Mary Connealy
Good night sweet blog. Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Yes, Seekerville is closing up. I hate it and I'm ready. This blog has meant so much to me. This outlet as a professional writer. This attempt we've all made to help others and express ourselves. There were so many people who helped me learn how to write. And when a group of authors and friends formed an email loop and were just having a ridiculous amount of fun, we decided maybe we had something to share with other aspiring authors.
Seekerville was born.
Giving it up feels wrong because it's been a home online for me for a long, long time. But it also feels right. The effort to find some new way to talk about the lessons of writing are hard. And I feel like I fail at it more often than I succeed. Or I repeat myself.
So I accept that we're putting our blog to bed for the last time today. Good night sweet blog.
Ruth Logan Herne
Seekerville was never just a blog.
It was a give-back from fifteen authors who prayed one another into royalty-paying publication.
In a time when self-publishing was raising its head and viability, these authors created a sisterhood of faith, hope and love… and met their goal! All fifteen authors were published and in the middle of that, when only a handful had gotten “the call” we decided to start a blog to help other aspiring authors. We believed in giving, helping, leading and encouraging.
We were and are blessed! It has given me countless friends and delightful readers and I will be forever grateful for both!
What Seekerville has meant to me…
Where do I start? We’re supposed to submit a paragraph, and I feel I could write a Julie Lessman-long post and not quite scratch the surface. When Seekerville started, I was a fledgling writer, absorbing everything I could about writing, the writer’s life, and books. I read every day, I commented so much, the original Seekers must have thought I was stalking them, and I learned so, so much. I loved that the Seekers spoke of more than just their own books, but brought in guest posters, too. One of those guest posts changed the way I write. (The Plot Board) I loved the sense of sisterhood, of support, and cheerleading the Seeker-Community provided. When Mary Connealy asked if I would like to join as a Seeker a few years ago, I was all over that opportunity. Though I knew every Seeker and had met them in person, I didn’t realize how our relationships would grow. We’ve shared the ups, the downs, the way downs, the way ups, and the way sideways bits of life, not just those concerned with writing, but with life. They have become a sisterhood, and I don’t say that lightly. I will miss the posts and the community of Seekerville, because it was something quite special. I’m glad the archives will be available for me to refer to when I need to learn or relearn something about the writing life…or just reminisce about some really good times.
So many memories…
As we know,
all good things must end, even Seekerville, although it is with a heavy heart
that I bid farewell. Your kindness and encouragement have touched me deeply,
and I’m so grateful. The memories of the love and laughter we shared will never
fade and will be special treasures that will warm my spirit in the years ahead.
Know that you are ever in my heart and in my prayers.
I love you all!
Debby Giusti
Janet Dean
I’m beyond blessed to have been a Seeker, one of 13 writers who joined forces to support each other on our journey to publication. When we started the blog Seekerville our intent was to share writing and industry tips meant to help ourselves and others along the way and to promote books with giveaways and prizes. We had a blast doing it while meeting and connecting with wonderful writers and readers! But what we ended up sharing the most were our lives! Writing is a solitary business and having this vibrant community to visit each day forged special connections and friendships we’ll always cherish! I learned oodles about writing from our posts, enjoyed the interaction both online and at writing conferences. But by far the best part of Seekerville was seeing ours and countless others’ dreams realized and celebrated in Seekerville! Though I’m retired and no longer write, I’ll always be grateful to have been part of it! Thanks to all who came, all who stayed, all who gave so much of themselves!

Back in the heyday of blogging, Seekerville stood out as a
safe place for up-and-coming authors to learn, share victories and
disappointments, and to cheer each other on. It was more than just a blog, it
was a community. Many authors attribute their success to Seekerville, and I’m
one of them. Iron sharpens iron. That’s what Seekerville has always been about.
And I’ve been honored to be a small part of it.
Julie Lessman
the fall of 2010, our family was in the middle of making one of our many
interstate moves. While I was in Kansas waiting for our house to sell and home
schooling our two youngest children, I felt the nudge to start the writing
career that had been pushed aside for years. As I searched the internet to find
out information on how to start this plunge into unknown waters, I stumbled
upon a blog. Fifteen authors – some published, some pre-published – were giving
advice for people exactly like me! And not only advice, but encouragement,
well-timed lessons, and a camaraderie that made that little corner of the
internet feel like home.
invitation to join the Seekers in 2017 was a dream come true! It was a
bittersweet time, though, as we said goodbye to so many original Seekers who
were retiring. I feel that same bittersweet feeling now, as times have changed,
and blogs are no longer the best way to reach aspiring authors. But you all
know where to find us, right? We’ll still be on social media – be sure to look
for us there!
to all, Jan Drexler
Hmm, summing up what Seekerville is to me in one paragraph?
