Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Changing Things Up

Good morning, friends! I am so happy to be back with you on this lovely fall day! I will admit that fall is my favorite season of the year. I love the changing colors, the smells, the feeling of walking in the cool air, swaddled in cuddly sweaters and comfy jeans. I also love some of the flavors. Apples. Cinnamon. Nutmeg. And to my astonishment, pumpkin spice. Friends, I said for years I was a tea drinker and coffee was gross. Then I was introduced to iced coffee, cappuccino, and the joys of flavored creamers. Now I'm a fan. 

It goes to show, it's good to try new things. 

Which is why 2022 is my year to try some new things in my writing life. Y'all, I love what I do. And I love my publisher. However, I also wanted to breathe some new life into some of my older manuscripts. When I got my rights back for Presumed Guilty and Interrupted Lullaby, I was scared and elated. What to do now? Well, the first thing I tackled were the covers. I had worked with Brandi Gabriel before and had been pleased with her work, so I contracted Blessed Designs to do the new covers for my LaMar County Justice series.

Aren't they gorgeous? I then decided to remake a novella from a collection and make it the prologue to the re-issues. 

I was very happy with how it turned out. I needed one more full-length story, though. My editor said she wouldn't mind if I took a story that contained a few of the characters from my published series and created an indie book to round out the series. I chose a storyline that she'd decided not to use. Explosive Reunion will be my last story in this experiment.

I have been working hard at revising and updating the manuscripts and learning about self-publishing. It's been so very exciting. I can't wait to release these. I don't yet know how much indie publishing I will do. This may be my only solitary venture, or I may decide to do more. We'll have to see how I feel about this after these books are released. A Dark Silence will be out later this fall. The other three will all release in 2023. 

It will be an interesting year.

So now I want to know, what changes or new adventures have you embraced in your life?

Dana R. Lynn is an award-winning author of romantic suspense and Amish romance who believes in the power of God to touch people through stories. Although she grew up in Illinois, she met her husband at a wedding in Pennsylvania and told her parents she had met her future husband. Nineteen months later, they were married. Today, they live in rural Pennsylvania and are entering the world of empty nesters. She is a teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing by day and writes stories of romance and danger at night. She is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray with the Steve Laube Agency. Dana is an avid reader, loves cats and thinks chocolate should be a food group. Readers can contact her or sign up to receive her monthly newsletter at  www.danarlynn.com.


  1. I'm not one for new things, but I have a birthday later this year that ends in a zero, so that always feels like a milestone and a need to try something new. Stepping into self publishing is a great step and I'm excited to see how it goes for you!

    1. Glynis, I have one in January that ends in a "2." Being older is so great! You can try new stuff and nobody, like, cares. Or they're amazed that you're still alive to do it at all.

    2. Lol, Kathy! I love your attitude!

    3. Happy early birthday, Glynis! I haven't always embraced change, but it gets easier as I age.

  2. Dana, good points. I have a love-hate relationship with fall due to the New England winters, but I try to give autumn the benefit of the doubt. I do love the flavors and colors and the brisk air. It's so exciting that there are more options available to us as writers. I'm exploring a couple myself.
    I'm on here as anonymous but I'm really Kathy Bailey.

  3. I am finding the exploration fun, although at times it seems there's an overwhelming amount to learn. I will agree about winter. I love the beginning. And a white Christmas is always lovely. Around February, though, I'll be feeling a bit sick of it. LOL.

  4. I love it when people try new things!
    I'm not as excited as when "people" is "me" though. Somehow the experience is filled with trepidation rather than excitment, LOL!
    But congratulations! I'm sure it will be so satisfying to round out your three stories into a series.

    1. LOL. Yeah, I get that. There's a lot of fear involved. Especially about doing something wrong and ruining a good thing.

  5. Congrats, Dana, on your new adventure! The covers are beautiful!

  6. Thanks Debby! I wish I had a talent for designing covers. It looks like such fun.


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