Saturday, July 27, 2019

Weekend Edition


If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes.  Note our new email address and please send your emails to

Monday: Erica Vetsch evoked a bit of envy as she shared How to Write While On Vacation.

Wednesday: Cate Nolan gave us a glimpse of the Romance Writers of Amercia (RWA) conference and NYC!!! Live from RWA 2019!

Friday: Pam Hillman asked Where's A Whale When You Need One? Do you know?

Monday:  Gabrielle Meyer is guest-posting on Seekerville about the Lies We Tell Ourselves as Writers. You won't want to miss this heartfelt post!

Wednesday:  Pepper Basham will be in the house! Come join the fun!
Friday: Surprise Friday!

will be signing at the RWA Conference
in New York City.
Stop by her table and say hello!

Long Days. Hot Nights. Deadly Secrets.
Grab this red hot Christian Suspense Anthology bargain for just 99 cents for a short time only before the price increases to 9.99.
Start your summer off right with 16 gripping and never-before published tales of Christian suspense from today's most popular mystery and suspense authors.
Join Mary Alford, Christy Barritt, Patricia Bradley, Vannetta Chapman, Mary Ellis, Debby Giusti, Rachel J. Good, Ruth Hartzler, Shaen Layle, Ruth Logan Herne, Loree Lough, Elizabeth Ludwig, Nancy Mehl, Serena B. Miller, Samantha Price, Alana Terry on a dangerous journey filled with mystery, suspense, and faith that that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
Pre-Order Summer of Suspense at Barnes & NobleApple, and Amazon

For everything romance, check out the RWA site and catch up on all the happenings during the conference in New York City!!

How To Make Your Plot a Powerful Thematic Metaphor by KM Weiland at Helping Writers Become Authors

My Superpower is Slacking Off by Liz Michalski at Writer UnBoxed

Five Words To Strike From Your Fiction by Bob Hostetler at Steve Laube Agency

Why Self-Publishing Authors Should Consider Establishing Their Own Imprint by David Wogahn at Jane Friedman

Becoming A Full-Time Author: Three Mindset Shifts Every Writer Must Make by Pagan Malcolm at Writer's Digest


  1. Hope you all have a great weekend! Safe travels for those returning home from RWA.

  2. "Friday: Surprise Friday!"

    I think you gave it away!
    Friday will be a post on cliff-hangers.
    (That was some pretty clever foreshadowing.)


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