Impossible! There are innumerable memories rolled up in all the terrific
events, posts, discussions that have transpired over virtual brunches of
cinnamon rolls, red velvet cake and omelet bars, LOL. But, if I had to choose
one aspect of Seekerville I loved the most, it would be all the Seeker
Villagers who have touched my life over the years. As most know,
Seekerville was born as a group of unpublished authors banded together through
their love of contests and sought to pray each other into publication. Along
the way, we launched a blog to help other unpubbed authors learn about their
craft and offer encouragement along the way. As the Lord says (my paraphrase), Give
with a cheerful heart and He will bless abundantly (2 Cor 9:6-8). If there
was one thing you can say about Seekerville, we are a cheerful bunch and
approach each of our posts with joy, compassion, laughter and of course, virtual
food to feed the masses!!
For me personally, that joy and love was returned to me
beyond measure. Our Villagers are the heart of Seekerville and YOU made our
little safe haven of learning and love a place to cherish through all the ups
and downs of this crazy writing life. Thank you for your faithfulness and
encouragement as we shaked and shimmied our way through 16 years of love.
Bless you all, Audra
Glynna Kaye
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)
That’s where it all started in 2005 when, through “meeting” each other in writing contest winners’ circles, God drew the original Seekers together. We shared industry news, teamed up to serve as beta readers, encouraged each other, challenged each other, prayed for each other--and became friends. Some soon escaped from “Unpubbed Island,” others of us gradually set sail one by one.
In the autumn of 2007--almost 16 years ago--we launched Seekerville The Blog, wanting to share with other writers what we were learning on our journey. We hoped that through sharing posts on our personal experiences, the craft of writing, the publishing industry, words of encouragement--and prayer for all--that other aspiring writers might attain their own publishing dreams. What came about during Seekerville’s “heyday” was a living, breathing, close-knit community of Seekers and the scores of fabulous and faithful “Seeker Villagers” who called the blog home! (A good number of whom are now published!)
I’m so grateful for my Seeker Sisters and all the many Villagers who joined us on the journey. THANK YOU! And thank you to our Heavenly Father who brought us together for a purpose and an amazing time in our lives!
Myra Johnson
I’ll always be grateful for the invitation back in 2005 that brought me together with 14 other determined writers in support, encouragement, and prayer for our journey toward publication. As one by one we began sailing off Unpubbed Island (some sooner than others!), creating the Seekerville blog in 2007 seemed like the perfect venue for giving back to the larger community of writers and to share what we were learning along the way. I am honored to have served as one of the original Seekerville bloggers during its first 10 years, and I’m thankful for the new Seekers who came on board after several of us “retired” to pursue other avenues in our writing careers. I will never forget Seekerville for all the writing tips, learning opportunities, laughter, and regular “kicks in the pants” that comprised our daily fare. Most especially, I cherish the friendships. You will all ALWAYS be in my heart! —Myra Johnson
Dana R. Lynn
So many thoughts are going through my head. Seekerville has been a part of my life ever since I began my writing journey in 2013. I remember the excitement of joining others for Speedbo, the Seeker version of NanoWriMo. I would read the posts to glean what wisdom I could as I pursued my dream. And continued afterwards when I received that first contract. But Seekerville was more than a resource. Through online interactions and in person meetings at conferences, I developed real friendships. It was an honor to join the Seekers for the past year. And while this is bittersweet, I know that the relationships I formed will last beyond the blog.
What wonderful tributes! And what a blessing to be part of this from the beginning and a muddle of mixed emotions at the end... but, oh, what a wonderful ride it's been! Thank you all!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHahaha! That was Ruthy above, and how fitting to be in as anonymous on THE LAST DAY!!!! Irony!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! And now I'm laughing through my tears. Thanks for that, Ruthy!
DeleteSo many 'anonymouses' today. Almost like Blogger is punishing us for this!
DeleteRuthy, I deleted my comment when I found out it was you. :)
DeleteAh, I figured it out! Now I'm me again!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!
DeleteOkay, this is hilarious!!!
