Big deal.  And I don't mean that disrespectfully, it's just that authors have the option to write their own destiny if they are willing to do the work and willing to hire an editor and scrub and polish.

We have so many choices now. Not to litter the landscape with awful stuff or poorly written nonsense (and I've seen my share of that out there) but to exercise the choices we have and the opportunities we've been given, but first... we must put in the effort to accomplish the goal/task.

And on my part, I can accept that if 85% of the people who maintain that they want to be writers, never write a book,  I'm looking at some great job security.


Because if you're in that 15% of productive people, well, my friends.... we'll probably see you setting sail off of Unpubbed Island some time soon because a world of  opportunity awaits you if you simply Don't Quit.

And I can accept that 24/7/365 because if God gave you this unique talent, I'd love for you to use it to the best of your ability.  So while my One Word for 2019 is "Accept", you can see that I have issues with it... That while I love God, I don't want Him to take my friends away.

And when I see people squandering a God-given talent, I cringe... because at some point we have to face that Good Lord and I want to be like that Erma Bombeck quote I have in my kitchen:

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and I could say, "I used everything that you gave me."

Yeah. That.
Hey, Ruthy brought a copy of that new mystery to give away to someone who wants to chat about writing, reading, procrastination and/or what is it about books that you love? Leave a comment below and she'll enter you into the drawing for this beautiful Book 25 of the "Mysteries of Martha's Vineyard"! 
Multi-published, award-winning inspirational author Ruth Logan Herne lives on a pumpkin farm in Western New York where this year's constant rainstorms have created a VGF. (Very Grumpy Farmer). In light of that, Ruthy hides where and when she can to create wonderful stories that people love to read because she's as normal as they are... with a dash of snark. Email her at, friend her on facebook, follow her on Twitter (where she is frequently amazed and chagrined by how mean some folks can be.... under their very silly names.)  Or swing by her website she'd love to chat with you!


  1. Hi Ruth:

    I think the below quote is based on the wrong paradigm.

    "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and I could say, 'I used everything that you gave me.'"

    The "Parable of the Talents", in Matthew 25:14–30, shows that God wants you to use your talents wisely so as to increase them. The more you exercise your talent, the more your talents will grow and the more you will have to give away.

    God wants you to grow your talent. Not use it up.

    Don't even think of using your talent up. Think instead of offering your talent up to the greater glory of God in heaven. For in all of creation few are in a better position to do this than the writers of Christian fiction.

    Just a thought.


    1. Vince, that's so wise.... I was thinking more along the "Waste not, want not" mode, and I was a young woman when I first read Erma's quote and it spoke to me... But I think she's agreeing with Matthew, don't you? If God gifts us with talents, it's like a challenge to use them.

      But I do agree with offering up our talents and our sorrows and our joys because that's like wafting prayers on incense... such a moving image.

      And I love that you were up late and the first person I see this morning... although there was a cat on my roof and two owls hooting at 4:15, so we are clearly not the only ones who stalk the night. :)

  2. Ruthy and Vince, I've had both those quotes rolling around in my head lately. You know all those memes we used to see for Game of Thrones with a photo of Sean Bean and the words Winter is Coming?

    Well, in Cate "procrastinator" Nolan's world "Summer is Coming" and the gloves are off. I've had to accept the sad reality that, at my age, getting up early to write before school or trying to do it at night, just isn't happening. The kids just exhaust me, and I Can.Not keep my eyes open.

    But...Summer is coming. And the gloves come off. (Much easier to type that way.) ;)

    Thanks for the kick-in-the-pants post today, Ruthy. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this series. Sorry it's coming to an end, but happy for Priscilla.

    1. Cate, I empathize. I can do early morning, but nights are hopeless, I don't even want to LOOK at a computer. Facing the fact of my aging, but doing an end run around it and finding time when I CAN write, because I'm not stopping now. Hope you find some writing time soon.
      Kathy Bailey, but you can call me "Kaybee"

    2. Cate, what grade/subject do you teach?

    3. Hi Cate:

      Images in the mind can be so different.

