Saturday, June 8, 2019

Weekend Edition


If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes.  Note our new email address and please send your emails to

Monday: Mary Connealy talked about her recent writing retreat with friends - and SHEEP.

Tuesday: T.I Lowe shared some timeless lessons (like, cooking with love not lard) from her heroine Lulu from Lulu's Cafe!

Wednesday: Mindy Obenhaus gave some tips on writing difficult subjects in Tackling the Tough Stuff. The winner of a copy of Her Colorado Cowboy is Samantha!

Thursday: Richard Mabry was with us on Thursday, chatting about working our plans into God's amazing timing and he gracioiusly offered a copy of his newest suspense "Bitter Pill" to one lucky commenter... and the winner is MJSH (Mindy).... And Richard, sorry about the difficulty getting in, we're checking into it!

Friday: Carrie hosted Elaine Stock who gave us some great tips on keeping the romance in a romance novel! The winner of a copy of her new book When Love Blossoms is kaybee!

Monday:  Missy Tippens will be sharing some exciting Seeker blog news! We will be introducing a new regular blogger! Don't miss the reveal.

Tuesday: Amanda Barratt gives us some stress-reduction tips for writers!

Wednesday:  Ruthy is here on Wednesday and she's talking about acceptance... Her one word for 2019 is "Accept" because she tends to punch things rather than accept things gratefully so she's working at becoming a better version of herself... and to be kind, gracious and accepting. You know how she has kitchen fails now and again and owns them... yeah. Well. Ruthy and acceptance (sigh..... ) a whole other kettle of fish. Just sayin'...
Friday: Susie Finkbeiner is joining us on Friday about finding hope through discouragement.

Come celebrate the release of Pam Hillman's final book in the Natchez Trace series, The Crossing at Cypress Creek at JustRead Publicity Tours! Stop by for more information and enter to win the tour wide giveaway with 3 winners!

Long Days. Hot Nights. Deadly Secrets.
Grab this red hot Christian Suspense Anthology bargain for just 99 cents for a short time only before the price increases to 9.99.
Start your summer off right with 16 gripping and never-before published tales of Christian suspense from today's most popular mystery and suspense authors.
Join Mary Alford, Christy Barritt, Patricia Bradley, Vannetta Chapman, Mary Ellis, Debby Giusti, Rachel J. Good, Ruth Hartzler, Shaen Layle, Ruth Logan Herne, Loree Lough, Elizabeth Ludwig, Nancy Mehl, Serena B. Miller, Samantha Price, Alana Terry on a dangerous journey filled with mystery, suspense, and faith that that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
Pre-Order Summer of Suspense at Barnes & NobleApple, and Amazon

Summer is here and JustRead Publicity Tours wants to help authors to get their words read, and bringing readers words to read.  We have two new original tours available for booking. 

  • Blind Tours is essentially a "blind date with a book" type of tour. We match an author's backlist title with interested readers. Readers will fill out a "Blind Book Compatibility Form" and we'll arrange to get the author's books to the readers' hands.
  • Quote Tours are social media type tours featuring graphics created by readers and shared across social media of quotes from the featured title.
  • Authors, with this launch, we're also offering a 15% discount towards these tours if you book by July 28, 2019. For more information, fill out our "Book a Campaign" form and we'll be in touch with ideas to help promote your title(s)! (FYI, filling out the form is noncommittal and only used for informational purposes only.)
  • Readers, we're always looking for readers to join our team. Check out our "Join Us" tab for more info!

Jan Drexler's next installment in The Amish of Weaver's Creek series is available for pre-order!

Ruby Weaver is content being single in her 1863 conservative Amish community. However, Ruby’s ailing friend Lovinia has other ideas. Lovinia makes her husband Gideon promise to marry Ruby and has Ruby make a similar promise. With both Ruby and Gideon reluctant to keep their promises, a compromise must be reached. Ruby agrees to be a housekeeper and nanny to the children. Unfortunately, this arrangement raises eyebrows in the community. It soon becomes clear that Ruby must make a decision—marry Gideon or break her promise to her friend. Will Ruby accept Gideon’s proposal or turn her back on the family she has grown to love?

Gideon Fischer’s only desire is to get his family far away from the disastrous effects of the Civil War, find a peaceful place to live, and mourn the death of his wife. However, he has grown to enjoy Ruby’s company and appreciates her help with the housework and the children. But, is she the right person to spend the rest of his life with? 

Pre-order here from Barnes and Noble
And here from Amazon

How To Write Interesting Scenes by K.M. Weiland at Helping Writers Become Authors

Description Errors That Result From POV Limitations by C.S. Lakin at Live Write Thrive

Breaking Out of the Genre Pigeonhole: Tips from a Romance-Turned-Mainstream Novelist by Anna Schmidt at Writer Unboxed

A Snapshot of My Writing Process by Cathy Yardley at Writer Unboxed

Testing...Testing...Is This Novel On? Identifying Problems in a Novel by Janice Hardy at Fiction University


  1. I see that link that says Jo "Anna" Schmidt has a mainstream novel out and I'm so happy for her! What a dynamite woman and dynamic author she is... I'm expecting "The Winterkeeper" to be a great read.

    Happy Weekend, Villagers! You know what I'm doin'. I'm writing sweet stories and a mystery... big smile here!.... and it's farm season, so you know that those winter days of extra words and having to exercise are LONG GONE because there is just so much God-given exercise to be had in the back 30 acres.... it's growing time!

    I'm finishing up a beautiful Love Inspired that's slated for next spring, and can't wait to write the third book of that series... and see what my buds at Harlequin, Harper Collins and Guideposts have in store for us. And I expect all of us are thrilled with the new announcement of Harlequin Studios, a new production company that will be coupled with the Canadian Drama Channel to produce movies! I'm thrilled that they're going multi-media, and I know readers will love this idea!

  2. Hi Ruth:

    There is a saying in the world of new media:

    "Content is King"!

    Harelquin and Harper-Collins are content rich.

    I think the perfect place to start is with Debby's Amish Suspense Series. Just rent an Amish farm in Lancaster, like Hallmark would do, and production costs would be minimal.

    I'd sure start with Love Inspired Suspense to get the ball rolling! Debby would also make a great technical advisor and she has the on location Seeker posts to prove it.

    BTW: my choice for the first Harlequin/Harper Oscar or Emmy is "The Lawman's Second Chance."

    (You didn't think I was going to leave you out, did you? A New Yorker? My favorite romance? Come off it!)

    1. Vince, I love your Amish series idea! If only! :)

  3. Good morning, Seekerville!

    That news from Harlequin is fabulous! So many possibilities in the future!

    Today is a writing day for me (yay!), so I'm off to get some words in place.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

  4. Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!! I'm kicking it off with lunch today with old friends, celebrating a birthday. I can't wait!

  5. My area of Georgia is flooding. Nothing like the middle of the country, but alarming none the less. We've been deluged with rain for the last twenty-four hours. The weather folks say the rain will continue through Tuesday!

    Had to drive through Atlanta in the midst of the downpour! Yikes! So much traffic and poor visibility. Glad to be home.

    Stay safe, everyone!

    1. Debby, I'm glad you're home! It's not as bad north of the city. But I did have a downpour while driving toward Athens for my lunch. I'm glad to be home safely as well.

  6. Acceptance?

    Can't wait to read Ruth's post on 'Acceptance' on Wednesday!

    'Acceptance' is in the same neighborhood as 'settling' to the north and 'sanctioning incompetence' to the south.

    I hope Ruth has some magic for us. :)

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