Monday, August 10, 2020

Introducing Scrivenings Press!

By Guest Shannon Vannatter

Back before I was published, I longed for an author to help me know what I was doing wrong. I joined a couple of local writing groups, but none of the other members were published either. I did learn some things from the groups since there were members who’d been writing longer than I had.

After a few years, I joined a national group and signed up for a mentor in conjunction with attending my first national conference. I thought she’d help me write. It turned out, she was just a friendly face, so I wouldn’t feel overwhelmed at my first HUGE conference. I was overwhelmed anyway and spent the first evening crying on my husband’s shoulder because I was certain everyone there was published or at least knew more than I did about writing.

Through my years of attending every conference, writers group meeting, and workshop I could, I approached countless authors who didn’t have time to help me. I got paid chapter critiques from multi-published authors and entered countless contests with published author judges who gave feedback. I vowed that when I got published, I’d make time to help unpublished writers. It took me 9 1/2 years of writing, reading craft books on writing, submitting to publishers, and getting over 200 rejections, before I finally got a
contract. Working with editors taught me a busload of lessons.

I quickly learned why those authors didn’t have time to help me. But in the last several years, I’ve stuck to my vow. I’ve taught for free and done critiques when I have time for my local writing group, taught classes to middle school, high school, and college students, taught classes at conferences in several different states, judged unpublished contests where I’ve given feedback, and done paid critiques at several conferences. When I critique, I try to be very thorough, helpful, and encouraging. My goal is to help writers improve their stories and give them the tools they need to catch the eye of an editor.

Several times, I’ve thought I’d enjoy being an editor. But traditional publishers pretty much expect you to have a college degree. Even when you’ve learned from four different editors through sixteen published books. Once kindergarten was over, I hated school. From the time I learned that one day I’d graduate and wouldn’t have to go anymore, that was my goal. Once I finished high school, if someone had offered to pay me to attend college, I wouldn’t have.
And then Scrivenings Press happened. I met Linda Fulkerson back in 2008 or so at a writer’s group meeting. A year later, she asked if I wanted to go to the American Christian Fiction Writers Conference in Minneapolis. At that fateful conference in 2009, I pitched to an editor and ended up getting my first contract. Since then, we’ve been travel buddies and roomies at dozens of conferences and retreats. We’ve taught classes, plotted books, and shared life experiences. And had lots of pie. When either of is achieve something writer related, we meet for pie.

As different as day and night, Linda is an ex-marine, I’m an ex-hairdresser. I’m technology challenged, she’s a computer geek. I love to write, Linda loves to plot. She’s great with graphics and photography, I’m better with words. She knows her way around business and contracts, my eyes glaze over about such things. She’s an ex-newspaper editor and has written nonfiction, I’d rather make stuff up.

In May, she called to tell me that Kathy and Jerry Cretsinger, the owners of Mantle Rock Publishing, a small press, wanted to retire and sell their business. Linda wanted to buy it. But she needed a partner, someone with skills opposite of hers. I was the first person she thought of since I’ve done so much critiquing and contest judging. Honored, I thought it sounded fun. After discussing it with my husband and God, I accepted. Since then, I’ve taken an online course and am now a certified content editor.

In May, we traveled to the Cretsinger’s home, signed the papers, and spent three days learning the ropes. I spent the rest of May and most of June taking my class and wrapping up my writing commitments. It’s been great timing, since I just finished a contract with Love Inspired for a three-book series. I had time to send my agent a new proposal and by the time I hear back about that, if it sells, I’ll have gotten caught up on my editing commitments.

Scrivenings Press officially launched July 1st. We bought most of Mantle Rock’s back list along with several already contracted books, but we’re open for submissions. I’m currently editing the third manuscript on my schedule. I’ll serve as acquisitions/content editor and author development while Linda will take care of copy editing, book covers, contracts, and the business stuff I consider un-fun. Our skill sets complement each other and we make a great team.

We plan to host a writing contest that will begin August 15th. The grand prize will be a contract for publication. Watch for details at:


Shannon will be giving away a print copy of the Love Inspired Western Collection, Counting on the Cowboy / Her Texas Cowboy (U.S. and international included). Please let us know in the comments if you'd like to be entered.


