Friday, August 30, 2019

End of Summer Blockbuster Giveaway!

Missy Tippens

School is back in session for many, and about to start for others. As summer is winding down, we thought we'd throw a party!

It's been a while since we've fed you around here. So come on over to enjoy a good southern cookout. On the grill, we've got hamburgers, hotdogs, marinated chicken, and marinated portobellos with Vidalia onions. Also, grilled corn on the cob (yum)! And grilled Georgia peaches topped with homemade vanilla ice cream for dessert.

Once your tummy is full, we'd like to take stock of the blog and ask for your input. What post topics would you like to see in the future? What questions would you like us to answer? We want to hear from you!

Oh, and don't forget the giveaways today from all our bloggers...

From Missy Tippens... A Bullet (Dotted) Journal

From Erica Vetsch...a copy of Mail-Order Mishaps

From Mary Connealy... a copy of her upcoming novella, Thankful for the Cowboy

From Winnie Griggs...a copy of her Love Inspired 2-in-1 releasing in September

From Annie...a surprise stack of books

From Pam of her Natchez Trace Novels: winner’s choice

From Ruthy Logan Herne... a copy of Back in the Saddle

From Audra Harders...a Bullet (Dotted) Journal

From Debby Giusti...a copy of the first book in her Amish Protectors series, Amish Refuge

From Mindy Obenhaus...a copy of Reunited in the Rockies

From Carrie Schmidt...a $5 Amazon gift card

From Jan Drexler...a copy of her upcoming release, An Amish Christmas Kitchen, a collection of 3 novellas by Jan, Leslie Gould and Kate Lloyd

From Cate Nolan...a copy of an Australian version of her book, Christmas in Hiding, in a 2-in-1 version with Carla Cassidy

From Beth Erin...winner's choice of one title from her book stash OR a $5 Amazon gift card 

From Glynna Kaye...a $5 Amazon gift card

We're so grateful to all of you for hanging out here with us! Enjoy the party and please stick around to chat.

Please leave a comment about blog topics or guests you've particularly enjoyed in the past or topics you'd be interested in for future posts. Commenters will be entered for the giveaways! Winners will be announced in the September 7th Weekend Edition.


  1. Oh, this is so much fun.... another season about to wane, oh my stars... where do the days go????

    I'd love to see ideas of what our readers and writers want for blog topics... I'm usually just my own sweet bossy self and make folks cry.

    I can see how that might get old after awhile. :)

  2. That will not, however, stop me from doing it!!!!!

  3. Wow, this is really a blockbuster of a giveaway, thank you.

    I would love some posts about writing split-time (dual timeline) novels-practical tips on how to write them and interviews with split-time authors eg Heidi Chiavaroli,Lindsay Harrel or Melanie Dobson.

    I think this would be a great topic as these novels are becoming very popular, and I have not been able to find any craft books that cover this topic.

    Many thanks for a really great blog, I've been enjoying and learning from the posts for quite a few years.

    1. Ruth Ann, hey! This is a great idea, and I think we've got Melanie coming up in September.... We'll send this message along, and if she can't talk about it then, we'll hunt one of the gals up... So these aren't just through two POV's, but two distinct stories?

      I'm so totally not familiar with this!

    2. Oh you must read one! They are such a good read. There are two, or even three, storylines, each taking place at a different time in history, woven together throughout the book. There is usually something like a box of letters, piece of jewelry etc which links the characters and stories together. At the end of the book the storylines come together.

    3. Oh, like Kristy Cambron's "The Lost Castle"? It takes place in three time periods (French Revolution, WWII, and present day). I just read that this summer (so thankful for Ollie's and their Christian fiction sales!!!). I honestly wasn't sure I'd like it, but, oh, my goodness, I was crying by the end...

    4. I love time slip and so enjoyed Melanie Dobson's WWII story, Hidden Among the Stars. I'm looking forward to her blogging with us in Sept!

      Great suggestion, Ruth Ann!