DeleteI have so many feelings after reading this, but most prominent is gratitude. I love you all!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteYou're one of the many friends I've made through this Seekerville connection, Jeanne! I'm so glad this community brought us together!
DeleteMe too, Jan! I remember rooming with you at my very first ACFW, 2011, was it? Your determination to have quiet times amid those busy days was an inspiration!
DeleteJeanne, it was always a joy to read your comments. Blessings to you and your family!
DeleteAnd to you and yours, Debby! :)
DeleteJeanne, you are one of the special Seeker Villagers in my life. I'm proud of you for going on and doing great things in your writing career. Waving to you from Longmont!!
DeleteAudra, the Anonymous
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteThanks to all for this wonderful home on the internet! Seekerville will always be a big part of my life!
ReplyDeleteIt's funny that it took Seekerville for us to meet when we've lived near each other for years!
DeleteIf you didn't catch that, 'anonymous'is really 'Glynis' LOL
DeleteI know! It was great to find you!
DeleteOkay, now that's funny!
DeleteI haven't been here for a few years due to blogger not always liking me. but I have great memories of the Seekers. I got to meet a few of you in Atlanta 10 years ago. I have messages in my 50th birthday album. I loved the new year eve fun. I feel I made some great friends here who I still follow online. Thanks for all you have done for readers over the many years.
ReplyDeleteHi, Jenny! Glynna here! Blogger's not much liking me this morning either--won't let me sign on as ME. Anyway, so glad you popped in for our farewell today (or it is tomorrow now in Australia?). Thank you for being an important part of Seekerville!
DeleteJenny, I always think of that fun lunch when I pass the Atlanta airport! Such a special day and a lovely memory.
DeleteI remember that part too. It was so much fun. I wish I would have a bit longer in Atlanta to see more but who knows maybe one day.
DeleteJenny! It's been a long time! So good to see you!!!!
DeleteJenny, I met you when you came to the states! I was in awe that you travelled so far to "meet" us! lol
DeleteAww. I'm going to miss drinking my morning cup and checking out what's going on in Seekerville. I have learned so much, grown so much, and made good friends here. But everything has a life cycle, which just means God continues to do new things for all of us. Blessings, friends. This place has meant a lot to me and I am forever grateful for the work you've done here.
ReplyDeleteThis is Glynis. Not sure why I'm all of a sudden anonymous! Lol
DeleteGood morning, Glynis! (GLYNNA here, who is also ANONYMOUS today!) Thank you so much for being a part of our world---Seekerville would have been nothing without our fun and faithful Villagers!
DeleteHugs to you, Glynis! Thanks for your support over the years!
DeleteI still remember the day, ten years ago, when I found Seekerville. They were having a costum party and it was much fun. Also LIH had a contest going on that I wanted to enter but didn't feel 'good enough' when I mentioned it here I was quickly given the support I needed to try. I did and I won! It changed the course of my writing career. I'm so thankful for the wonderful group here. It's been a treasure trove of information and support. It will be missed.
ReplyDeleteHi, Jamie! (Glynna here for some reason as anonymous!) 10 years since you joined us--I can't believe how time has flown. Seems like only yesterday that we ventured out into the blogging world. So glad Seekerville played a part in your life -- and YOU in ours!
DeleteYAY Jamie. Not feeling 'good enough' is a constant for authors, I think. Good for you!
DeleteYou just needed a little encouragement, Jamie, which is what we did on Seekerville!
DeleteJamie, what a great story to share! That's awesome!
DeleteGLYNNA HERE! I just love looking at the photos! SO many fun memories!
ReplyDeleteHi Glynna!
DeleteThis makes me so sad. I am reading this with tears in my eyes. But it is true, all good things do come to an end sooner or later. It has been almost exactly nine years since I started following Seekerville--right before 4th of July in 2014. I feel like I have made so many friends from here. I have met a few of you in person and hope to meet more of you someday. (Jan can confirm that I will come find you if I happen to come to your area on vacation!) I have learned so much about writing and about myself as a writer. I have struggled but I keep hearing all your voices of encouragement whenever I think maybe I should just give up. I will watch for you all on Facebook and hope to continue the friendships.
ReplyDeleteYes, Sandy!!! You DO come and find us!
DeleteBe sure to let me (and Glynis) know the next time you're in the Black Hills!
Hi Sandy. I wish we'd cross paths more often. Here you are a Nebraskan and everything. It's a big state though!!! See you one of these days.