Linda Fulkerson is the owner of DLF Digital Services LLC (founded in 2013) and has nearly 20 years of experience in digital marketing. She comes from a newspaper background and has been a copyeditor, sportswriter, and online editor. Linda has been an indie publisher for several years and is the author of two novels and several nonfiction books. Her role in the new company will be business management, graphic designer, and line editor.

Shannon Vannatter is an award-winning, traditionally multi-published author. She is known for giving thorough manuscript critiques at conferences and is highly sought-after. Throughout Shannon’s writing career, she has worked with multiple editors, publishing companies, and agents. Her role in the new company will be acquisitions/content editor and author career development. She is currently undergoing the process of becoming a credentialed editor through the Christian PEN Institute. Both Linda and Shannon will work with authors on marketing their books.

Counting on the Cowboy by Shannon Taylor Vannatter

Texas cowboy Brock McBride knows better than to fall for a city girl. She’ll leave and break his heart—just like his ex-fiancĂ©e did. But his job at Chasing Eden Dude Ranch requires working alongside Dallas wedding planner Devree Malone. And despite fierce resistance, he’s falling hard. Yet with Devree’s business back in the city, can he convince her she’s found her home…with him?


Her Texas Cowboy by Jill Lynn

When Rachel Maddox returns to her hometown of Fredericksburg, Texas, avoiding her ex is much easier said than done. Still nursing the broken heart Rachel caused years earlier, rancher Hunter McDermott figures he can be cordial for the brief time she’s in town—maybe they can even be friends. But how do you forge just a friendship with someone you’ve always pictured as your bride?


Get your copy now!

Counting on the Cowboy & Her Texas Cowboy Western Collection - ChristianBook


Counting on the Cowboy & Her Texas Cowboy Western Collection - Amazon


  1. Welcome, Shannon! Congrats to you and Linda on this new venture!

    1. Thank you, Missy. And thanks for having me today. Linda and I are excited about Scrivenings.

    2. Thanks, Missy! We're learning a LOT, lol, but we're both excited about helping our authors produce great books. :)

    3. Linda, I'm so glad you're here today, too!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Congratulations! And as an unpublished author I think your mission to help others is wonderful. When we decide to start this crazy writing thing most of us don't know the first thing. Having others to help you along is so important. I've learned a lot from the published authors in my AFCW chapter (waving at Jan!) and all the other writers I know. Someday (hopefully soon) I'll be ready to submit to a publisher--maybe it will be yours! Thanks for stopping by and I'd love to be entered into the drawing. The book sounds great!

    1. Glynis, isn't that the truth that we all need help along the way! I was just thinking the other day about doing my next post about the journey from the very beginning on the AOL romance writing boards. :) Some may not remember those. It was back in the day of DIAL UP internet!! My kids still remember me telling them to get off the phone because I needed to check my email. :)

    2. Hi Glynis, I looked at the first book I wrote the other day. Oh my goodness, it was so bad. I had no idea what I was doing. My entire first chapter had almost no dialogue and it was telling and a huge backstory dump. We all have to start somewhere.

    3. Thanks, Glynis! It is rewarding to help our authors. It's really more like a big family than a business. :)

  4. Hi Shannon,

    What an exciting adventure! I can't imagine how much work the next several months/years are going to be for you, but also SO rewarding!

    And I remember being in the same place as a beginning unpublished author. But then I found Seekerville and ACFW on-line classes, and started that steep learning curve. We all need someone to coach us along the way. Congratulations for this venue for your calling!

    1. Hi Jan. Seekerville is like it's own little writing college. I've learned so much here over the years and still do. I've told all my paid critiques and submitting writers about it.

    2. Hi Jan! We are working to offer more training for our authors. One of our plans is to create a novel-writing course. I know there are many out there, but this will share how Shannon and I have done it. Of course, she's written WAY more fiction than I have. :)

    3. That's my reply that showed up anonymous for some reason.

  5. I am so excited to be an author with Scrivenings. I can already tell from the few edits Shannon has helped me with so far that I am improving in other projects, too. She and Linda are so encouraging and helpful, wanting to make sure we all do our best.