    5. Thanks for the idea, Ruth Ann! I really look forward to having Melanie. And we'll reach other to others.

    6. Heidi is good at split time. I admire the way she can completely control the voice -- her Colonial/Revolutionary heroines have a completely different voice from her modern ones.
      KB's two cents worth

    7. Now I must read a time slip..... The lot o' youse (Yankee for "all y'all") has me convinced!

    8. I can confirm that Melanie is guest-posting about writing dual timelines on September 25th. I know because I'm hosting her!

      Timeslips/Dual Timelines are my absolute favorite books to write. I started out doing them (before they even had a name), but then I sold to LIS, so my focus had to change. But I do want to go back to it.

    9. I'd be interested in that, as well.

    10. Well, now I have egg on my face... after professing to know nothing about Time-slip novels, it appears that I'm in the middle of writing a very good one. (FACE PALM...) Our new Savannah Secrets mystery series from Guideposts is a time-slip series... I'd always called it a dual time-line and never heard the word time-slip, and yet I did hear it, it turns out. When they hired me, LOL! SILLY RUTHY! Anyway, this beautiful series is set in Savannah and the secrets of the old South creep up to tap on the heels of present day folks who may or may not be trying to wreak some havoc of their own... and I LOVE IT.

      So hi.

      My name is Ruthy and clearly I'm an expert on Time Slip Novels.


  4. And I may be eating Fritos Scoops for breakfast. Corn is corn, right?

  5. I feel rather lost here... ;-) I haven't spent enough time on Seekerville lately to know what would be good to ask for in blog posts. Has anyone written about seeking an agent? That's the route I think I need to take because of the length of the novel I finished.

    BTW, I just noticed the "Print Friendly" button! Thank you!

    1. Melanie, I'm sure you'll find articles in the archives about agents, but I don't recall any recent posts on the subject! Thanks for the suggestion!

    2. Melanie, thanks for the input on agents! I'm glad the Print Friendly button is working, too. We'd had several requests for ease of printing. :)

    3. Melanie, we could probably use an update on agents because the market and marketing have changed. Who needs an agent? And are there enough spots that need filling to make an agency money like they used to get?

      Some thought-provoking stuff there.

    4. The agent idea is good. The only time I hear what agents want is at ACFW, I'm not real good at following their blogs or even Twitter, and so much can change between conferences.

    5. I'm hoping to finish my book in the near future, so the question of whether or not I need an agent is one I've wondered about, as well.

  6. How fun that you guys are doing this. :) Personally, I Haven't been around much in the past twelve months because our family has been dealing with a lot . . . which takes a lot of time and energy from mama. So, I don't know how good I'll be on suggesting topics . . .

    I have loved that you guys have shared on craft . . . personally, I don't think too much of that can be done. ;) I have also loved how you open some days up for giving critique or a read through of first lines/sentences. That has been really helpful for me.

    I don't know how much of this you have done (since i haven't been here as much as I'd like), but tips and how-to's of writing stories that sell for other genres, i.e. Womens Fiction, slip time, and the like would be very interesting. I'm going to be thinking more on this today and I will stop back if more thoughts come to mind. :)

    1. It's always wonderful to see your comments, Jeanne!

    2. Jeanne, thanks for the ideas! We appreciate your feedback!

    3. Jeanne, thanks for the thoughts so far, and definitely share any others you might have. We love them!

    4. Thank you, Jeanne. I'm sorry for the hard times. I know how that can wreak havoc with a schedule. Glad to see you whenever you can stop by.

  7. Hello Seekerville, waving to everyone! It's early here in Va, so I'm just going to have coffee and a muffin. I'll be back later for something from the grill ;)

    Even though this is a writer's group, I've always enjoyed stopping by to see what's happening each week. As a reader I especially enjoy author interviews and discussion about their books. This is one of the ways I discover what's new and make my reading list. I have also enjoyed the addition of book bloggers's this year and their posts.

    I'm so ready for cooler Fall weather, a snuggly throw in my reading chair and a good book on my lap!

    1. We're cooler in GA, at least at night, which is delightful!

      Prayers for everyone in Dorian's path.

      You should be okay in VA, Tracey, right? Although I'm sure you'll get rain as we will in GA. We might get high winds too, depending on the storm's path.