      As soon as you wrote, "...Summer is coming. And the gloves come off"…I thought, "the gloves go on and I work weeding the beautiful potted flower garden we have on our front porch (inspired by a post Ruth made one year here on Seekerville). Yep, the goves go on and I get to work in the sun and shade.

      A perfect time to think of romance plots and flower pots. ;)

    4. Hi Ruth:

      I agree that Erma would also say that God wants us to use our talents, for the good, to the maximum.

      By the way, what you said about writers and their many fears made me think of someone who never opens her Christmas presents because she admires the wrapping so much. Better not to look inside and risk disappointment.

    5. Wishing you lots of summer writing days, Cate!

    6. Sorry, Kaybee. I was at school and couldn't reply. I teach 6, 7, 8 ELA.

      LOL, Vince. That does sound strange now that you mention it. Romance plots and flower pots sounds perfect.

      Thanks, Debby. Looking forward to some days with you.

  3. Oh, Cate, I hear you and don't apologize. I know how rigorous a teacher's life is, and coherent thought is foremost for 8 hours/day... and then breathing takes precedence. But yay for SUMMER!!!!

    And I loved this mystery series, too. I had so much fun working with Guideposts, with Susan Downs and all the authors and the characters... don't you just LOVE THEM?????

    What a hoot!

    I've got a moving up ceremony for a couple of cute kids this morning, so I'll be out for a bit, then back.


  4. Thank you, Ruthy. There are a lot of different threads to this piece, honestly I would love to poke a hole in your head and look inside some time, but the one I seized on is acceptance of rejection. THERE'S a mouthful. But it works. I'm at a point now where I'm being rejected not because my stuff isn't good, but because I'm not a good fit for that particular editor/agent/pub house. It's been years since someone told me, "Go back and study craft." So my point is that we do get better, but we have to accept the truth that our work isn't for everyone. I'm still not sure I'm going to read reviews. If I even get reviews.
    The world isn't going to make it easy for us. Satan isn't going to make it easy for us.
    I'm sailing off the island Sept. 20. Sometimes it feels like I'm going off the island in a battered rowboat, but I'm going.
    Still trying to get caught up, may be back later.
    Kathleen D. Bailey
    "Westward Hope," Pelican, Sept. 2019
    "A Home For the Heart"
    "Kaybee" to you

    1. Kaybee, I look forward to reading your book and expect to be writing a good review!

    2. Sandy, please contact me offline some time. Tks, KB

    3. Hey, that rejection thing is real... but for the first time ever we have options which doesn't mean we should ever put out less than our best.... even if folks will buy it because we want to WOW! them.... I guess we should be resigned to putting the time in, right? And either go traditional... or pay for the editing/cover.... and honestly, if the work ethic is there and the talent is there, we have our very own small business to run. The one thing I love about the romance industry and so many romance authors is they know the value of running their own business... that can't necessarily be said across the board, you know?

    4. Kaybee, how would you like me to contact you?

    5. Friend me on Facebook (Kathleen D. Bailey) or send me an e-mail at Thanks Sandy.

  5. This is great. I need a good kick every once in awhile and you do it with such humor and wisdom I don't even mind :) Thanks for another motivating post, Ruthy. And the cover of that book is so beautiful. Congratulations!

    1. Hahahahaha! Thank you for your kind words and the kick-in-the-pants is like a skill level for me. :) Or just a bossy twit! But even so, it's totally solid advice, right? Thank you, sweet Glynis!

  6. Good morning! Such a motivational post about not squandering our talent...ahem, those of us who struggle with self-confidence at times, need reminding that God gave us the desire and talent to tell stories and He gives us the ideas rattling around in our brains. It's up to us to bring them to life and send them out into the world. And I, too, appreciate your gentle way of kicking us when needed! And I did need to read this today, so thank you, Ruthie. :)

    1. Laurie, you so totally get it. Sometimes we think our "normal" is normal, but it's not the norm for so many and if we waste it... gosh... what a sad commentary on a gift so freely given! Go get 'em, Tiger!!!

