Saturday, February 29, 2020

Weekend Editon


If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes.  Note our new email address and please send your emails to

Monday: Erica Vetsch took a look at the lighter side, using the 'emoticons of the writing life!'

Tuesday: V. Joy Palmer brought us a post about Love-into-Hate romances! The winner of one of her books is: VINCE! (You know the drill, contact Seekerville at the address above to get your book!)

Wednesday: Cate Nolan shared some exciting news...A NEW CONTRACT! To celebrate, Sarah Taylor will be receiving a copy of Christmas In Hiding!!

Friday: Pam Hillman shared insights as she compared Tigger, The Muffin Man and other beloved characters! What makes you love them?

Monday:  Mary Connealy will be talking about her new release, Woman of Sunlight and there is a giveaway!!! Stop in to leave a comment.

Wednesday: Mindy Obenhaus will be here to talk about adaptability in life and in publishing.

Thursday: Ruthy Logan Herne busts in to celebrate HER NEW RELEASE!!!! Freshly out on in Kindle & paperback, book 3 of her bestselling Wishing Bridge series is out! "Finding Peace in Wishing Bridge" is here and Ruthy wants to celebrate with all of you by giving away a copy (Kindle or paperback) to a lucky commenter/party-goer/attendee who talks about why America loves small town stories. That's it! Come see Ruthy on Thursday and we'll celebrate together! 
Friday: Amanda Cabot is stopping by Seekerville today and sharing her insights on how to measure the impact of our books.

Book #2 in the Brides of Hope Mountain series
Releasing March 3rd
Come to Seekerville on Monday for a chance to win!

Happy Dancing!

"Finding Peace in Wishing Bridge" releases on Monday and we're having an old-fashioned book birthday party on Thursday! Come join us!

The Maggie Award of Excellence 2020
is open. Get your manuscripts ready for submission!

Love Inspired Editor EMILY RODMELL
will attend Georgia Romance Writers
Moonlight & Magnolias Conference 2020.
Plan to attend and pitch your story to Emily!


Dangerous Amish Inheritance
By Debby Giusti
“Move off the mountain. No one wants you here.”

Can this Amish widow survive her dangerous stalker?
Someone wants Ruthie Eicher off Amish Mountain…enough to terrorize the widow and her boys. Now Ruthie must rely on her former sweetheart, Noah Schlabach—the secret father of her eldest son—as they figure out why. But Noah has turned his back on love and the Amish way of life. Can he shield Ruthie…without breaking her heart again?

Order HERE!

Check out these links for the WE next week!

Dear Editor: How Do I Get my Book on a Blog Tour? by Iola Goulton at Christian Editing Services

5 Self-Publishing Mistakes To Avoid by CS Lakin at Live Write Thrive

The Professional Writing Resources I Use For All Parts Of The Writing and Publishing Processes by KM Weiland at Helping Writers Become Authors

Open Access just granted to nearly 3 million images at the Smithsonian. Thanks to Tina Radcliffe and FHL for sharing this link.


  1. Good morning, Seekerville and happy weekend! Coffee and tea are on and I've got some yummy muffins and scones, along with some sausage biscuits for those who prefer something savory.

    This morning will be my errand time. Grocery store and Walmart run. I live in a small town with the old, tiny Walmart, so I don't have that one-stop shopping luxury. Fortunately, they are right next door to each other, so I only have to park once. I haven't decided on the rest of my day. I'd like to prep some freezer meals, but we'll see how I feel about that later. And, of course, there's always something that needs to be cleaned. Sigh. Maybe I'll just play outside.

    What's on your agenda?

    1. LOL, Mindy! I posted my comment and then read yours. We're both curious today! :)

      I have a feeling after the grocery and Walmart you'll be too tired to do any major cooking. At least that would be me! Because a grocery trip usually takes at least an hour or more. (Then again, I don't go as often as I need to!)

    2. I survived, Missy, and I'm not too worse for the wear. Although, I've only put away the cold/frozen stuff. The other stuff can wait. ;)

    3. We did our major once-a-month grocery run yesterday. I'm still putting stuff away!

    4. I can imagine, Jan. There are very few things I can wait once a month for, mostly because that involves a trip to the "big city" and that I will procrastinate on as long as I can.

