Monday, December 28, 2020

The In-Betweens And a Gift Card!

 Erica here:

Here we are, in the last week of 2020, in the middle between Christmas and New Year's Day. It's an odd time, especially this year. In a normal year, this week is filled with parties, family gatherings, travel, and fitting in all the things you can during your kids' break from school. For me, this week is frantic, packed with work, meetings with accountants, filing, printing, sorting and preparing all the end of year business bookwork.

(One of my big tasks this week is to count all the boards in the warehouses. That will keep me busy!)

In spite of all that busyness, it is also an odd time of year. In between. The Big Day has come and gone, but the New Year isn't quite here.

Which makes me think of the writing life. There are lots of Big Days for writers. 

  • The day you finish your first manuscript.
  • The day you attend your first writer's conference.
  • The day you make your first pitch to an agent or editor.
  • The day you sign with an agent.
  • The day you get your first rejection (Which means you're a REAL writer!)
  • The day you sign your first publishing contract.
  • The day you upload your first indie-pubbed book.
  • The day you hold your first book in your hot little hands.
  • The day you have your first book signing event.
  • The day you see your book in a merchant's catalog for the first time.

These are just a few of the Big Days you experience as a writer. What this list doesn't indicated is how long the in-between time is. Christmas to New Year's is only a week, but the time between when you finish a manuscript and sign with an agent, or get your publishing contract and receive your author copies can be a LONG time. 

What are you supposed to do with that indeterminate time of waiting for the next Big Day?

I reckon you could navel-gaze, rest upon your laurels, kick trashcans, and otherwise rail against the torture of waiting.


You could get on with the next thing, things that professional writers do.

For instance:

  • Research your next story
  • Work on your social media presence
  • Take classes/read books on strengthening your writing
  • Prepare a new proposal
  • Study the market/trends/industry
  • Write. The. Next. Book.
All of those are important things that can fill the time, but I will draw your attention to the last one. The most important one. Do not put all your eggs in one basket, and do not waste the time between finishing one book and starting the next. Professional writers write. They do not wait to hear back before moving forward.

So get to work! :)

That being said, I want to celebrate some of the good things that have happened in 2020. Most folks are ready to say goodbye to this year, but it hasn't been all bad. I've had some Big Days. My daughter got married this year (to Jan's son!) I've had three books release. I finished a new novel and submitted it to my editor on the day it was due!

Tell me something good that happened to you, or that you accomplished in 2020, writing related or not, and be entered to win an gift card worth $20.20.

Inspirational Regency romance with a Christmas twist from three best-selling authors

In Joy to the World, three popular authors come together to offer a heartwarming collection of holiday Regency romance. Based on lines from a beloved Christmas carol, these three novellas in one book have depth, faith, and satisfying stories all packed into the perfect length for readers to curl up and take a brief break from their holiday busyness.

"Heaven and Nature Sing" by Carolyn Miller
Two music lovers, deeply devoted to each other, were on the brink of engagement when family circumstances drove them apart. How can they ever overcome their obligations and fears to find their way back into each other's arms?

"Far as the Curse is Found" by Amanda Barratt
One winter night, a woman struggling to provide for her illegitimate child encounters a scarred veteran of the Napoleonic Wars on the streets of London. Can love conquer the darkness of two broken pasts?

"Wonders of His Love" by Erica Vetsch
A Scots portrait painter with a hidden identity finds work at a noble manor house over the holidays. He never imagined he'd fall in love with the emotionally frozen widow there. Now he wants nothing more than to thaw her heart.

Best-selling, award-winning author Erica Vetsch loves Jesus, history, romance, and sports. She’s a transplanted Kansan now living in Minnesota, and she is married to her total opposite and soul mate! When she’s not writing fiction, she’s planning her next trip to a history museum and cheering on her Kansas Jayhawks and New Zealand All Blacks. You can connect with her at her website, where you can read about her books and sign up for her newsletter, and you can find her online at where she spends way too much time!


  1. Congratulations on your daughter's wedding! How wonderful.

    While I have compassion on those who've been affected by tragedy in 2020, I haven't experienced any myself. Honestly, it's only been blessings for us. I was struggling with my son going away to college, so with his spring semester cut short, having him back home (really home- all the time) was heaven on earth. In terms of writing, I had a few moments of celebration, too. I finished my first manuscript, then entered it into a contest and won first place. :-)

    I appreciate your list of Big Days for Writers. I've only experienced three of those, and seeing it in black and white gives me hope that the best is yet to come. Here's to moving forward in 2021!