  7. Loved this post. Wit and truth. I also like the cover of your book.
    I love to read for the journey and deep introspection and I love to write for the same reasons.
    James Rubart recently said at the Northwest christian Writers conference that writing is the conduit God uses to deepen relationship with us writers. I so agree.
    I also love to study and research- nerd on horseback.

    1. Dalyn, welcome to Seekerville! It's so nice to meet you! And we readers are often inherent writers, aren't we? Storytellers to the max.

      I agree with James. (SHOCKER!!!! I don't always agree with people, LOL... so back to that "acceptance" thing!)

      We can deepen our relationship with the Lord and also lay fertile soil for others. It's all there, in our hands... in our hearts... but we have to be willing to apply ourselves. I think I just get so much joy out of it (now mind you those years of waiting and waiting and waiting were not always joy-filled!!! There may have been some whining or as my Aussie buddies say "whinging"... but no whining now!)

  8. Oh, I so needed this kick in the pants today. I've been self-pity and doubt while in the editing phase of my sophomore novel. And this is while my debut released a few weeks ago and is doing fairly well! Bah! So thank you! Acceptance is key.

    1. Get over yourself, woman!!!!


      Yes, there is no time for wallowing.

      Pigs wallow.

      Frogs wallow.

      We don't wallow, we forge ahead, full steam! And with your beautiful talent and that wonderful new book!!!!!(YAY!!!) you can't rest on your frightened laurels, darling.

      Take hold. Take charge. You've got this!

    2. Pigs wallow! lololol You crack me up. I'm taking hold. I've got this. (MANTRA)

    3. The second book always causes us to question our ability, Sherrinda. Don't fret. You're not alone!

    4. Thanks, Debby. I've heard the sophomore novel is the hardest. Pushing through, albeit slowly. ;)

  9. Sherrinda, I get it. I have a debut coming out in September and the publisher has already accepted the sequel (which I wrote during the ten years I was trying desperately to get the FIRST book published). But I experience doubt too, and sometimes wallow. And my DAY job is in writing, so I've got that extra layer of self-doubt. Don't look down. Do not look down. Be like a tightrope walker, or like Peter walking on the water. Don't take your eyes off the One who got you here.
    Out for a while, may be back later.
    Kathy Bailey

    1. Kathy, that is wonderful they already want the sequel! Congratulations! Thank you for the encouragement. I love the idea of tightrope walking with my eyes focused on Jesus. YES!!! That is a perfect way to look at it. (((hugs)))

    2. I love this analogy, the tightrope and the new novels! YES!!!!

      Last week I had an 8-year-old hollering for a ladder to get out of a tree.

      I said no.

      Her eyes popped.

      She said "I can't do it, I look down and I know I'm going to fall. I need the ladder!!!"

      I said... (wait for it!!!) "Turn around."

      She stared at me.

      "Just do it... turn around".... hand waggle.

      She turned around so she couldn't see how high she was... felt for a toe-hold on next branch and climbed down.

      Then back up.

      Then down.


      I could have gotten her the ladder. But if I had, she'd have never gotten the experience of "look up. Not down. And don't be afraid to go down "blind".

      Sometimes we forget to trust that we know stuff instinctively. Like how to come out of a tree.

      And how to write a great story.

    3. The Parable of the Tree

      Ruth, you seem to be a natural born teacher! Have you taught Sunday school?

    4. Yes... and worked as a classroom aide in an emotionally disturbed classroom for 9 years... and coached soccer... and taught preschool at home to my daycare kids when I left the classroom after an incident where a boy dislocated my arm and tore my rotator cuff when a social worker paused an escort because of dangerous behaviors... I realized then that to be effective, the whole team had to be effective and that working on my own at home, I could make a difference to a sweet small group of kids... and I did. :) Yes, I do love teaching. And being bossy. (Big smile.... because that shocks and/or surprises no one!)

