Howdy! Erica Vetsch here! I hope you’re having a splendiferous day!
This last weekend, I turned in the content edits for my 2022 release, Millstone of Doubt, book two in the Thorndike & Swann Regency Mysteries.
I spent hours in my library/office, reading, revising, tweaking, fixing. The door was closed, a little instrumental piano music going in the background, tea mug nearby. I was alone with my work.
This is the point where you hear authors say writing is very solitary. You. The Words. Nobody else. And this is true. There are great swaths of my day where I am by myself, at my computer, pulling words from my head and arranging them on the screen.
And yet, while authors write their books in isolation, writing is really a team sport. And the broader writing life even more so.
Examples just from this past week:
1. I edited Millstone of Doubt based upon the editorial letter I got from my editor at the publishing house. We are a team, trying to produce the best product possible. We shared ideas, collaborated on sticky bits, and hopefully succeeded in making the manuscript better. The book will now go to the line editor, who will polish, align, and generally improve the story in most every way possible because she’s awesome like that. Yay for an editorial team!
2. I spoke with my publicist on the phone, and she did some cooperative marketing for a project I was involved with. Very soon, she’ll be sending me Q&As for my upcoming release, creating graphics, and checking up on all the people who have signed up to read and review the story in the coming days. She works with the marketing and publicity teams at my publisher to get the word out about my books. Yay for a publicity team!
3. Last week, I took part in the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt with 25 other authors. We each promoted the hunt through our social media, newsletters, and pretty much everywhere we could, and as a result, word about my upcoming release reached WAY more people than I could have on my own. Yay for a collaborative effort by a team of author friends.
4. Last Thursday, I did a zoom meeting with a delightful group of west coast librarians where we talked about the road to publication, books, our favorite reads, and more. But on Tuesday, I couldn’t think of a single topic that would sound interesting. I was up to my eyeballs in edits, had several other projects going, and my mind was blank…so…I threw myself on the mercy of the Seekers. Dashing off a quick email plea for help, I was thrilled that so many ideas and answers poured into my inbox. I knew they would, because the SeekerLadies are awesome like that. In the end, I think I hit on almost every proposed topic in my presentation, and the librarian ladies seemed to enjoy it and had lots of fun questions afterwards. Yay for a writing buddy team!
5. This past week, I also got together with writing friends, Julie Klassen and Michelle Griep, to film a fun video we hope to air in the Inspirational Regency Readers Group in December. They drove to my place, brought props, and basically joined in on my hare-brained schemes. J They were great, and I could not (and would not) have done the video without them. My daughter took the day off from work to be our videographer, and she rocked it! Yay for the friend and film crew team!
6. I also met on Friday with a book club two hours from my home. We got together to fellowship and to make some crafts and of course to talk about books. This group of ladies has supported Christian fiction as a book club for more than 15 years, and they’re still going strong. I just love them. They encourage me every time we get together. Yay for a reader team!
7. Last night (I’m writing this on Saturday for a Monday post, so that tells you how busy my week has been) I got a reminder from our own Mindy Obenhaus about getting my updates into the Weekend Edition post. Mindy does this every week, reminding those who posted before and those who are due to post to get their blurbs in and pick winners, etc. Audra Harders creates the lovely Seekerville calendars each month, Seekers cover for each other if someone cannot post on their day, Ruthy sorta stage-manages us all, Debby produces the lovely Sunday Prayer posts, and…you would not believe the fervent and faithful prayers that surround any Seeker in need. Yay for a tight team of Seekers!
As you can see, my writing life has been a wee bit on the busy side, but it hasn’t all been sitting alone in my office staring at that judgmental blinking cursor all day. I have teams of people who have helped me accomplish every aspect of my writing life. I haven’t even mentioned my husband who has spent several evenings in sole possession of the remote control as I worked on edits into the late hours, nor how next week, Heather will be helping me plot my next novel so I can dive into writing it, or my church family who lent prayer and care while my husband and I were sick with the current virus du jour.
Do you have a team? Are you part of someone else’s team?

Jane Austen meets Sherlock Holmes in this new Regency mystery series
Newly returned from finishing school, Lady Juliette Thorndike is ready to debut in London society. Due to her years away, she hasn't spent much time with her parents, and sees them only as the flighty, dilettante couple the other nobles love. But when they disappear, she discovers she never really knew them at all. They've been living double lives as government spies--and they're only the latest in a long history of espionage that is the family's legacy.
Now Lady Juliette is determined to continue their work. Mentored by her uncle, she plunges into the dangerous world of spy craft. From the glittering ballrooms of London to the fox hunts, regattas, and soirees of country high society, she must chase down hidden clues, solve the mysterious code her parents left behind, and stay out of danger. All the while, she has to keep her endeavors a secret from her best friend and her suitors--not to mention nosy, irritatingly handsome Bow Street runner Daniel Swann, who suspects her of a daring theft.
Can Lady Juliette outwit her enemies and complete her parents' last mission? Or will it lead her to a terrible end?
Newly returned from finishing school, Lady Juliette Thorndike is ready to debut in London society. Due to her years away, she hasn't spent much time with her parents, and sees them only as the flighty, dilettante couple the other nobles love. But when they disappear, she discovers she never really knew them at all. They've been living double lives as government spies--and they're only the latest in a long history of espionage that is the family's legacy.