    1. Congratulations on your contest win!

    2. Congratulations, Rachel! Both on the finished story and the contest win!

    3. Congratulations on finishing your manuscript and winning a contest! That's fantastic, and I'm glad you got more time with your son this year!

  2. Hi, Erica, I'm here and I know what you mean about the Week Between. It's a time when everything slows down (unless you have to count boards). It's a time of looking back, shoring things up, shrugging off our losses and celebrating our wins. Returning or exchanging gifts, trying out the gifts we keep, reading the instruction manuals (or not), and catching up with the people we didn't see on Christmas itself.
    We weren't directly affected by COVID, except for the shortages and the long lines, so I have to say other than the pandemic, 2020 was pretty good to me. My husband did break his shoulder and that forced early retirement, but he was going to retire anyway and it is good to have him home. My daughter had a cancer scare and a COVID scare, but neither one panned out. Professionally I finished and submitted the final copy for my nonfiction history book; published the second Western Dreams story; had a novella in Pelican's "Christmas Extravaganza": and came in second in my category in the Selah Awards. The third book in "Western Dreams" is with a beta reader and I expect to submit it end of January.
    I agree with you about keeping busy. You can't haunt the mailbox (or in this century, the inbox). If you don't have the energy for a new novel, write a novella and then you'll have a novella under your metaphorical belt. If you don't have the energy for any kind of fiction, research a period, a place or a profession. Something will spark you. Or write some blogs and stockpile them so you can just spit them out like a llama when you get an invitation. There's always something. Writing kept me SANE during the pandemic.
    Much to do, may be back later.
    Kathy Bailey
    Your Kaybee
    Summing up 2020 in New Hampshire

    1. You've had quite a writing year, Kathy!

      But this line - Or write some blogs and stock pile them so you can just spit them out like a llama when you get an invitation!!! What a visual! That one will keep me laughing all day!

    2. Kathy, I finished Westward Hope just before Christmas and LOVED IT! I have a few more books to get through before I can read your next one, but I can't wait!

    3. Thank you, Glynis. Should be fun.

    4. Jan, I am glad you like my llama line. Maybe I should be a writer.

    5. Kathy! Congrats on having such a stellar year with your writing! and the llama line is classic!

      I'm sorry about your husband's injury, and I hope he's fully recovered! I wish you all the best in the new year!

  3. Best thing that happened for us in 2020 was DD married a good Christian man and lives only about 45 minutes away :)

    1. That is a blessing that will last for generations! Congratulations, Ann!

    2. Ann, that is definitely something to celebrate!!! Congratulations!

  4. I do enjoy this in-between time at the end of the year. My brain is still in post-Christmas vacation mode, so it's a good time to evaluate the previous twelve months, plan for the future, and get back into the pre-Christmas habits.

    And I agree, the Vetsch-Drexler wedding was the highlight of our year, too! They are such a cute couple, and so happy together!

    1. Jan, that's what I like about the Week Between.

    2. They do seem quite pleased with one another, don't they? :) It was an island of happy in a summer of EEK!

  5. How have I managed to not have your novella? Anyway, problem solved. Joy to the World is ordered!!!!!

  6. grandbaby!!!!
    2020, got three books written that will ALL come out in 2021. Three book series all released in one year!!!
    I can handle that but it's more intense. More relentless. So far I like it. And I've got three coming in 2022, too. (HAH twenty-twenty-two-too--possible song title?)
    I also had two books release.
    And after a lock down, my MOM! She had covid and survived and I got to take her OUT of her nursing home for Christmas. We can't get it from her and we can't give it to her. And I GOT TO HUG HER!!!

    1. Mary, you are so prolific! Kudos to you. I don't know what a kudo is but you certainly deserve them.
      And great news about your mom.