DeleteSandy, you have been such lovely friend and supporter over the years. I'm sad about Seekerville ending and have shed a few tears today. We'll have to connect on FB. Stay in touch, please!
DeleteMary, I will be at Mississippi River Readers Retreat so I will see you there. Shouldn't have to go all the way to Minnesota to see you though!
DeleteSandy, you have been a constant and a dear friend! God bless you and I'm so glad I get to see you on Facebook all the time. I love your posts!
DeleteLadies/Authors I have been with you since the beginning I think.....have learned so much from you and loved this blog!! I will continue to read your books and wish you all the best of blessings!!
Hi, Jackie. We have learned from our Seekervillagers too. This has always given us as much as we've given. Thanks for the years.
DeleteSending hugs your way, Jackie! :)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteSeekerville has been one of my favorite blogs for as long as I can remember. I love the ladies who penned the posts, who invited me to guest blog, and helped me to grow as a writer. I found Seekerville before I became published, and the wisdom of the ladies who have gone before me shaped who I am today, both as a writer and a woman of God. Thank you for your dedication to the writing community and for creating a safe place where young writers can learn and grow. May God bless you and be with each one of you. <3
ReplyDeleteThanks for being a good friend of Seekerville over so many years, Lisa. I'm so proud of the success of your writing career!!
DeleteAudra, the Anonymous
Seekerville has been such a blessing to me over the last few years. When I decided to seriously pursue the writing life, the publishing world seemed like such a mysterious, intimidating, forboding place. Finding you ladies here was like opening the door to a sunny, friendly, happy place that supported both my writing and my faith. Thank you for all the time and effort you've so generously given to support newbies like me. I will miss this community greatly.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Seeker ladies!! You've shared so much wisdom and encouragement over the years. I'm so glad the archives will still be around to encourage us!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Seekerville memory is definitely this one:
Obviously I'm biased, but in addition to all their writing wisdom and godly encouragement, I'm also grateful for Seeker matchmaking skills and my handsome hubby. ;) Here's to the next chapter!
That Seekerville post was truly one-in-a-million! And I, for one, am so thankful that in His wisdom and grace, our dear Lord saw fit to add you to our family.
DeleteAnd next week will be wedding anniversary #3! YAYYYAYYYAYYY!
Heather, so glad you're part of the family in more ways than one! Happy early Anniversary!!
DeleteAudra, the Anonymous
I'm seeing both familiar and new-to-me names in the comments--a testament to Seekerville's longstanding reach. The friendships made here are some of my favorite memories, and I'm glad we'll have other ways of staying connected!
ReplyDeleteAww, I am filled with so many emotions. I found Seekerville in 2016 or 2017, after my retirement, and I've enjoyed being a part of this special place. Even though I'm not an author, I'm learned so much from all of you! I'm a reader, an avid reader at that, so I felt like I was having my coffee with many of my favorite authors. Tina Radcliffe was still in your group when I joined and she actually recognized me in one of her Reader posts. Such a thrill! So....thank you for inviting me to Seekerville and making me feel so welcome. Congratulations on all of your successes but I refuse to say goodbye! It's only so long because I'll continue to keep up with you through social media and also through the wonderful stories that you share! God Bless!
Oh Ladies, while I'm sad about this, I'm also happy for you all! I've followed you all since Seekerville blog was a young've shared your hearts out with us. So a BIG THANK YOU and I wish you well on your writing journey. Now, go write more books! xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteWhat a day. It hurts to even come and say hello to everyone. God bless you all.
ReplyDeleteI think we need a big virtual group hug! {{{hugs!}}}
DeleteSquueze... there's my hug for you all!
DeleteI love a group hug!!!!!!!! (((( ))))
DeleteI found Seekerville through a Reader's Service publication. My sister was a Harlequin subscriber, and I happened to pick up the magazine at her house. At the time, I was filled with excitement because I had a story to tell. I went there and immediately love the community. The first post I ever read was on the book "Goal, Motivation, Conflict." I think Debbie Giusti wrote the post. I tuned in every day for many years after that. I have made lasting friendships with a few of the original Seekers, and some Seeker Villagers. While I haven't been a regular reader for a while, I know my life would be poorer if it wasn't for this blog. And some day, I will put all I learned here to good use and actually publish my stories.
ReplyDeleteAndrea, so good to see your comment! Blessings to you, dear friend!
