Monday: Mary was here talking about a new release...and subplots. The winner of a signed copy of Forged in Love is Angeline
Tuesday: Cate roused the village to get the word out about Lisa Jordan's new Love Inspired release, Rescuing Her Ranch. Winning copies go to Sally Shupe, Sandy Smith and Abby H.
Wednesday: Ruthy shed wisdom on Planning, Plotting, Pantsing: What works? What doesn't?
On Friday: Carrie hosted Felicia Ferguson to get us thinking about How to “Go There” and Not Lose Your Readers: Writing Difficult Topics in Fiction.
Monday: Jaime Jo will be our hostess
Tuesday: Dana will be our hostess
Wednesday: Debby Giusti will provide a Scripture that applies to the writing journey.
Thursday: Winnie will be our hostess
Disclaimer: Any blog post that includes an offer of product purchase or service is NOT to be considered an endorsement by Seekerville or any of our authors (please see our Legal page )
Move Along: Fixing Pacing Problems by Janice Hardy at Fiction University
How to Raise the Stakes in Your Story by Kristen Kieffer at Well-Storied
Using Talk-To-Text as a Writing Tool by Julie Lavender at The Write Conversation
How to Come Back to Your Writing Practice After You've been Called Away by Tracy Hahn-Burkett at Writer UnBoxed
Inkblots by Steve Hooley at Killzone blog
Dreaming With God - Does My Story Matter? by Kariss Lynch at Learn How To Write A Novel
Voices of Courage: Why Military Writers are Important by Dan Balow at Steve Laube agency
The Intersection of Premise and Protagonist by CS Lakin at Live Write Thrive
Creating Romantic Tension in Your Novel by Hannah Bauman at Between The Lines Editorial
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