    2. Mary, what wonderful news about your mom. Glad she could be with you for Christmas.

    3. I'm with you on that weird word kudos. Is that plural.
      Like if you're just congratulating me on one thing is it kudo?
      And yeah, getting to take my mom away from the Nursing Home was huge.
      All my family (I'm one of EIGHT kids) have been doing it. Seven of the eightof us will have seen her by Friday. And the eighths, a brother in New York States says he's coming home. He comes home once or twice a year usually but when he had to limit his time with her, and usually THROUGH A WINDOW! he decided to wait with the visit.
      Mom also has 28 grandchildren and they are all lined up to see her!!! It's fun to see how many people love her.

    4. Mary, I am so proud of you and all the work you've done this year, and that grandbaby is a darling!

      But I'm most happy that you've finally been able to see your mom, get her out of the care center for some visits, and to see her joy at seeing all her people!

    5. Mary, mom hugs are the best. I am so glad you got to have mom hugs for Christmas. Best present ever this year!

  7. You did have a good year, Erica. Not envying you spending your week now counting boards. Sounds tedious! I feel like I should have made good use of my time off this year to get some writing done, but I didn't get very far. But I had plenty of time to recharge, and maybe that is what I needed. Our family had a wonderful time in September when my niece got married. It was good to see people then as we decided not to gather as an extended family for the holidays. Please put me in the drawing for the gift card!

    1. I loved Erica's entrance into the world of Regency Romance. I read a lot of regency and just feel crazy intimidated to write it. But Erica gives me more to read.

    2. Thankfully, the boards are now all counted and costed and I am done with inventory until next year! Squee!

      Taking time to recharge, especially with things so wonky this year. I'm glad you got to see family in September!

    3. Mary, I have loved the challenge of learning all the nuances of the Regency Era. And I'm still giving you credit for getting me started in it! :)

  8. 2020 is bizarre, but I’ve enjoyed being home all the time. I live on a small horse ranch in a great community so I suppose that’s easier for me than others who live in small apartments.
    In this year I’ve published my first fiction, written another book, bringing that up to 6 since starting from scratch 3 years ago and studying craft nearly every day. I’ve completed two Margie Lawson online classes and attended two of her webinars. I’ve had the inexpensive and convenient blessing of attending 3 online writing conferences and half a dozen zoom classes.
    My husband has finally put in my new kitchen floor, replaced the front and back decks, and installed an electric fireplace in my writing office.
    2020 has been terrible in so many ways but it’s also made space for brilliant things too. We used the time to our advantage and I can’t say I ever want to return to fast-paced living. :)
    I can’t wait until restrictions are lifted though, I want to get together with writer friends over coffee again.

    1. Dalyn, isn't technogoy great? THREE writing conferences and half a dozen Zoom classes? Good for you. Can you imagine going through all we've been through without technology?

    2. It would help if I learned to SPELL "technology."

    3. Dalyn, I LOVE Margie Lawson classes. I think taking her Deep E.D.I.T.s class is what finally helped me get my writing to a place where a publisher became interested in it.

      You have been a busy girl this year, and how cool to have new flooring and a new fireplace in your writing office!

      I miss my local coffee shop so much. It's where I did most of my writing and writing-related work! Hopefully in the new year, we'll be able to gather again.

  9. It's been a rough year for us, but when I sat to write my Christmas letter I was actually surprised by how many blessings I found in the midst of everything. Timing is where I most often see God in my life and as much as I hate it, COVID and quarantine couldn't have come at a better time for my family. My kids were home from college for the spring and summer, at the time my mother was in hospice care. We all basically quarantined together, so I spent a LOT of time with my family this year LOL. We were more fortunate than other families because we got to be in person to say goodbye. I didn't get a lot of writing done, but there are seasons for everything.

    1. Oh, Glynis, hasn't this year been a mixed blessing? Glad you could spend time with kids and especially Mom. I'd give a lot to have mine back, even during COVID.

    2. Glynis, I'm so glad you were able to be with your mother, and that your family was there to support you. Sometimes it's the hardest times that remind us of all we have to be grateful for. Praying for peace and comfort for you as you go through these 'firsts' without your mama.