    2. Tracey, author interviews is something we could add more of. Thanks for your input!

    3. Tracey I miss you THIS MUCH when you're not around.... Gadzooks, woman, I love your thoughts on things.

      And author interviews are a good balance for our reading and writing audience/villagers because writers need to see what others are doing to more accurately steal their ideas...


      And readers love, love, love to meet up with authors!

    4. Love these ideas. Thank you, Tracey!

      I'm loving the cooler weather we've had this week!

      Joining in the prayers for those in Dorian's way.

    5. We book bloggers have enjoyed getting to hang out with the cool kids, too! Thanks, Tracey!

    6. Hey Debby, no worries here in Va, but I have a sister and brother in Florida, so praying God's protection over them. Also my son in law Dave is on the Fema team and most likely will deploy if it's as bad as they are predicting, so more prayers for the team.

    7. Hey Missy, love to read about those authors/books 😀

    8. Hey Ruthy, laughing at the author idea stealing 😂 I do stop by frequently, I should comment more so you realize I'm around.

      I have been strumming my fingers on my desk every time I look for a new Wishing Bridge on Amazon, but so far no luck! Any up dates on that?
      Your pumpkins and fall flowers are looking great!

    9. Hey Cate, Va. is far enough South for me, we've already had some nice days and mild nights. Praying for all in Florida, and especially my family! Appreciate your prayers too!

    10. Hi Carrie, the Seekers have always been the cool kids! even as a reader I've learned a lot about all the hard work writers put into their books by following Seekerville, so I have MUCH admiration for them!

    11. Debby Giusti, I meant to tell you the book cover of Stranded continues to get attention, it's had 80 likes/loves on it! That's the most for a single cover since I've been posting in the Love Inspired group in five months!

    12. Update on Wishing Bridge 3: "Finding Peace in Wishing Bridge" is scheduled to be out by February 1st.... I AM SO EXCITED, Tracey, because I love this series and I love this story.... Jazz... so amazingly beautiful with a tender heart and a scarred ego... life is kinda hard sometimes, even on the most beautiful among us.

    13. Tracey, prayers for your family in FL and your FEMA son-in-law. Bless him and all who help those in need, especially during these terrible storms!

      Thank you, dear friend, for posting the cover of STRANDED. I think my editor needs to know about the interest. They're releasing a lot of two-in-ones and might want to do a STRANDED re-issue, using the old cover!

      I am always grateful for your support!


  8. I'm pouring another cup of coffee and reaching for a bagel from the breakfast bar. I brought fresh fruit and GRITS! (Did you know Ruthy loves grits? NOT! LOL!)

    Spread the word about the End of Summer Seekerville Party so all your friends can join in the fun and have a chance to win the giveaways!

    Happy Labor Day Weekend to all!

    1. LOL, Debby! Let's torture Ruthy and talk about grits all morning. :) I LOVE grits! My favorite way to have them is in a cheese grits casserole. I think I'll go make one just for Ruthy! ;)

    2. I eat them with butter and salt, which probably isn't healthy, but then I'm hardly ever in the South so it's a rare indulgence. I'll eat Ruthy's share so it doesn't go to waste.

    3. I have tried them in so many ways, and I know I'm just a party pooper, but I can't get my head wrapped around grits... Or scrapple.

      And that's the truth of it.

      But if you give me Southern Fried chicken or Georgia peach pie, well, hoo yaw! I'm so totally in.

      And pecan anything.

      But not grits.

    4. Dish me up a good serving of those grits!

    5. It's almost lunchtime. Anyone ready for some shrimp and grits? YUM!!!

    6. No breakfast grits for me, Debby, but you can ladle up a heaping helping of shrimp and grits. Yum!

    7. Pretty much anything tastes better with butter and salt, Kathy!

    8. My mom would make grits a lot when I was young. I haven't had them in years, but I have good memories when I pass grits in the grocery aisle. I agree with the butter and salt, but I use pepper, as well.

  9. I'm about to head out, but y'all keep the ideas coming! We really appreciate your feedback!

  10. So many great books!!! Thanks to all that are hosting! Hope everyone has a happy holiday weekend. :)

    1. Susanne, thank you! And the same back to you and yours. We're working on the farm, the pumpkins are ripening and the mums are gorgeous and our yards look like a salute to autumn, and it's sooooo pretty.... so my best holiday weekend will be good sales, LOL!