Now Lady Juliette is determined to continue their work. Mentored by her uncle, she plunges into the dangerous world of spy craft. From the glittering ballrooms of London to the fox hunts, regattas, and soirees of country high society, she must chase down hidden clues, solve the mysterious code her parents left behind, and stay out of danger. All the while, she has to keep her endeavors a secret from her best friend and her suitors--not to mention nosy, irritatingly handsome Bow Street runner Daniel Swann, who suspects her of a daring theft.
Can Lady Juliette outwit her enemies and complete her parents' last mission? Or will it lead her to a terrible end?
You can pre-order HERE.
ReplyDeleteI was dragged in with the term Regency Mystery!!!! Go you, Vetsch!!!!
And yes, this is a team sport in so many ways. Partly because you and I actually like people.
A lot of authors/writers don't!!!! The strict introverts among our kind are different in all of this and it's an irony that it still all works, right? I lament that I live in an area that grows great pumpkins but few inspirational authors.... but I'm blessed to have you online gals to laugh with me, cry with me, tell me to suck it up and get on with the day...
I love your frankness about all things writing.
And your busy week rocked!
Good morning, Ruthy! We are blessed to have the technology to communicate so quickly and easily...even though it can be a distraction or procrastination tool in my hands1 :)
DeleteI would have quit writing years ago (okay, I'm on hiatus as it is) without having writer friends to go to for encouragement, help, and healthy venting... Your week of partnering shows exactly how important it is in the world of fiction. Great post, Erica!
ReplyDeleteDebra, me too! Writing is hard, and you do need that outlet to people who 'get it' when there is a cloud of writing frustration raining on you! And equally, to have those same people to celebrate and happy dance with you when you have a writing triumph! :)
DeleteThank you for this reminder, Erica! Sometimes I feel very alone in my writing (gotta get those words written!) but I need to remember that there are teams I count on every step of the way - and who count on me!
ReplyDeleteAnd I can't wait for Thorndyke & Swann #2. You nailed the Regency Mystery sub-genre in The Debutante's Code!
Jan, it can feel very solitary, but I love the communities like Seekerville and 1k1hr, so that even if it is only for a few moments in the midst of a writing session, I am reminded that I am not alone in this! :)
DeleteYes! Our in-real-life friends and online friends and fellow writers are so important! Your week does sound crazy, but I'm glad you were able to stop by and give us such a great reminder of how much we need people. Didn't we all--even us introverts--learn that over the last year+ of distancing from our families and friends and coworkers. [All of a sudden I heard Barbra Streisand singing "People who need people..." in my head :)] Happy Monday, everyone!
ReplyDeletePS - I'm almost finished with the Lost Lieutenant and it's wonderful, Erica!
Hi, Glynis! Yup, even us introverts learned the importance of contact and community over the past many months. I've got Babs in my head...
DeleteThank you, Erica, for another peek at a real writer's life. I must confess that I find the busy-ness a daunting and not altogether desirable aspect of the writing life. I'm more like that introvert that Ruthy mentioned in her comment. It's not that I don't like people. It's just that I can only handle so many of them at a time for only so many hours at a time. The more people there are and the longer I'm surrounded by them without being able to step apart for some silence and solitude, the higher my stress level gets. Even the people I love the most!
ReplyDeleteTerri Lynn, I'm an introvert, and the level of busy can get crazy sometimes. Thankfully, not all weeks are like my last one! And much of the activity last week that I found myself in, I volunteered for, so you can say no to some things or postpone some things to keep an even keel.
DeleteIt's like we always say, Erica, iron sharpens iron. We writers need to connect with others who get us, whether they're writers, editors, publicists. Writing is a lonely endeavor, so knowing someone is there to cheer us on and lift us up is a great comfort.
ReplyDeleteAmen, Mindy!!!! <3
DeleteI love the support of the Seekerville community.
ReplyDeleteMe too! I love this community!
DeleteYou're so right about writers benefiting from community. I count myself blessed to be on your team!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad we're friends and doing this writing thing together! <3
DeleteI mean... I would have been writing this on Sunday night, pushing midnight, so as far as I'm concerned you were writing this early! ;)
ReplyDeleteThere have been times...I'm just happy I finally thought of something to write about before the Weekend Edition deadline hit! :D
DeleteYour hare-brained schemes are the best! Happy to be part of your team :)
ReplyDelete:) I'm blessed beyond all reason! Thanks for coming along down the crazy path with me! :)
DeleteSuch a lovely post, Erica, and so true. I love how we support one another! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Debby. I love that here, one person's success is never considered to be at the expense of another. A sovereign God has it all in His hands, and we don't need to worry about piffling things such as "When will it be my turn?" We can just go ahead and support and cheer each other! :)
DeleteYou're exactly right!
DeleteI love your videos with Michelle and Julie. Much love and prayers.
ReplyDelete:) I'm so glad, and hopefully, there will be some fun ones coming up!
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ReplyDeleteWow, you are one busy lady! I'll take a nap for you! :)
ReplyDelete'preciate it! :) And you're quite busy yourself these days! :)
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