  10. Thank you for your inspirational post, Erica. I especially enjoyed your 'Big Days for Writers' list. The good thing that happened to me this year is that after spending the past several years writing and publishing Christian fiction and a children's novel, I focused on my first love--my original sewing designs. I ended up publishing eight sewing pattern books in the Kindle Shop and by the time my final two books came out I felt as if I had built up a following for this new adventure of mine. In 2021 I plan to continue with the sewing patterns, but I also want to get back in touch with my fiction writing. Wishing you all a beautiful, healthy, and inspired 2021. :0}

    1. June! Original sewing patterns! For clothing? Quilting? Costumes? I'm intrigued! Congrats on your success this year!

    2. Thank you so much for your kind words, Erica. I have published home decor patterns which include some seasonal patchwork designs, a stuffed animal and hand puppets and beanbags for kids, tote bags, Christmas tree ornaments, seasonal gifts, etc. I also published two 'Kids Love to Stitch' books for middle-grade and tween children who want to learn to sew. These books include some easy projects using a handful of skills taught in each book. It's been quite an adventure, but a wonderful journey into a new genre. Right now I'm working on my Valentine's Day sewing patterns. Take care, and thanks for your interest in my creative endeavors. :0}

    3. Those sound like so much fun! I looked you up on! Your patterns look great!!

    4. Thank you, Erica. Happy New Year to you and your family and to all of the Seekerville bloggers and readers. :0}

  11. The second book I've illustrated was published, and we bought our first house! Between the two, it pretty much took up the whole year.

    1. Rachael! Congratulations on your publication success and buying a house! Both those are huge!

  12. It has been a year that we have struggled with my mom having seizures and a stroke and her heart getting worse. We relocated her with us and had to sell her house and a lot of belongings. It has been a big adjustment for us all. My daughter and family didn’t get to come home for Thanksgiving, my son lost his job due to Covid, hubby has been laid off since Thanksgiving due to weather, but God..He is still in control. Blessings and a Happy New Year to all.

    1. Ah, Lucy, what a heavy load to carry. You must be such a blessing to your mama, and so caring of you to bring her to live with you. That can be a hard adjustment for all involved.

      I'm so glad that God never looks at our struggles and says, "I'm sitting this one out."

      I hope you find blessing and peace and comfort in the new year!

  13. Welcome and congrats on your daughters wedding. This will be a year that none of the brides and grooms will forget for sure. My husband is now working from home and it is nice having him here. I am retired and he likes to come out of his office and talk or just run things by me. I dont have to answer just listen. This has been a good time for our relationship. Also, he has become the one that takes care of his moms medicine. She is in a retirement home. Which is difficult for her since it is locked down. But my husband keeps in contact with her by phone daily and that helps a lot. She is 87 and still strong and of sound mind. We have actually watched her as she helps others who are not like her and this is a good thing for her. We are all looking forward to the new year. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

    1. Lori! How nice for you to have your husband at home, and that you're getting along! :) Sometimes the first year after a retirement, or beginning to work from home, can be stressful as you adjust. I know my folks certainly found it to be so!

      Good for your MIL helping, even at her age! She must be quite the blessing to her fellow residents.

  14. Erica, what a great post! Those in-between times can be a bit crazy-making. But you're right. We can choose how we navigate those waiting seasons and choose to use the time productively. :)

    This year I edited (and re-edited) a book and proposal to submit. The hard thing about that? I received a rejection letter. But, I also learned how to work under stress (COVID upheaval, anyone?), which I count as a win. I also had some wonderful conversations with our boy-men and with my husband, who didn't travel as much as usual this year. There were definitely some good points in this year!

    1. Jeanne, you count that rejection as a Big Day, because it means you've worked and honed and been brave and submitted your work!

      I love hearing all the upsides of having family home more this year. Perhaps it's the blessing that will bear fruit further down the road. :)

  15. Congratulations on the wedding!
    The best part of the year for me truly was writing! I set out to learn more about tge craft, be consistent, and write short stories. By showing up and writing I have a few short stories AND two first drafts❤ its surprised me!!

    1. Tonya, isn't it great when we ENJOY the writing? And enjoy learning it?

    2. Tonya, congratulations on setting goals and working toward them! And now you have finished products to show for it! That's huge!

      I'm glad you've found joy in writing this year!

  16. Merry Christmas! Remember we're still in the Christmas Octave so Merry Christmas is still appropriate! I love having eight days to enjoy Christmas...after the hustle bustle.