      And healthy, adorable grandkids.

    2. Hi, Susanne. Thanks for visiting with us. I'm hoping to enjoy a last weekend of summer before heading back to school next week, but I'm also on deadline. Eeeek.

      Have a great weekend yourself!

  11. I am still learning craft and appreciate the craft posts, as I don't have time right now to read craft books.
    I also appreciate anything that points me back to the Lord and why we do this. It's easy to lose focus at ANY stage of this journey.
    Time management Is always, well, timely.
    One thing we DON'T do that I'd like to see is a monthly or quarterly Q&A, where we can ask questions that maybe don't warrant a full post or that came up unexpectedly. Or questions that don't fit anywhere else.
    Kathy Bailey
    Starting over at the bottom in a brand-new profession

    1. A monthly Q & A is a good idea!

      And when I started writing for publication a few years ago, I called it my "second career," because I was using so much that I had learned in my first career (homeschool mom.) So you're not starting over at the bottom, you're re-purposing your skills! ;-)

    2. KB, I love your Q&A idea! Thanks for the suggestion!

      Craft articles too. And motivational pieces. Got it! Thanks!

    3. The Q & A is a great idea, Kathy.

    4. Excellent idea! Thanks. And, Jan, I love the way you phrased that - repurposing. At my age, that's a nice way of saying you learned things on your way to getting old.


  12. Hello everyone Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway and I Myself love learning about the different Authors here Debby I will have some of those grits also they taste so yummy it seems like summer flew by so fast and Fall is here the changing of the leaves are Beautiful this time of year and I love the cooler weather also Happy Labor Day Weekend to You All and Thank you for these wonderful post You all Do You all are Greatly Appreciated!

    1. Sarah, hi! And thank you so much for those kind words... we love meeting up with you guys and I'm going to GIVE YOU my grits.

      I'm nice that way! :)

      And some Yankee Chocolate Chip cookies.

      Now that's a combo worth braggin' on!

    2. Hi Sarah, so glad you're here for our End of Summer Bash with lots of giveaways. I always appreciate your support!!! I hope you enjoy the grits! :)

      Summer did pass too quickly! In fact the entire year is rushing by at a fast pace. The stores in my area have Halloween displays up. What!?!

    3. Isn't Ruthy generous, sharing her grits with you, Sarah? Such a kind soul.
      Thank YOU for your kind words.

  13. Hello Seekerville and Happy Labour Day Weekend! I'm trying to pump myself up to be happy about it but this summer has gone by way too fast and I feel a bit depressed about it. I don't know why July and August can fly by but January and February feel like a lifetime sentence. Anyway, I *love* all the suggestions! Is there any possibility we could get an editor or an agent for an interview? I realize that's more for the writers among us, than the readers, but perhaps the readers would also be interested in what trends are happening in the market and what's driving them? I know this is a huge ask but maybe someone's editor or agent might be able to take the time. And it would be lovely to have some craft interviews with those like Jamie Jo Wright etc who write time slip novels, or women's fiction, or romantic suspense like Susan Sleeman to show us how they work their magic.

    Thank you to all the Seekers who're so generous with their time and expertise!

    1. Laurie, thanks for the suggestion about inviting an editor or agent to post. We've had a number in the past, but it's time to invite them back!

      Time slip and women's fiction have been mentioned a number of times today. We're making note of those interests!

    2. I love time slip novels - I've read everything Susanna Kearsley's ever written and if she's a new author to most here, I highly recommend her! She's not a Christian author but she's very clean in her writing and she's covered many historical periods. Everything she writes is pure gold.

    3. I adore Susannah Kearsley's books. They really are a more women's fiction version of time slip, and they're so good!

      The book that first got me hooked on dual timeline stories was Barbara Michaels with Patriot's Dream which was published in 1976 for the country's Bicentennial. Ammie, Come Home is another. Hers are deeply paranormal almost occult, so not everyone may enjoy them. They can be SPOOKY! Most people are more familiar with her Elizabeth Peters titles about Amelia Peabody, but her real name was Barbara Mertz.