  10. Great post, Ruthy, and one I always need to be reminded of. So far I have not made the best use of my time this summer, but I still have over 2 months to go, so all is not lost.

    No need to put me in the drawing. I have the book. I have so enjoyed the series and feel really sad that it is ending. But I still have a few left to read. I am reading them in the month in which the books are set, so I have about 4 left to read! I think I don't want to get to the last one.

    1. Lecture time!!!! WOMAN... get on this. I'm not kidding, an author's worst enemy can sometimes be the illusion of extra time. Then we fritter it away. Even if you INVENT stuff to make you feel like you have to push, push, push (Yup, New York Minute!) it helps to think you're on a short leash.... and then come end of summer, you're so stinkin' proud of what you've done!!!! HAPPY DANCING. But that self-discipline is key.

  11. Ah, yes, there's nothing quite like Ruthy wisdom. No one can tell it quite like you, Ruthy. That's why we love you. (Did I really just say that?) You just lay things out there, honestly and with love. You're a no nonsense kind of person and I like that. Because everything you said is true. No excuses. Accept it and move on. That gets two big ol' thumbs up from me.

    1. Hahahahahaha! I'm always glad when people still love me after a rant. :)

      I saw a horrible thing on TWITTER...(picture SHOCKED!@!!!! face again, right? Oh, Twitter!!!!) It was an article from NYT about how much work it is to be a parent these days....

      And I thought of those original colonists...

      And the pioneers...

      And Native Americans....

      And African slaves, now freed and trying to re-invent their wheel...

      And I seriously wanted to slap someone because people will read that drivel and think it's true and feel sorry for themselves.

      OH MYLANTA.....

      (head in hands.... ) Attack the work with a great ethic and it's amazing what can happen, isn't it?

  12. Like Kaybee said, there are a lot of different threads to this blog! Your "stream of consciousness" has a LOT of tributaries!

    One thing that jumped out at me was that 85% statistic. We all know writers who can never seem to settle in and finish a book...but 85%? That is a huge number of people spending a lot of time and money to tell themselves they're a writer. Wow.

    One thing that has struck me about this writing business is that nothing is a given. Just because you've written one book doesn't mean you're automatically going to write another. Just because you've signed one three-book contract doesn't mean you'll ever sign another. We need to keep on top of our game constantly. We need to strive to accomplish our goals at every stage of our careers.

    But I knew that when I signed up for this gig, thanks to Seekerville. And I accepted it.

    Now to get back to writing. I've spent the first half of this year developing proposals, revising two books, and plotting out my next story. This week it's time to start wracking up the word count.

    We all work differently. I wish I could do a steady 1K every day, but it just doesn't work for me. I work every day, but I don't always get a word count down every day. Another thing you just have to accept, dear Ruthy! LOL!

    1. Oh, your words are golden truth.

      So word count, I totally agree, that's not everyone's deal. We all have a different way of attacking the job. But what we share is that we do attack the job and explore with it and have fun with it and keep on doing it.

      So we can share that page totally.

      And I couldn't find the survey that said the 85% on line (it actually might have been higher, and of those who finished, only a tiny, tiny percentage ever got published... because it's not easy to get into the groove, right?)

      The looseness of the deals is what keeps me with a foot in indie publishing. I've watched lines collapse and close and authors be out on their ears... with nothing to fall back on.

      I like a fall back.

      I like feeling like I'm in charge of at least part of my destiny. God and I get along very well on that subject, because he's okay with me being in charge as long as I do it on his timeline.

      So far, so good! :)

      And I think that's because I really want to honor Him and do well. I used to think wanting to do well was kind of self-absorbed, but it's no more self-absorbed than when I was a really good waitress or child care provider or wedding gown consultant or classroom aide.... so I've learned that each job should always get our best.

      And I think with writing that means even more because the buck always stops here.

      Dagnabbit! :)

    2. Hi Ruth:

      I think there might be a percentage number that would be more substantiated:

      What percentage of RWA members are also in PAN or PRO?