    1. Thanks, Amy! We're excited that you're part of the family!

    2. Hi Amy. I cant wait until your book releases. You've been a great willing to learn student. At times over the years I've felt as if my editor wanted to rewrite my book. Now that I'm an editor, I realize we know what works and we want your book to sell like hotcakes.

    3. Amy, I was so glad to see you on their list of authors! I'm glad it's going well.

    4. Shannon, selling like hotcakes sounds great. Let's do that! :-)
      Missy, working with Linda and Shannon is definitely going well. An answer to an unasked prayer.

  6. Congratulations on your new adventure. I pray it prospers and you find jou in doing it. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Thanks, Lucy! It's definitely been an adventure, but it's been worth every minute. :)

  8. Thanks Lucy. It's been a lot of work. But one of these days I'll get caught up. And I plan to continue writing too.

  9. Shannon and I may be opposites, but we do understand each other, which has been super helpful as we begin this journey together. We appreciate Seekerville for helping us promote this new adventure. Please share about us with authors who are looking to work with a small press. We'd love to hear from them!

    Oh, and the contest will have two components - One is Get Pubbed, with a publishing contract going to the Grand Prize winner, and the other is called Novel Starts, which is for unfinished works. You can visit and look under the Contests tab to see details about both contests. :)

  10. Congratulations, ladies! It's obvious your passion for helping others has brought you to this point. I love how God opened that door for you with the Cretsingers. And bless you both for taking that leap of faith.

    1. Thanks Mindy. It's definitely been an adventure. But I'm thinking it'll all make me a better writer. When I find time that is.

    2. Hopefully we'll get in a routine soon so we can both make time to write. We started off by re-publishing 35 titles at once, so it got a little crazy. :)

    3. Yes! Thankfully, we bought the rights to the cover designs so we didn't have to re-do those. And we republished them "as is," so they were edited by the Mantle Rock editors. We have 7 novels scheduled to release by the end of 2020 that we are doing the entire process and we plan to publish 18-20 books in 2021 (if Shannon doesn't kill me or quit, lol).

  11. Thank you for the post, it was really interesting. I would love to be entered in the giveaway.

  12. Welcome Shannon and Linda! Thanks for being with us today and for sharing your good news and info about your new adventure! It sounds exciting, for sure! And a contest in the works, which is always fun! Wishing you much success!

    1. Thanks, Debby. I learned so much from entering contests and getting feedback from the judges.

  13. Congratulations Shannon and Linda on your new venture. I have written my first book and working on revising, and I have bookmarked your website. Please put me in the drawing.

    1. That's awesome, Sandy. Lots of writers never finish so you're ahead of the game already.

    2. Sandy, I hope your revisions are going well!

  14. Congratulations on finishing your new book!

  15. I'm so excited for you, Shannon and Linda! How fabulous! I hope you find lots of gems to publish under your new label!

    1. Thanks Erica. We've already found a few.

    2. Our authors work SO hard. I'm super proud of all of them. :)

  16. Shannon - this is so great! It's amazing what happens in God's timing - definitely unexpected things. :) I always appreciate the detailed feedback from contests. It can be an eye-opening experience and sometimes the advice makes a world of difference for the story. Thanks for investing back into the writing community.
    (Please enter my name for the draw. Thanks!)

    1. Yes, Lee-Ann, I learned so much from contests. The feedback from published authors is invaluable. I placed in a couple of them, which was nice, but I entered to learn.

  17. I'm so thrilled to be one of Linda & Shannon's authors! They are dedicated and skilled at what they do and make a great team. Looking forward to working with you on my 2021 release!

    1. We're thrilled to have you. It was very important to us to follow through on what Mantlerock started. I've had publisher's close lines with my contract hanging in the balance. It's a horrible feeling and we didn't want our authors feeling that way.

    2. We are super excited and hope to do everything we can to help you and your book(s) succeed! :)

  18. I love hearing the background and am thrilled to now be connected. I look forward to knowing and working with you!

    1. I'm looking forward to working with you on your books Delores.


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