    4. Laurie, first, it was fun to see your Canadian spelling of Labour! :) Also, thanks bunches for your suggestions! It's been quite a while since we had an editor or agent here. Definitely time to do it again!

    5. Cate, I love Barbara Michael's books, I've read just about everything of hers I could get my hands on. But as you say they are a bit spooky and atmospheric :)

  14. This is awesome! Thanks so much for having a giveaway. :) I just can't tell you how much I've learned from reading this blog. It's encouraging to hear about your journey, your struggles as you write, and just giving advice on the writing life/techniques. I especially appreciate the Open Critique Days - I've come back with invaluable advice and am amazed at how much better my submission reads after the Seekers have had at it. :) I'd like to see the Open Critique days continue, testimonies of your writing journey, guest bloggers talking about their genre (either how they craft it or something that's of interest to them while writing/researching), and maybe add a question posting where readers can pose a question about anything they are reading or want to know about the writing process, then have one of the Seekers answer it or have a panel weigh in on the question (kind of like this post today!). Thanks again for all you do here at Seekerville. Blessings, Lee-Ann

    1. Lee-Ann, all great suggestions! Thank you for sharing!!!

    2. Thanks, Lee-Ann. It's fun to see which things are a hit or appreciated. We aren't always sure.

    3. Lee-Ann, we appreciate those suggestions! I really enjoy the open critique days. I love brave souls who are willing to share! :)

  15. I love the posts on craft, and especially like the open critique days. Also appreciate when an author shares research tips, the story behind the story, and of course a sprinkle of photos is appreciated.

    Thank you for this blog. It’s marvelous!

    1. Dalyn, those critique days seem to be very helpful for folks, so I'm sure they will continue.

    2. Hi, Dalyn. Thanks for your input.

      I'm amazed at how popular the open critique days are. You all get such kudos from me for being brave enough to test the waters!

    3. Dalyn, thanks for letting us know the type posts you love!

  16. This is such a generous and wonderful give a way. Ewww Nope I dont like grits either. When I was nine, we lived in CA and mom took all five of us kids to Ohio to visit her parents and other relatives. So much fun. Anyway, one of my great aunts served grits for breakfast. Oh yuck. Could be the way it was all made. Shaking my head. So when I was in my thirties I tried them again. Nope. Not on my list of foods to eat. Didnt make my children try them. I also enjoy time slip books. And author interviews.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

    1. Lori, I never had grits growing up either and was not a fan until I tried cheese grits. Now those are yummy.

    2. Now you all have me wondering if I've ever had grits. If I did, they didn't make enough of an impression on me to remember!

    3. Lori, fist bump on the grits.... but now I have to see about time slip books.

      I'm intrigued.

    4. Ruthy, I would recommend you read Freedom's Ring by Heidi Chiavaroli. She has written several others as well, but I think you would like this one.

    5. Lori, I grew up in Kentucky and we ate grits for breakfast with sugar on them. Then I moved to Georgia and couldn't believe when I saw people put salt and pepper on them! hahaha I have a feeling your Ohio relatives used sugar on theirs. :)

  17. Wow! Fabulous giveaway. But seriously, asking me to pick my favorite is like asking me to pick a favorite child. So many posts that I have loved. I enjoyed this week's post on perseverance. I once won an extremely helpful critic through a fabulous Missy Tippens post a while back. I just love them all. :)

  18. Thank you so much for your blog. It has been very helpful. How about an article on Biblical fiction? It's a category that seems to have a hard time finding its place. Also interested in agent queries

    1. Appreciate the input, Naomi. I'm definitely not an expert on Biblical fiction, but I bet we can find someone who is.

    2. Hi Naomi, Your comment triggered a memory, so I went and looked in the archives.

      We did have Connilyn Cossettte a while back (2016). Here's a link to that post if you'd like to read. It is about a mind-mapping technique she uses to develop characters.

      Definitely time to do more though. Thanks for the suggestion.