      In these cases you are dealing with real numbers and writers who seem to have a genuine, or at least professed, interest in writing romances.

      Does anyone have access to these numbers?

    3. Vince, you have a lot of info on the web about PAN and PRO. I was part of RWA when they came up with those designations. I left years ago because it wasn't reflecting how I viewed romance any longer... but that's a personal decision as a Christian writer. And indie publishing has skewed the published numbers, of course, but the fact that so few people actually finish that first book isn't a bad thing, right? Not everyone is meant to be a novelist, but a lot of folks love to write. This gave them a venue. I'm not opposed to folks not writing novels... but I think we all need that dose of realism applied to what we think vs. what we know.

    4. Hi Ruth: Realism may be needed but sometimes it's like holding a mirror up to Don Quixote. The opposite of an HEA!

  13. Another inspiring (and kick-in-the-pants) Ruthy post! Thank you, Ruthy, for nudging at me. :)

    1. Hahahahahah! Well, there you go... but you know, Missy, that we all have those different seasons in our lives and that's a huge part of what we do and why we do it. When our lives are tugged in multiple directions for family or work or volunteer efforts, that should never be maligned. And folks are different.

      So I see taking a necessary break from writing because of circumstances as part of life... not necessarily the death of writing. :) Because life doesn't always throw fast balls. It tends to come with a wicked "curve" at times. And spring is always good for baseball analogies from Ruthy!!!

  14. 85%? Really? That is mind-blowing...I had no idea the percentage was that high.

    That's sad. So many unfulfilled dreams, as a result of not doing the work they say they want to do.

    Imma go back to work now with this sobering statistic in my blown mind.

    1. That stat came from an RWA survey that I used to have in the magazine upstairs... so it's not a new stat, but it's a very reflective stat that lots of folks love to write, but writing novels is a big time commitment.

      I searched the web for newer stats and couldn't find them, so it might be different, but I'm guessing it's not except for folks rushing to publish their own things... so that skew might put a wrinkle in time, right?

  15. Thanks "pesky blogger" for wagging your fingers at us and giving us a sermon some of us need to hear. :) I appreciate your point of view and your candor (and you have a wonderful talent for making me laugh too though the topic is serious). I had a completely different idea of what you were going to say about acceptance (i.e. accept the criticism and use it to your advantage, eat chocolate and cry before pulling up your panties, etc.), but I really like the fresh outlook of acceptance in this post. Much obliged (and I hope I'm in the 15% category every time - I'm nearly finished my second ever manuscript - only 10, 000 words to go to reach my word count goal and then, edit, edit, edit). Blessings to you!

    1. Oh, Lee-Ann, congratulations!!!! I'm so stinkin' proud of you! To be almost done with #2!!!! YES!!!! GO YOU!!!!

      I learned so much with my first ten books (that all changed drastically as I improved my storytelling) and what I thought was GREAT!!!! initially turned out to be so flawed... but fixable. I just had to see how to fix, what to fix, how to change. That growth as an author is invaluable... and maybe a few folks have that inherently, but I think it's like being a soccer player: No one starts out as Pele or Mia Hamm or Hope Solo, etc.... they start by kicking the ball and practicing and losing and winning and losing some more and maybe a few ER visits... I find that a lot of new writers kind of want to start at the top when they're not yet at the top of their game... and I would have made that same mistake if things were different 20 years ago... thank heavens they weren't. I cringe when I remember some of the things I sent to editors and agents.... A REAL CRINGE.

  16. Thanks, Ruthy. I really needed to read this today. Back to work I go. Congratulations on the publication of Just Over the Horizon!

  17. .
    There sure seems to be a lot of pants- kicking going on in Seekerville. Even more than I've seen at those Women's World Cup games!

    We may have to start calling Ruth, Coach!

    1. Vince, I do think of Ruthy as a coach!

    2. Did you guys know that I coached soccer teams (5th & 6th grade and 7th & 8th grade) when I was younger... for maybe 7 or 8 years? And lost two games. Tied one. So yes, I was always this way. I am sooooo sorry!!!! :) But I helped train some really good soccer players, LOL!