DeleteAndrea, it was fun talking writing over cinnamon rolls and omelet bars. Thanks for being our friend!
DeleteAudra, the Anonymous
This is an emotional day for all of us that worked and played in Seekerville. I can still hear the shared laughter, smell the goodies, feel the love! It's a special place because of the special people who stopped by. It's so good to see familiar faces here today! I'm thinking of Vince Mooney, a special man who came daily, wrote posts and loved our books! What a blessing his reviews were for us authors.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Janet
Oh, yes, Vince was a special and cherished visitor to Seekerville! He is greatly missed. --Myra
DeleteI've been thinking of Vince too, Janet! Also all the fun we all had at conferences. Wonderful memories!
DeleteI loved seeing everyone at the conferences and I got so energized with from attending workshops!
DeleteAwww, I will miss each of you and your posts. I have learned so much and have looked forward to checking the blog ever day. It was a hard decision to make, but everything has a season. Your posts will live on <3
ReplyDeleteI just love seeing all these familiar names and faces. Seekerville touched the lives of many.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Seekerville, for all the encouragement, friendship and inspiration over many years. My thanks to Tina and Missy for directing me to this blog where I found “my people” (*waving to my many virtual friends)…and thank you to everyone here who influenced my journey and guided me to find “my place” as a self-published author. You all are amazing blessings….true Christian servants….with your gifts to the inspirational writing and reading community. With my deepest thanks and heartfelt prayers for the future!
ReplyDeleteI found the Seekerville blog during its first version and, like a leech, latched on and absorbed so much information and inspiration that nourished my early attempts at writing. All these years later I'm still writing although I haven't pursued publication of any of my novels. While I don't comment all that often, I'm constantly encouraged by what I find here. Thanks to each of you for your years of faithful contributing. You've come to feel like dear friends, and thanks to the internet I'm so glad I'll be able to continue following your careers. Love and blessings to all of you!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful to see so many familiar names in the comments! Thank you all for stopping by. You’ve meant the world to us through the years! And yes, let’s remember Vince and other Villagers who have passed on. I’ll always treasure the memories.— Missy Tippens
ReplyDeleteThis is so bittersweet! Thanks so much for all you have poured into this blog over the years. What a wealth of knowledge has been gathered here.
ReplyDeletei brought some comfort Snickerdoodles for all of us. What an honor it was to be part of Seekerville for a short time. The friendships will go on, though, and that is an even greater honor. Thank you to the OG's who paved the way for so many aspiring authors and for readers like me who benefited from the resulting books. Love you all!
ReplyDeleteoh my... I can't say enough about what Seekerville meant to me as a newbie writer 'way back then' and now as the backbone of most of who and what I know about fiction and publishing. Yes to the friendships and knowledge that has grown out of here. Blogging is just such a outlier these days in crushing amounts of social media but I so enjoyed those days when it was coffee and Seekerville early each morning for me! Thank you all--authors, readers, industry professionals for this community!
ReplyDeleteI count myself fortunate to have contributed from time to time to Seekerville. Thanks for everyone.
ReplyDeleteI am very sad. I am still pre-published? Where do I go now?
ReplyDeleteHave you checked out the Archives? Though I know that's not like chatting with a group of supportive writers.
DeleteI'm not really writing anymore (God moved me on to other things), but I am so very thankful to ALL of you ladies for the amazing community you created. So thankful for the part of my life you were for QUITE a while. Bittersweet for sure. Lots and lots of love!
ReplyDeleteOh how I've loved this blog. I'm an avid lurker. Back 15 years ago, my critique partner told me about Seekerville. She read the entire blog, archives and all. No other classes or conferences. Just Seekerville and a critique group. She went to the ACFW confernce, met an editor, and got a contract.
ReplyDeleteOh the learning I've done here. I never thought of entering contests to learn. I took Seekerville advice, entered contests, read the blog, and got a contract. Even after several published books, I learned here. Thank you for all your hard work Seekers.
I named a fictional Bible study class in my current WIP the Seekers in honor of this blog.
I didn't mean to be anonymous. I'm typing on my phone. I'm Shannon Taylor Vannatter
DeleteShannon, that is so sweet of you! Sharing our love and learning with you was fun, but you were the real blessing.