    3. Naomi, that's a great idea! I know I would learn a lot.

  19. I haven't been here much, but I definitely should! I love how all the authors share and are such an encouragement to others. Cozy mysteries are a genre I would love to see more books written in, so maybe that could be a future topic. Thanks for the great giveaway.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

    1. Maryann, I will defer to Ruthy on those cozy mysteries. She's written several for Guideposts.

    2. Hi Maryann,

      A few of us have discussed our interest in Cozies, so I agree that would be a great topic! Thanks for suggesting it.

    3. Oh, I agree! And maybe we can make it a two-fer with one of the editors from Guideposts to chat with us. I'll ask them. I know they're crazy busy (a good thing, right????) but they do love talking mysteries and I love writing cozies for them!

    4. Thanks, Maryann! And Ruthy, that's a great idea!

  20. Good morning from beautiful Lake Tahoe, California. It is going to be a beautiful day here today. Thank you for the invite Debby Giusti and for all of the authors giving away books. Have a Blessed day.

    1. Oh, Robin. I've never been to Lake Tahoe, but all the photos I've seen make me want to. Enjoy!

    2. Robin, we're so glad you came by!

    3. HI Robin! Thanks for joining us in Seekerville!

  21. Happy Friday, Everyone! As a reader, I enjoy this blog to learn about some of my favorite authors, and to meet new authors through author interviews while adding new books to my reading list. Thank you all! I love getting to know you all! :)

    1. Holly, we value the input of you readers, because we want Seekerville to appeal to you, too. And we LOVE to introduce new authors.

    2. Hi Holly, we love getting to know our readers too. I am always a reader first! (Which is why I am late getting to my writing today. Ooops!)

    3. Holly, we're so glad you enjoy meeting new authors on here!

  22. How about a "How To Host a Really Cool Book Club" blog? As a reader I'm always trying to find creative, fun ways to share your books & social media is getting harder & harder to stand out in.
    I would love to hear how everyone is helping the authors promote their books!

    1. Jana! How are you doing, buttercup???????

      I'm so glad you're here. That gives me hope that Mayo is helping.

      And what a great post that would be.




      I host a book club but I don't have time to read the assigned books. So I'm useless.

      But I'm fun and make great cookies!

    2. Jana, that would be so fun! And it also reminded me that I need to get reading quickly for my book club that meets in 2 weeks!

    3. Jana, so wonderful to see you back in Seekerville. Continued prayers...always!

      I have a church book club. We've been meeting since 2004! Nothing fancy...just Christian sisters meeting for fellowship, food and book discussion! But I like the idea of blogging about the group. Seems I did one years ago, although it might be time for an update!


  23. What a nice day here; thanks for your giveaways. As a reader and long time Seeker reader, I would like to see more author interviews, giveaways, and visits from former Seekers. Hope everyone has a nice, safe holiday weekend.

    1. Hi, Jackie. Great ideas. Thanks for sharing them. I'd love to have former Seekers visit.

    2. Jackie, we'll definitely do that! We had Cara a couple of weeks ago. :)

    3. Jackie, great idea... and we love our former Seekers! A lot of them have retired and aren't blogging, but we love it when they come and visit.

  24. As a writer myself, I most enjoy the writing tips and encouragement as writing is often a solitary venture. It is wonderful to be reminded I am not the only one. Nor am I going crazy in my own imaginary world, especially when I catch myself laughing at something my character says or does. I also enjoy getting to see the different lives that authors live, besides writing. Mine is just as full with kids, household responsibilities, work, and a husband to love and support. Thank you for the great giveaway and the community to be part of.

    1. Thanks, Gena. I agree. Friendship has been the single greatest thing Seekerville has given me.

    2. Gena, those are wonderful suggestions! We're so glad you're here with us for this journey.

  25. I to love to see writing tips and tricks, How To's and I Love Giveaways!
    What a line up of books, Love them all and can't wait to see who wins!
    Never Mind winning a Great Book !
    Linda Marie Finn
    Faithful Acres Books & Author Services

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Linda. Fingers crossed for you.

    2. Linda, we're glad you stopped by!

  26. What a fun day with so many great giveaways. I would love to see some posts about revising after writing the first draft of the novel. I am still trying to figure out how to really get going on the revision of mine. I have read some of the archived posts on the topic but would love to see more. I also thought all the other suggestions so far are good. I also love time slip novels.

