Monday, December 12, 2022

Christmas Chaos, anyone?


Is anyone else feeling the Christmas rush? I just lost a week this morning! I checked my emails to a reminder today was my day to post here at Seekerville and I was shocked to find out last week was over and THIS was the week my calendar was on.


Do you all find the Christmas chaos to be a little much sometimes? I purchased a Christmas novella collection to savor and enjoy this month and I've yet to open it. Here's my full confession: the chaos has NOTHING to do with Christmas. Life has just gotten a bit coo-coo and between work and writing and helping out my Dad and more writing and oh yea, that thing called writing . . . it's my Monday to post at Seekerville already and I didn't even realize it!

So I'm taking tips on how to start slowing down for Christmas . . . anyone? Bueller?

Here's what I've collected so far (in the last two minutes since I realized I should probably try to slow down):

1. Determine to slow down - I think that sounds a tad silly but isn't it true? If we don't make the decision to prioritize Christmas and the people around us, it's going to come and go and be gone and welcome 2023! 

2. Realize you can't be all things to all people - I don't typically realize that. I'm not a "Yes" person so much as I'm a super heightened responsible person to my already commitmented things (It's why I'm writhing in utter shame that I'm only now posting this blog post!) So, yes, there are commitents--like this post--but then there are also the whole, maybe-I-don't-have-to-wrap-everyone-gift-like-I'm-Martha-Stewart things. 

3. Refill your coffee (or tea) - This. This should move up to priority spot #1.

So today, I'm taking tips and tricks! Please leave YOUR suggestions in the comments below.



Jaime Jo


  1. Hi, Kayla here.
    Reading Christmas themed Bible plans on the Bible app helps me so far. Then again, I am not a mom and still single so I am not exactly rushed for Christmas and I can slow down. Maybe you can have God walk through your schedule with you and you can ask Him to give you the power to slow down. I am sure when God has hold of your schedule, He can slice out time for slowing down. Have a Mary day or hour instead of a "Martha, Martha" day.

  2. Oh Jaime! I can sympathize with you!

    I love your first tip - Determine to slow down. One way I've been able to slow down is to start Christmas prep earlier each year. I make a list of things that have to be done as soon as the garden work is done (so late September, early October) then try to check one thing off that list each day - or at least a few each week. One thing! So by the time Christmas week gets here (next week, y'all!) all that's left to do is to bake some goodies and enjoy the time with family.

    The other thing is to plan nothing extra for the last two weeks before Christmas. No meetings, no going out (except for Christmas parties!) and no more shopping. Of course, that means the shopping has to be finished early!

    Merry Christmas, Jaime. Have a blessed season with your loved ones!

  3. I woke to a water leak in our house this morning. The water mitigation folks will need a full week and will tear up an entire bathroom. Not what I planned this close to Christmas! My tip....go with the flow and ask God to direct your steps. When he's in charge, everything works a lot more smoothly. Also, I can't drink too much coffee or I get the jitters! :)

    Wishing you Advent blessings!

    1. Debby, I am so sorry about your water leak. I know that is the last thing you need now. But it will all work out!

  4. I am finally done decorating the way I want. Now I have to work on my Christmas letter and get cards out. Waiting for my grown son to write up what I will say about him!

  5. Been there! I think someone will inscribe on my headstone "She thought she had another week." ;) Merry Christmas, kiddo!

  6. Very timely post, Jamie. I especially like the tip you can't be all things to all people. It took me a while but I've finally learned how to say no.

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