  18. Oh my, Ruthy! There are so many great thoughts in this post. I need your energy and motivation to get things done. I'm sorry to say that I'm pretty good at one thing--procrastination! I guess it's a good thing I'm not a writer, or I'd never get a book done. I have, however, crossed a couple of things off my list today, so I guess that's a start!

    1. That's always great to cross things off a to-do list, Winnie!

    2. Winnie!!!! I love you to pieces. We begin at the beginning. I'm always so happy to cross things off my list, and there are a few things that are waiting... because we all have our fave jobs, right??? And right now writing and planting are the #1 priorities here. So that's the current focus... but I made time for getting gardens in order because dirt is my therapy. It's a great therapy!!!!

  19. Ruthy, I always love your posts. You speak truth with grace and a bit of sass. Just the way I need to hear it. I've been in the place of discouraged, of fearful, of failure . . . we always have to pick ourselves up and keep moving forward. If we don't, we aren't standing still; we're moving backward. You have so much wisdom in this post. I'm keeping it and reading it again. I want to be one of those who keeps moving forward by doing the work, and one day sailing off Unpubbed Island.

    1. Aw, Jeanne, thank you. You are spot on. This isn't an easy business but it's an amazing business. I absolutely love it. And I love to see people embrace success at any level. No one has to be a Ruthy or a Mary or a Susan Mae or Lenora or Margaret.... it's never about production, it's about staying the course. And if we do that, then we're using those talents. So crucial!

  20. So many people have talent. Determination and perseverance are the game changers, as you mentioned in your blog. I hate to see folks, who I know could succeed, give up. Rejection is never easy and sometimes it causes writers to stop before they achieve their dream. That's a pity.

    Great blog, Ruthy! So excited about your latest mystery!!!

    BTW, the heroine in my WIP is Ruthie Eicher! (ie instead of y)

    1. Yay for Ruthie Eicher!!!!!!! :)

      Debby, when I first heard Nora Roberts famous quote on this, I took it to heart. That the rewards of publication don't always go to the most talented. They go to the people who didn't quit.

      There's so much truth in that, isn't there?

      A talent for music without practice gets us nowhere.

      A talent for baking without making anything goes unused.

      A talent for children and child-raising that's never put to the test, is a talent unrefined.

      We all need practice. And we need to stand back up and keep in the game when we get knocked around.

      We have to be "Thailand" when we face the USA of publishing.

      We get back up. We keep on playing.

  21. Thanks for the encouragement to keep on keeping on! It is a profession for the self-disciplined. No one is going to make you get those words on a page!
    I'm so happy to have closed my antique shop and sold my building and am REALLY looking forward to writing time! I have zero excuses! LOL
    Love having time to read Seekerville and connecting with all of you once again! :)

    1. KATHRYN!!!!! I am so happy for you even though I know it's a mixed emotion kind of thing. But you're right, there are no excuses and you know what? That's almost harder. Because we THINK we have time. I've watched authors fade in the shade when they got it into their heads that all of a sudden they had so much time... but mostly it's about set a time daily (not the same time, whatever works) and put that time in. Like Jan said above, it's not about word count (unless that is what works for you) but getting things done. The research, the planning, the writing, the editing, etc. It's all part of the work.... and I'm so happy to see you here, dear Kathryn! YES!!!!! HAPPY DANCING!

  22. I love that quote. And I love my job. I can't wait until my kids are in school and I can have more time to devote to it. But I love the bit I get to sneak in now. :-) It's always good to love your job, even if you don't like all the tasks that come with it.

    1. Amen to that. I love being a mom and grandma now, but I also love getting up in the middle of the night to write so I can focus on them when I need to without the guilt... oh, gosh, guilt is soooooo wasteful. And yet, it's real, right? So you sneak in what you can now, with those sweet babies, and celebrate as time increases.... I love your attitude, Amy!