    I made a new friend during the shutdown. We knew each other from church, but not well. Her family had prayer needs, and she commented on my daily videos which were focused on prayer. I commented back. We chatted on the phone. She brought over cookies. We prayed for more family members, and within a short time, we became fast friends. That connection is one of the high points of 2020!

    1. Making a new friend is always a reason to celebrate! How rewarding for you to be such a blessing to each other through prayer!

      And Merry Christmas to you! No matter what time of year, it's appropriate to keep Christmas in our hearts! :)

  17. Glad you had a great year! I am grateful we stayed safe...we are high risk so really stayed home lots. So glad I love to read and plan to really enjoy my new Kindle. Please enter me for the gift card.
    Happy New Year to all Seekers!!

    1. Jackie! I'm glad you've stayed safe, and that you have been able to read. A new kindle is something to celebrate, too! I love mine!

      Happy New Year!

  18. I read more than 200 books and I wrote 100 words for 100 days

    1. Angeline, that's outstanding! That consistency over 100 days is awesome! :)

      And 200 books! I think I read about forty? Whew!

  19. I do apologize for not being her much today. This is my busiest week of the year! (Well, except for that week before the wedding. That was Crazy-Town!)

    Thank you to everyone for pitching in and keeping the discussions going! :)

  20. This year has been crazy, but there was still so much good, too. This week I am finishing my final read-through on my book releasing in three weeks. It's the first of three contracts I was able to get for 2021 and I am thrilled. I have also had a book release this year, written two others, and come up with ideas for about five more. :-) And sent out a proposal for my first series. Whew!
    Definitely a good writing year for me. I surpassed my goals!

    1. Amy, that's fantastic! You have been a busy writer! Congratulations!!!

  21. Well, I'm not a writer, but I'm a reader who gets to enjoy the fruits of your labors! Thanks to all of you amazing writers who keep me busy reading! I've read and reviewed 120 books this year, so I've been able to amuse myself while staying mostly at home. Erica, I haven't read your story from the Christmas collection, but I greatly enjoyed The Lost Lieutenant and The Gentleman Spy. I'm anxiously awaiting the next book in the series!

    1. Thank you so much, Winnie, for being so dedicated to helping support Christian fiction. Your reviews mean a lot!

      If you're looking for something to tide you over until The Indebted Earl releases in March, my story in the Joy to the World collection features the characters from The Lost Lieutenant and The Gentleman Spy! :)

  22. 2020 has certainly been challenging but I've realized that many of the things I thought necessary aren't really that important. I am also extremely thankful that our even though my husband, daughter, and I all had Covid 19, we are now in recovery! Congratulations Erica on your successful year. You've given us so much reading pleasure.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Connie! I'm so glad you and your family are recovering! That's something to be thankful for, isn't it!

      Hard times tend to distill our thoughts and our needs, don't they? Hard times winnow through our priorities like nothing else.

  23. Hello Erica 2020 has been so challenging I am so Thankful for my Health Family and Friends Happy New Year! To All

    1. Hi, Sarah, it's been a challenge for sure! Happy New Year to you!

  24. This his been a very difficult year for my family. My father was diagnosed with cancer and is on chemo. My mother has severe mental health issues. Both parents ended up in different hospitals in October . I am unemployed and helping take care of both of them.

    Through these hard times the love and prayers of family and friends have been amazing. The love of my heavenly father is is my strength. Having wonderful Christian authors to read has been fun. I have read 35 books this year!

    1. Erika, what a heavy load for you to bear! I'm so glad you've found some solace in Christian fiction, and even happier that your true peace is coming from your Savior!

  25. I was on track to meet my goal of reading 230 books this year, but then... we were able to buy our first house! It's needed a lot of updating so we've been pretty busy and has taken priority with my spare time. I'm only 7 books off my goal, but now I have enough bookshelves for all my books, so I'll take it! Happy New Year!

    1. Congratulations on your first house! And Yay for lots of bookshelves!!!!

  26. Our daughter got married!!! She married a guy who is just perfect for her. He loves Jesus and cherishes her. He has a wonderful family who dearly loves our daughter. We are truly thankful!!!

    God's richest blessings to you, Erica, in this upcoming year of 2021!

    1. Congratulations, Alison! A wedding like that is certainly something to celebrate. Blessing to you and to the new couple!


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