    5. I had to do the same here, Mindy, but it was all walking with a shopping cart. There were no visible parking spaces, so I was not taking the chance on moving my car.

    6. Mary Cate, I live in rural Texas. You live in Brooklyn. Totally different experiences. :D

    7. I ran errands this AM, then bank, post office and a huge Kroger that takes me forever. It's not my closest stores so I still don't know where to find everything. It has to be bigger than a football field! UGH! Of course, I could call that exercise.

    8. We all need our exercise, Debby, so if you can kill two birds with one stone, it's totally worth it.

    9. Mindy, I can't tell you how often I put away the cold stuff and leave the rest! LOL

    10. Ah, if only I could run errands again! Another 5 weeks of being in this cast then maybe...

    11. So many little tasks that add up!!!!

  2. Happy weekend to you all!! What fun or productive things are you each doing this weekend?

    1. Missy, we are going to a movie tonight at our restored downtown movie theater. Going to see Ford vs. Ferrari. Looks like a fun movie. Going to visit my dad tomorrow. So a busy weekend. Also have to do grocery shopping, cleaning, and laundry.

    2. Sandy, I love, Love, LOVE the idea of restoring a downtown movie theater. I grew up in a small town with one and I have such fond memories. In the little town where we are now there's an old theater I would love to buy. That is, if I had, say, Nora Roberts book income. Have fun tonight. I hear that's a good movie.

    3. Mindy, it is wonderful when towns are able to restore the old theaters. Our theater is the World Theater and the campaign to restore it several years back had the slogan Save the World. It was spearheaded by Jon Bokenkamp, who is the creator/producer/writer of the TV show The Blacklist. He lives here in our town and wanted to see this restored. (Episodes of The Blacklist are shown at the theater every week before they air on TV.) The theater has a paid manager but is all run by volunteers. It costs $5 to go to a show and pop and popcorn is very cheap. We are very fortunate to have this in our town.

    4. See, he's got the kind of money I'd need, Sandy!

    5. Sandy, that reminds me of the theater that was renovated in the small town in Maine where we vacation frequently. It was a real community effort. I love that.

      I think if I had that kind of money to restore a theater, I'd want to restore a drive-in. I have such wonderful memories of going to drive-in movies with my family.

      One of my students was talking the other day about going to a fancy theater with big lounge chairs and blankets and dinner. I guess she'll have my drive-in kind of memories about that.

    6. Sandy, your theater sounds wonderful! We rarely go to the movies, although I recently saw "Little Women" and loved it. "Ford vs Ferrari" has moved on already. I'd like to see "Call of the Wild." Has anyone seen that one?

    7. Sandy, I hope you enjoy the movie! It sounds like an amazing theater project! How fun to have it, and to have it so affordable.

  3. Happy Weekend. Hope everyone is enjoying their extra day. It is nice weather here this weekend.

    1. Am I missing something about an extra day? We don't have one of them here. What am I missing?

    2. Never mind. I just realized you meant Leap Day. I was thinking you meant a day off work. Can you see where my mind goes? Days off work = happy writing days.

    3. The sun is shining in GA so I'm happy...but it's cold and very windy. Still, the sunshine is delightful!

    4. Yes, I'm so glad to see a day with sunshine and no rain here in Georgia!

  4. Happy Saturday, everyone! And congratulations to the winners!

    Today is Basic Manners graduation day for Jack...but I'm afraid he won't do well. I haven't been able to work with him since we brought his little brother Sam home. But I tell myself that I know the skills, and the class is just the beginning of a lifetime of having a well-mannered dog!

    1. Jan, it'll be interesting to see if Sam picks up Jack's good habits or the other way around. Either way, I'm sure they'll have YOU jumping.

    2. Good for you and Jack, Jan! I tried taking Dobby (also a Corgi) to Manners class. Well, she did well when snacks were involved, but otherwise? I think she's more a free-for-all kinda gal rather than one who follows rules.

      I'm with Mindy. Let us know who picks up who's good habits :)

    3. Audra, I think Dobby and I would get along very well. Like her, I do great when snacks are involved. ;)

    4. HaHa, Mindy. Now you have me craving a snack. Wonder what I have to do to deserve it.

      Poor Fenway. I never tried manners class, but he's such a love that it's not usually an issue. But he would do anything for a treat. He has this perp walk he does when he wants an extra treat. He steals something, pretends to eat it loudly enough to gain my attention, and then trades it to me for a treat. If I don't notice right away, he gets progressively louder until I understand!

