Friday, April 10, 2020

Happy Good Friday

Seekerville is closed today as we pause to reflect on Jesus's death on the cross and as we look ahead to celebrating His resurrection.This is the weekend that changed everything 2000 years ago... and it continues to mean the difference between hope and despair today.
Last year on Easter Sunday, I took these photos at a local cemetery. 
When I looked at them again this year, I realized that you don't notice the gravestones right away. At least I didn't. I locked in on those beautiful trees and that gorgeous blue sky first thing. It was a few seconds before I even noticed the setting. 
And God used that realization to whisper this reminder on my heart.
Death doesn't have the final word.
Its power is forever defeated.
And, no matter what we're facing right now, the world is still beautiful.
All because of Jesus's death on the cross that long ago Good Friday, paying the wages of our sin, and His resurrection that first Easter Sunday when He arose with our freedom in hand. 
It's Friday, dear Seekervillians... but Sunday is coming!


  1. Amen and AMEN, Carrie. Very well said.

  2. Amen! Thank you for your words today, Carrie. They've blessed me.

  3. On the Blessing

    I must say I cringe each time is see or hear the phrase, "Happy Good Friday". I also cringe at funerals when, amongst all the grieving, the minister calls the event a celebration. Not to me. There are times and places for grief and times and places for celebration.

    "For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest." Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

    I would prefer to hear, "Have a Solemn Good Friday," for the deeper the solemnity of the Friday, the higher the exaltation for the redemption on the Sunday.

    He lives!

  4. Happy Easter weekend, God bless, and stay safe!

  5. This is so beautiful, Carrie! Thank you. God's blessings on all of us.

  6. Beautiful Carrie - both the photos and the sentiment. Thank you for this.
    Wishing everyone a beautiful and blessed Easter.

  7. Lovely, Carrie!

    Wishing us all a reflective Good Friday, anticipatory Saturday, and a glorious Resurrection Day!

  8. Thank you, Carrie! I've had a peaceful and prayerful Good Friday. Reflecting on the Lord's Passion and Death is always powerful. He died for me. For my sins. I am truly blessed!

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