    1. I'm knee deep in that process right now, Sandy. And running out of time! So I'm with you on it.

    2. Sandy, that's a great idea. We're always revising and should share our favorite methods!

  27. Hi Missy:

    The feature I most enjoyed and needed over the years has been the Grammar Queen. Can Seekerville crown another Queen…or at least a Princess? (And while you are at it, we could probably benefit by having another Drama Queen.)


    I'd like to see a once a year "Old Timers" Day, which you could hold on the same day the NY Yankees hold theirs -- Ruth will always know when this is, and allow the emeritae Seekers to provide updates on their life and careers.

    1. VINCE!!!! It should be the day the Mets hold theirs. Can you tell Ruthy and I have a friendly rivalry. Plus my dog is named Fenway!

    2. LOL, Vince! I'm afraid we might have a NY baseball war if we do that! :)

      But yes, I've talked with the retired Seekers and a few of them said they'd be available to do a reunion type post. I need to get my act together and pick a date. :)

    3. I was actually thinking the same as Vince. I would also like our past Seekers to update. I miss them.

    4. Old-Timers Day at Yankee Stadium is EPIC... we could have a Seekerville version of it! Missy, see if Tina and Myra and the gang are available!!!! :) We should invite Captain Jack back, too. We all love him. :)

    5. I'm an editor and grammar nerd, so I always enjoyed those, too, Vince.

    6. Anyone still following this thread, be sure to see my note and link at the bottom. Myra has kept the Grammar Queen going!

  28. Thanks for the giveaway! I love bookish posts catered to the reader. For instance, the post about types of book covers and favorites in each category. I also like posts with writing tips and advice - their so encouraging, interesting and productive.

    1. Chanel, thank you so much for your suggestions! Having Beth and Carrie and Annie adds a lot for our blog readers who are readers since they come at the posts as readers. And like Cate said, we're all readers first anyway! :)

  29. Hello all of you from SW MO! I've been a reader of Seekerville for many years and I love all your posts about everything: your ideas, your research, your life, your new releases, your writing tips, just everything! And Vince had some really cool ideas! This is a mega giveaway, so thanks all of you!

    1. Karen, thank you for faithfully reading!! And thanks for your input. :)

    2. Karen, good to see you!

      I loved Vince's ideas, too... and thank you so much for your kind words. They rock!

  30. I so enjoy visiting Seekerville and being surprised by the guest commentators. I never fail to learn or receive inspiration and even when the subject centers on writing I can always gain a new understanding of budgeting time, tenacity, and even grammar! I also appreciate the faith-based posts and the fun times also. Thanks for allowing me to visit often and to add my two cents!

    1. Connie, we're so glad that you hang out here with us!

    2. Connie, thank you for saying that about the faith-based posts. That's so refreshing to hear and it's not something you see on most blogs.

      And time-budgeting... oh, isn't that a pickle for so many of us???

  31. For well over a decade, I've been lurker extraordinaire. I pop in almost on a daily basis. I just want to tell all of the Seekers how much I appreciate all the posts and time spent on this blog. I've learned so very much and so very thankful for your willingness to help new authors with all the knowledge you share. Thank you for being His hands and feet in this way!

    Even though I don't feel I have God's nod of approval for writing right now, I feel confident that some day, I will. Then, when you have one of those open critique days, I'll answer, and all of you will faint dead away with shock ha!

    1. Pat, we're so glad to have you here with us! We'll look forward to that day when you jump in on a critique day!! :)

    2. I won't faint dead away, I will stand up, fist-pump the air and cheer raucously, LOL!

      In His Time, Pat.

  32. This giveaway looks amazing! I really would love the bullet journal!! I always love the behind-the-scenes looks at the writer life and how the writers have overcome normal obstacles that writers face.

    1. Lila, thanks for your input! We're glad you stopped by!

    2. Lila, thanks for taking the time to say that!

  33. As a reader I enjoy reading about how y’all hone your craft and about your personal lives. Thank y’all so much for sharing. Have a blessed weekend.

