Friday, November 26, 2021

Happy (_____________) Fill in YOUR Blank Day!

Oops, I'm a few hours late on today's post, but that's okay. I'm sure all of you are observing at least ONE of the many holidays that fall on November 26th.

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day celebrating with family and friends, or just chilling quietly at home. Either way, there is so much to be thankful for. Sometimes we really have to dig deep to find thankfulness. Some feel more blessed than others this holiday season, but regardless of what's going on in your life, I firmly believe that God is there with us no matter the circumstances.

Now on to ALL the holidays we can observe today!

National Cake Day

National Day of Listening – Day After Thanksgiving

National Native American Heritage Day – Day After Thanksgiving

Black Friday – Day After Thanksgiving

Buy Nothing Day – Day After Thanksgiving

Flossing Day – Day After Thanksgiving

Maize Day – Day After Thanksgiving

So many to choose from, right?

Looking over that list, I'm going with National CAKE Day and Buy Nothing Day! lol I got a chuckle out of Flossing Day. I mean, the day after the biggest meal of the year? Too funny.

Maize Day. Good one, too!

So, which holiday (or more) are you observing today?

And, in honor of BLACK FRIDAY, if you're just itching to buy something, The Evergreen Bride is on sale for .99cents this week. :) 


  1. How about National Recover from Thanksgiving Day? I could use that!

    1. Yes, your version sounds better than mine. I started to suggest, "National Sleep the Day Away Day", but I knew Ruthy would ding me for that! lol

  2. Or National Get Back to Normal Day? That's what I'm celebrating today!

    I hope every one of our Seekerville family had a great Thanksgiving!

    1. This sounds so nice. It's been awhile since I've seen normal around here. I like normal. Quiet. Relaxing.

  3. Mine is working at the mall on Black Friday. The bookstore was busy. I have read The Evergreen Bride. It is good!

    1. Sandy, what fun to work at a bookstore. I think we're all just a wee bit jelly of you today. :) And so glad you enjoyed The Evergreen Bride.


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