  23. Wishing all the writers a busy summer of writing.

  24. Kim, thank you! And yes... I will accept that wish!!!!

  25. I join the tribe who needed some words of wisdom from you, Ruthy. Rejection from an editor always calls for “I’m going to take my toys and go home” response from me. It is now up to me to decide whether writing is my day job as you outlined the real choice involved. Kudos on this post.

    1. Hi, Olivia! Oh I hear you loud and clear. I get rejected fairly often. You wouldn't believe the number of stories I haven't written, my friend! :) The list is L-O-N-G.... because not everything I write is golden and not everything I write is a good fit for traditional lines.... You do what you need to do and sometimes it's not about doing it... it's about timing. When I was raising six kids and working two jobs, there was no time to write on a regular basis... but once five of those kids were grown or in college, (still working two jobs) I started getting up at 4:00 AM just to have some writing time. As a morning person, that worked better than staying up late... and it took a while! But that's okay.

      Sometimes being the right time is more important and influential than being the right person. That whole Ecclesiastes 3 thing.

  26. Hi Ruth:

    I think many people would love to write a novel just as many would love to complete a marathon: these are major achievements even if one has no thoughts of becoming a professional in these endeavors.

    The Dog Story

    A rich lady entered her dog in the Philadelphia dog show every year with no results. A judge finally told her that it was hopeless. Her dog would never win a prize. She said, "Oh, I know that, but he gets to associate with a lot of good dogs."

    1. That is the perfect analogy! And that is absolutely 100% okay... I love her reasoning. You have made me very happy!!!! :)

      But if you want to do this as a career (and I just posted a link to a WSJ article about brain development and later careers in the Weekend Edition) you have to put in the effort. I'm not saying that folks shouldn't join groups and have fun and share their love of writing and reading... but that it shouldn't hold the folks back that want that gold ring from the carousel ride. Sure it's great to have a carousel ride... but the gold ring? Now that was something else again.

  27. 85% of RWA members will never write a book. I almost got caught up in that trap.

    After I wrote my first book, I joined RWA and began going to the monthly meetings. I found I LOVED visiting w/other authors. I LOVED talking about my writing. But somewhere along the way I substituted talking and thinking about writing for actual writing. The organization and the people were great, but I developed a problem of not finishing the book. Finally had to cut a deal w/myself that I could spend the money and time w/other authors if I write a book.
    Hence, now I will only spend the money on conference if I have completed ms that I'm trying to sell.

    Thanks for your encouraging words.

    1. You are brilliant.

      This is exactly what I've seen and I'm sure others, too... and it can become a trap, just like you said. The other thing I noticed in my early years is that not all group members (not just RWA, but any group) want your success. Some are part of the LCD group, the Lowest Common Denominator and if they can't achieve success, their negativity affects others, especially newbies. Because they can talk the talk convincingly... instead of uplifting the newbies, the negativity can bring things down. But we're grown-ups and sorting things out is part of the plan, and you did that wonderfully, Connie! Go you! You consider the Return on Investment in your strategies, and that's what any good business owner needs to do. That's the common sense of running your own business.

    2. Hi Ruth: How right you are. I was at a writer's conference in a seminar on writing groups and the number one complaint was these negative members and how to get rid of them. Some even disbanded the group and started a new group without the bad apples. A really good critique group is hard to find and even harder to keep going. If you have one, PTL!

  28. I just love reading your contributions to Seekerville--your sassy humor brings a smile every time. Not a writer here but perseverance is a good thing...I've heard tell it brings character, maturity, and godliness! May we each persevere in our endeavors and be able to say w/ Erma "I used everything that you gave me."

    1. Hi, Anne! :)

      And you're right, you can take any of this and apply it to any situation, any job, and should come out ahead because it's really just good job skills... like being that good waitress, or child care provider or wedding gown consultant... and while I was doing those jobs I was soaking up insider information for when the door opened and I could emerge (Lord willing!) as an author. It all worked out!


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