    5. Jan, do you have a local grocery that you stop in throughout the month? If not, I'm impressed with one shop/month. I go about three times a week. No wonder I can't get anything done. :)

    6. Jan, I hope graduation day went well!

    7. Oh, phew. Jack's your dog.
      I was thinking that was your husband!!!

    8. Ha, ha, ha, Mary!!!

      Yes, graduation day went SO WELL!!! That dog - corgi that he is - surprised us so much! He remembered what he was supposed to do! (And more importantly, I remembered what I was supposed to do!)

  5. Happy weekend! I have one basketball game to watch...Go Jayhawks! And then I am diving into the last read of The Indebted Earl before I turn it in! Woohoo!

    1. That sounds like a cozy Saturday, Erica. Especially when stop to think that you probably have a bunch of snow. Now it sounds perfect.

    2. It does wound like a good day, Erica!

  6. Big congrats to the winners! The weather guy promised a nice, warm day today. I had plans to wash the car...and maybe the dogs...but my idea of nice, warm doesn't seem to be the same as our friendly meteorologist.

    Have a good weekend, everyone.

    1. Audra, I should be doing that. My car is so caked in mud. But unless it's 80 degrees or more, I'm not interested in playing in water outside. ;)

    2. I'd be driving to the carwash and putting the dogs in the shower. :)

  7. I have a WIP that's calling my name! Enjoy the weekend, everyone!

  8. Leap Day!

    Not so good for those who get paid twice a month. It's the opposite of a holiday. You work an extra day and you don't get paid extra for it! I wonder if the military still does that?

    Grocery Shopping the Easy Way

    I just order everything on my computer and then they call when it is ready and I diver to the store and pick it up. Takes about 5 to 10 minutes for pick up and I don't even have to get out of the car.

    BTW: No extra change for oders over $30.

    Leap day also means I have to wait an extra day for Ruth's "Finding Peace in Wishing Bridge" and it seems I've been already waiting for longer than Wishing Bridge has been at war.

    Thanks! I won a book and I really want to read it! I was very interested in the author's post here at Seekerville. New authors (to me) are always an experience. (Like playing a golf course for the first time.)



    1. Vince, I've been thinking this is an extra special bonus MAGIC day that we can do with as we choose.
      So I sat at home all day reading a book.
      Pretty shocking behavior, I know.

    2. Vince, I still grocery shop in the store...but the aisles are clogged with the Kroger workers compiling the online shoppers' orders. I keep wondering why I'm still shopping the old fashion way. Although, I do like to comparison shop and pick out the very best produce.

      Our Kroger provides 3 free online shops and then charges $5 on the following orders. Still not bad. If I had little ones at home or a new baby or had trouble walking around the store, I'd shop online. I think brick and mortar groceries will soon be a thing of the past--like independent bookstores. Before long, everyone will shop online.

    3. I haven't done much with the pick-up shopping as yet... Dave is working part time back at the big grocery store and Zach stops at Wegmans for me when I need stuff from there, so it's mostly a Walmart thing.... and the two times I did it there, it worked out well.

      Busy weekend here, but I did sneak in some work on my mystery for 2021.... This from a woman who was sure she would never write a mystery, LOL!

      Enjoy the rest of your Sundays!

      And Mary....


      Shocking behavior, yes. I hope it was a great book!

      So Vince, let me know what you think of Finding Peace in Wishing Bridge! I'm so excited by the reactions I've gotten so far, but the official release day is tomorrow, so that's when all the preorders download..... and that will be a test to see if folks love it!

    4. Hi Debby:

      Everyone may shop online but many will still pick the items up at the store. Shop on line to avoid being on line. And, of course, sometimes you must have something right away before the guests arrive. So there should always be convenience stores. In fact, some in Tulsa are turning into tiny grocery/produce stores. It's a new world where you get speed, selection, and convenience at a lower price with online price comparisons and posted reviews to keep everything above board.

      Better yet: with buying online you don't get to buy fattening impulse items or candy where your kids can reach it! And you can shop when you are not hungry. What's not to like?


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