Monday, November 14, 2022

The Drink that Inspires

 Some days I need coffee more than others. Do you? Especially heading into the holiday season, it feels like chaos notches up and I'm spinning in a circle while juggling too many pies and bowls of stuffing.

(Also, can you believe this picture was taken last week in Wisconsin? Unseasonably warm!)

If you haven't noticed, there's something synonymous with writers and their favorite drinks. I have writerly friends who can barely write a word without coffee (including me), and then others who are distinctly loyal to tea, (insert Erica Vetsch here), and others who are prone to grab a Dr. Pepper for inspiration. 

I think liquid is an author's security blanket. I was pondering this the other day, and determined that we need something tangible to help our body and brain connect into the, "it's okay to sit down and go into your imaginary world" moment. Otherwise, I tend to see a list of unending tasks that need to get done and even on deadline, feel guilty that I'm immersed in story and not real life. Pour me a cup of coffee and then ... sweet liquid muse. My happy in a cup.

Do you have a special drink that inspires your day or your creativity? What are your thoughts on my whole theory that liquids are a writer's security blanket?

Jaime Jo Wright
 is the author of nine novels, including Christy Award winner The House on Foster Hill and Christy Award Finalist Echoes Among the Stones
She's also the Publishers Weekly and ECPA bestselling author of two novellas. Along with her writing, Jaime also manages MadLit Mentoring & Assist which offers mentorships workshops and quarterly group mentoring to aspiring and established authors, as well provides assistant services to established authors who don't share Jaime's love of all things social media and marketing. You can find out more about Jaime at or


  1. Jaime, for me it's tea. Preferably Earl Grey in a china cup. There's something about the fumes that clears my head. Most writers have some kind of ritual. There's a lot to be said for caffeine, but some writers also drink decaf whatever, by choice or for health reasons, and it's still a ritual. We are so quirky!
    Kathy Bailey
    Your Kaybee (or somebody's, I haven't posted in a while)

  2. Nope, no special drinks here, but then I am not an officially published writer yet. I am in the minority of non-coffee lovers, though. I don't get the appeal.
    Kayla James

    1. I'm with you, Kayla. I really dislike coffee. We're definitely in the minority!

  3. I gotta have my tea. Anywhere from two to five cups every morning. But no china cups. I need a mug that I can wrap my chilled fingers around, because the tea serves a dual purpose--to boost and keep me warm. :)

  4. I am not a coffee drinker. I drink hot chocolate every morning. Like coffee drinkers, I can't start my day without it. I also drink a hot tea each day as well.

  5. Wow - that's a deep observation. It totally makes sense though - a beverage or favorite snack to munch on while losing yourself in the story gives permission to forget about unending tasks...
    I like to switch up my beverages while writing/ reading. Sometimes it's coffee, then tea or hot chocolate. I've also been known to drink water (gasp! Lol).

  6. Coffee - No matter what I'm doing, I need my coffee! No china cups for me because I sip slowly and all day long, needing my 32 oz. insulated mug (refilled a few times a day!) I hadn't thought about it that way, but I suppose it is a type of security blanket...I don't think I could make it happily into my creative world without it.

  7. Tea for me! I have one LARGE cup first thing in the morning - Earl Grey, in the largest mug I own. :-)
    While I'm writing, though, it's water. If I try to drink tea while writing, I tend to get distracted and forget about it.

  8. I like both coffee and tea, but it's the caffeine I must watch, keeps me up at night. So, no caffeine anything after about 2-ish. Vanilla Chai tea is my favorite, but they have Earl Grey and Constant Comment and others in decaff, so I can drink those too.

  9. Morning and mid-afternoon coffee and water the rest of the time. Plus, I need to remember to keep chugging the H20! Writing takes work, and we need to remain hydrated. Love your photo. Ah, for those warm days again. It's freezing in Georgia!

  10. Black coffee every morning ... thankfully it is better than my dad's, who said pond water was the secret ingredient ;) ... Ann

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