DeleteAudra, the Anonymoous
I found Seekerville back in the early days. As a wannabe writer feeling my way, you lovely ladies helped me to grow in the craft and to eventually get off Unpublished Island. I treasure some of the souvenirs sent to me over those years. Debby's lovely writer's prayer sits on my desk. I shall forever be grateful for your encouragement. Each one of you shared from your own experiences on the road to publication and suggested resources to turn to for help. Sorry to learn Seekerville will no longer be here for others..Thank you, Ladies, and God bless. Pat Jeanne Davis
ReplyDeleteSaying good night to Seekerville is harder than I ever thought it would be. Thank you, everyone, for all your love and support, and allowing us into your lives for memorable moments to cherish.
ReplyDeleteAudra, the Anonymous
You all have blessed so many lives through this blog. Well done!!! Seekerville will be missed.
ReplyDeleteOh my gracious! I can't believe Seekerville is closing up, but look at all you ladies have done! I don't comment often on here but visited often, and have come to discover some of my absolute favorite authors! Even met one in person and she is exactly as kind, real and personable in person as behind the page (digital or paper ;-)) - Hi, Ruthie!!! ;-) May the Lord bless you all for sharing your gifts, and I look forward to following you on your socials and continuing to buy your books! ~Laurel
ReplyDeleteWow! Look at all these comments!!! I didn't have time to submit a farewell post... VBS with the grandkids (and a +1) all week and then they all stayed at my house until Mommies & Daddies got off work, PLUS my a/c went out! PTL the repairman got it fixed right away. Whew! What a week!
ReplyDeleteAs I read through all the Seeker thoughts on what this blog meant to them, I was reminded of one specific incident when the blog first started.... Cheryl Wyatt was still a part of the blog and we were all at Tina's house ... that last picture of all of us on her staircase was taken that day.
Anyway, all of a sudden Cheryl said she need to write her Seekerville blog post, and she whipped out her laptop, wrote her blog and uploaded it with pictures and everything in a few minutes. I was in awe! I wanted to be Cheryl when I grew up!!!
Because when we started, I was really nervous about sounding like I knew what I was doing, not sounding like the Southern country gal that I am, and making a good impression. Well, there's nothing wrong with making a good impression, ie. putting our best foot forward, and all that, but the first lesson that Seekerville taught me is that it's perfectly okay to be real here and on social media. I learned that I didn't have to angst for weeks to prepare a blog post or an article for a magazine.
There is so much more, so many memories I could share, but watching Cheryl sit on the floor with her laptop on Tina's coffee table has stuck with me all these years. I can still see her just typing away with the chaos of 14 other Seekers standing around talking and laughing.
Good night, sweet blog, but NOT good night to all my Seeker Sisters and Seeker friends!
Pam, I never got quick with posts, but I did get less angsty about writing them. I guess because no one poked fun. ;) I never got good at making professional looking memes. Thank you, Tina, for helping!
DeletePam! (FROM ANONYMOUS GLYNNA) - I remember that Denver ACFW in 2009 and the visit to Tina's when ALL the Seekers managed to get together in person from all over the country for the very first time! Fun times!
DeleteThis place has been such a blessing to me. I was stunned by the generosity of the first Seekers, giving away the knowledge they had worked so hard to acquire. I benefitted so much, by the knowledge, and even more by the friendships. I will miss Seekerville.
ReplyDeleteI will miss you all so much. You've taught me a lot about writing. Guess I can console myself by reading the blog archives.
ReplyDeleteThis is Sandra Leesmith chiming in late. I am so thankful for all of the Seekers who supported me through the process of publication even when I was going through tremendous trials of eldercare, etc. Their faith, encouragement and joy kept me going and helped me realize my goal to be published. Thank you. And what I love the most about Seekerville, was not only wonderful tips and skills I learned, but the giving to other upcoming authors. It tickles my heart to constantly see announcements of books coming out by authors that were blogging and learning right along with us. Best wishes to all of you and I am so thankful you are writing such wonderful novels for us to read.
ReplyDeleteHi, Sandra from GLYNNA (who is also Anonymous!) Looking forward to seeing you this summer! We can "catch up" and reminisce about Seekerville! :)
DeleteI will never forget you.
ReplyDeleteBless each and everyone You are amazing
ReplyDeleteI have been tremendously blessed by Seekerville through the lessons and encouragement given. Thank you for sharing your journey and for welcoming each of us to your table. I will miss the weekly posts, but I know where to find some of you! God bless.
ReplyDeleteOh no! This is sad news as I love reading and learning with Seekerville. Thank you for inviting so many of us to join the journey, for encouragement and blue Mondays!