    1. Lucy, we love readers! Thanks for letting us know the type posts you love.

    2. Lucy, I loved that as a reader... and that was before Internet and Social Media, but I loved to read the "reader letters" and little personal inserts in books from my favorite authors.

      It felt like a connection.

  34. Fabulous thank you.

    Another reader here.

    I always enjoying reading about how travel influences the writing and vice versa. Also is it more "perilous" to write about a real place or make up your own.

    1. Oh, Mary, that's a good topic, right there. How much can you use actual places, and why authors fictionalize towns....

  35. Thanx for the giveaway!!! I enjoy reading all the comments and learning how the writers are crafting the books. Seekerville is a great community.Lots of good suggestions, I would enjoy reading any of them... reunions, updates, Q & A's, agents, editors. You keep life interesting!

    1. Jennifer, thank you so much! What a nice bunch of things to say. (blushing!)


      And you're right, so many good suggestions. Gives us food for thought!

    2. Jennifer, we're so glad you enjoy the posts!

  36. *munches on a grilled cheeseburger* Thank you for the southern hospitality! (I MISS IT SO MUCH!) As a reader I just enjoy finding new authors and books. And I love to learn mre about author's I've already heard mentioned. I tend to follow authors for a while before I get around to actually reading their books. Even though I am slow I kind of like it that way. It gives me time to get to know the author and their personality and that makes the book more meaningful for me. Thanks for all y'all doooo! :D HAVE A FABULOUS DAY! :D

    1. Sabrina, that's so interesting and I love seeing that side of you. That you like to know the authors first. That's pretty cool. And smart.

      I don't think that's slow.

      I think it's clever.

      One of the skills of being a great writer is the ability to coax or slant the reader in a direction... and it can be done very subtly. So why not get to know the author and figure out if he/she shares your values? Your morals? It's easy to write about beautiful things if you're a talented author. It can be much harder to live them.

    2. Not much input here....since I enjoy the posts and can’t think of anything else that I’d want included...

    3. Sabrina, I'm so glad you enjoyed the good ol' southern cookout! :) Thanks for your thoughts on the blog posts!

  37. I haven't been able to be on here as much as I'd like this year, as my schedule has been crazy. I enjoy all the craft knowledge shared. I've been writing more and working on a book, so I love the helpful tips I find on Seekerville.

    Thanks for the chance to win something in your awesome giveaway. I hope everyone has a fabulous holiday weekend!

    1. Leslie, I'm so glad you've been writing!

    2. Leslie, always good to see you! I know you're a busy lady with your editing business. Congrats!!!

  38. Thanks for all the great new authors and their wonderful books which I've added to my TBR list this year.I have enjoyed reading this blog and the daily emails too.I look forward to more giveaways from the many authors you host on your site.

  39. Seekerville knows how to par-tay! I've enjoyed following along as some have sailed from "UnPub Island", behind the scenes of an author's life, hanging out with my bookish friends savoring scrumptious treats.

    Thank you for giving us readers many years of enjoyment through your stories. Enjoy your holiday weekend!

    1. Caryl, we're so glad you've been with us over the years!

  40. You all are so great, with your tips for writers, appreciation for readers, offers of critiques and giveaways! I skip quite a few emails that come to me but always look at yours because the posts speak to something I need. As for suggestions, perhaps you’d consider some tips for getting into the secular market—where our voice is greatly needed.

    1. Susan, that's a wonderful idea! I have someone in mind who has recently done that and will reach out to her.

  41. It's such fun to read all the posts and comments on Seekerville! You're all so knowledgeable and willing to share all that knowledge! You're all amazing! Thanks for sharing your time and talents!

  42. I just subscribe to this blog, so I don't know what kinds of things to expect. But I am excited to learn more about you guys and your books. Thank you for the giveaway!

    1. Welcome, Angeline!! We're so glad you found the blog!

  43. I would love to win and read these books. Unfortunately I can only read print books. Thanks for the giveaway! Vivian Furbay jtandviv (at) q (dot) com

  44. I always enjoy the CHristian suspense! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  45. BTW! For anyone who was asking for the Grammar Queen, she still resides at Myra's blog! :)


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