Monday, October 5, 2020




A little inside baseball of writing.

Her Secret Song, which releases TOMORROW!!! Has been in my publisher's hands for ONE YEAR. That's how far ahead an author and publisher works.

The publisher has catalogues that go to bookstores three times a year and a book has to be done, turned in, revised before the catalogue goes out.

The cover comes and is settled about six months before the book releases because it needs to make those catalogues.

So the publisher's part of getting a book ready to print takes longer than it takes me to write.

Also going on....revisions (which takes them a couple of months and then they give me a couple of months to respond to their revision notes), then I get a revised version they call galleys and I get a month to make corrections and send them in. The I get a final version they call designed pages and I get a read through on that. They are also doing read-throughs on each stage to catch typos and what we call SUBSTANTIVE errors. Substantive just means it's a FACT that's wrong, or a detail like, Ursula said........when I mean WAX said. Point of view and sentence tags, it can get muddled in sometimes small ways that get hard to notice.

So the lesson here is, any typos and substantive errors are NOT MY FAULT! --well, that's the lesson I'VE LEARNED.

Others my draw other lessons!

Any questions about the process? Sometimes we get so USED to the system we forget it's a little bit of a mystery to others.

Her Secret Song 

(Brides of Hope Mountain Book #3)

The  woman who's afraid of everyone is falling for the scariest guy in the world…what could go wrong?


Wax Mosby was climbing Hope Mountain in part to atone for his terrible choices. He was hired to drive out the Warden family and now knows he was duped. But when he's wounded during the climb, the last person he expects to rescue him is a beautiful blond woman with the voice of an angel. 

As both Ursula and Wax weigh the costs of living new lives, the two find an unlikely bond. And they're joined by Ursula's sisters and the Warden family as the final showdown over the family ranch looms with the coming of spring. 
Publishers Weekly Review of Her Secret Song HERE!


Coming October 6th! TOMORROW!!!! EEK!!!
The action packed finale to the Brides of Hope Mountain series!

Read an excerpt HERE

Buy Her Secret Song HERE

Leave a comment to get your name in the drawing for a copy of HER SECRET SONG!!!

Mary Connealy


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Regencygirl...does your name mean you love regency romance? Because I'm a huge fan.

  2. I'm glad you broke down the publishing process. I knew it took a long time but never knew why. I haven't started this series yet, I just finished "Accidental Guardian" and am half way through "Reluctant Warrior", with "Unexpected Champion" sitting on the coffee table waiting it's turn. I am so happy about you new series. Congratulations!

    1. Just noticed that I show up as unknown This is Lynne Lanning

    2. Hi Lynne...quiltingquest? So you're a quilter? I'm so impressed by that. I love beautiful quilts, the details and time and the beautiful results.
      I've never been good at sewing and yet and author is all about details and time and a beautiful result. So you'd think a person who does one would do the other.

      But in my case...nope!

  3. Congratulations on the release, Mary! Happy book birthday tomorrow!

    1. Thanks, Missy. It takes forever and yet, when a release finally comes it always seems to be a rush.

  4. Great review from PW, Mary! Congrats! The story sounds delightful, as yours always are!

    I'm cheering for Ursula and Wax to save the ranch and find their happily ever after! :)

    1. The one thing you know about a romance novel is...whatever they have to go through, they will save the ranch and find their happily ever after. :)

  5. I can't wait to read Her Secret Song! Congratulations on another new release!

    One thing that amazes me about the publishing business is how different publishers handle things. Love Inspired is very different from Revell, even though they basically do the same things (editing, covers, etc.) But what really surprised me were the differences between Bethany House and Revell, because they're both parts of the same parent company, Baker Publishing. The differences were minor, but enough to make me say, "hmm..."

    1. The catalogues are what is tricky, I think Jan. Those catalogues go out way ahead of time, so things have to be in order way ahead of time.

  6. Congratulations on your book release!
    I am enjoying this series and I can't wait to read it.

  7. I'm learning a little more about this since I started proofing for an author. The last two books have been quite a squeeze to get those last edits done before release day. I really felt bad for her.

    Looking forward to the new book and thanks for the opportunity!

    1. Bethany House usually gives me plenty of time for revisions. I think in indy pubbed and even just other publishing companies, like Jan said above, the pressure is HUGE.

  8. Congratulations on Her Secret Song coming out!!! My daughter and I are anxiously awaiting its release and to see Ursula's story told. Eeekk!!! So excited! :)

    1. I love Ursula. She's a strong woman but she's always used her strength to protect her little sisters and that meant keeping them isolated.
      Now that strength is being used just to isolate herself. She has to dig deep to let go of her strength being used for the wrong reasons, and turn to face the world.
      And she does it spectacularly!

  9. Excited to read this. And thrilled to share a book birthday with you. Your publisher works a little differently than mine, but I totally agree that any mistakes left at the end can't possibly be my fault. ;-)

    1. Amy! You're releasing a book tomorrow, too!? Cool! We are book twins!!! :)

    2. Congratulations, Amy, on your new book!

  10. Cannot wait for this book!! Read the first two in early summer and have been (patiently?) waiting ever since!

    1. Donna E! I promise I am writing as fast as I can!!! LOL

  11. Congrats on the new release. I love this series. Thanks for the chance.

  12. Interesting post, Mary. Congrats on the book release. Please put me in the drawing!

  13. I love your books Mary,I have the first two in this series can't wait to get this one too. Would love to win it.

    1. Lisa! Thanks for reading my books. It's coming TOMORROW!!!

  14. Such a long process! Loved this series. :)

    1. It is long, Lee-Ann, I always think it's worth it!

  15. I loved the other two books in the series and am beyond excited for "Her Seceret Song".

  16. Loved the first two books in this series. So have been patiently (not) been waiting for Ursula’s story. So happy she’s here.
    Anne Rightler

  17. Loved the first book!! Would love to read the rest...

  18. Mine is on the way and I can't wait! The first two books were wonderful reads. I just love your characters and the fun rapport with the families. Thanks for the chance to win a copy! Best of wishes on Release Day!

  19. So excited for this book! I loved the first two

  20. Happy a Book Birthday 🎁! Congratulations 🎉

  21. I've loved this series, Mary! Such fun! I've been anxiously awaiting my copy. I thought maybe it had come today, but it was a different Bethany book. Congratulations on your new book release!

  22. Happy book release day!! So excited to finally get my hands on this story! Congratulations 🥳🥳


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