Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Driving Lessons with Guest Lynn Blackburn

Hello, Seekerville. Cate here. I'm so excited to welcome my friend Lynn Blackburn as our guest today. Lynn and I met when we sold our first books to Love Inspired Suspense through Harlequin's Killer Voices contest.

Lynn has some really excellent thoughts to share with us today. I hope you'll join me in giving her a warm Seekerville welcome!

Lynn is offering reader's choice of one of the books from her Dive Team series to a U.S. resident.

Driving Lessons

It’s hard to turn a parked car.

Ever heard that one before? I can’t remember where I heard it first, but it’s so very true. You can be in the car, behind the wheel, motor running, ready to go. You may even have the brute strength to force the steering wheel to make the tires twist on the pavement.

But the car? It hasn’t moved, and it’s not going to until you put that baby in drive.
You know where I’m going with this, don’t you?

If one of your goals is “write more” then you’re going to have to put this writing thing in drive and actually WRITE.

If you’ve been writing and the goal is to land an agent then you’re going to have to actually query one (or three).

If you’re ready to go to a conference or take a course then you’re going to have to set aside some money and some time.

God is Sovereign and He can do anything, but as a general rule when He gives us a dream, a calling, a passion, He expects us to get our rear in gear and do the hard work that comes with following Him.

All that stuff going on in your head? That’s you sitting in the driveway with the car running. Not going anywhere.

You may have gone to bed one night with an idea and awakened with a fully fleshed out plot. You may know your characters better than you know your friends. You may have dreamed up a world to rival Middle Earth.

Guess what? Dreams don’t get published. Documents do.

You may have written the book, the poem, the article, the Bible study, the short story. It’s been polished and critiqued until it’s a lean, mean, written machine. You think it’s time to send it out into the big bad world, but for some reason you’re still waiting. You keep thinking it’s possible there’s more you should do to it so you keep tweaking it.

Guess what? Possibilities don’t land agents. Proposals do.

But what if you’ve done all that? You’ve been writing. You’ve been to conferences. You’ve queried agents. Maybe you’ve had some nibbles, or even some big bites, but your hands are sweating on the wheel because you have no idea where you’re going.

You want to do to the right thing. Want to make the best use of your time. Want to please the One you write for.

Should you revise the story again? Pitch to that other agent? Go to the conference close to home or the one with the focus on your writing? How on earth can you know?

This is where it gets tricky.

Because the path you’re supposed to follow and the one I’m supposed to follow won’t look the same. We have different abilities, situations, passions and interests.

What God wants to do with your writing will be unique. So if you’re writing and you’re scared about where you’re going, remember this…

You steer where you stare.

They teach us this when we learn how to drive. You can’t stare at the sides of the road or you’ll mess around and drive off in a ditch. You can, and should, glance around you, but ultimately, you need to keep your eyes to the front.

When it comes to your writing, you need to stop worrying about the others driving around you, quit staring at the steep edge you’re afraid you’ll fall over, and keep your focus on the One who already knows your ultimate destination.

He hasn’t taken you on this road to leave you stranded in a ditch.

Keep focused on Him. Keep the car in drive. And hang on for the ride!

Grace and peace,

Lynn H. Blackburn loves writing suspense because her childhood fantasy was to become a spy—but her grown-up reality is that she's a huge chicken and would have been caught on her first mission. She prefers to live vicariously through her characters and loves putting them into all kinds of terrifying situations—while she's sitting at home safe and sound in her pajamas!

Her Dive Team Investigations series kicked off in 2018 with Beneath the Surface and In Too Deep (A SIBA Okra pick and Selah Award Finalist). The 3rd book in the series, One Final Breath, released in September 2019. She is also the author of Hidden Legacy and Covert Justice, which won the 2016 Carol Award for Short Novel and the 2016 Selah Award for Mystery and Suspense. Lynn lives in South Carolina with her true love and their three children. You can follow her real life happily ever after at and on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram.

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay 
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 


  1. Lynn, this is good. SO much meat here. I'm newly published and I get up every morning thinking, "What have I done?" And while there are certain boxes we have to check, that doesn't always guarantee the result we had in mind. It is in His hands. It is a partnership.
    I've already had some dizzying highs and some plunges to the depths, and my book has only been out a month. I still need my "encouragement" file.
    It's raining here, hard, and cold, and I don't have any commitments until evening, so I'm going to catch up on several projects. Redeeming the time and all that...
    Will be in and out today. Talk to me.

    1. Redeeming the time. I love that. It reminds me so much of the verse in my morning devotion today from Luke 12 about always being ready.

    2. I hope your cold, rainy day yielded lots of progress!

    3. I'm working on Book 6 and I frequently have the same "what have I done?" thought!! So thankful that God is faithful and brings encouragement just when we need it. Thank you for the warm welcome today!

  2. Oh, I so needed to hear this today! I've never forgotten a sermon where our pastor said that God can't change the rudder if your ship's not moving. Same idea, different transportation mode LOL I think God honors those little steps of faith, simply for what they are: trust in Him. And He can certainly change the direction if we move where He doesn't intend for us to go. But it's hard to do that if we aren't moving.

    So good! Thank you for sharing with us here!

    1. I like that image, Glynis. I too often give up because I feel rudderless.

    2. OOH! I LOVE THAT, Glynis! And Cate - yes! I do tend to feel rudderless as well. What a powerful thought that He knows our direction and ultimate destination. :)

  3. Thanks to Cate for inviting me to join y'all today! I'm thrilled to be here!

  4. Lynn, I needed to read your blog post today. You wrote it for me, right? I just returned from Italy and am sitting in my car but not moving forward. I'm stalled because getting started again is always hard for me. Must shove the gear shift into drive and step on the gas. Thanks for that bit of wisdom!

    BTW, I can so relate to your bio. I, too, wanted to be a spy. As a child, I organized the neighborhood kids into running covert missions against the villains, usually Soviets in those days. Underneath all the bravado, I am a total coward!

    So glad you could be with us today! Congrats on your writing success! Thanks, Cate, for hosting Lynn! :)

    1. Debby, that's so fun that you both wanted to be spies and now write suspense. I always wanted to be a teacher and often played school. I also loved to act out plays with neighbor kids. So, hmmm...I wonder if I missed my calling. :)

    2. I wanted to be like one of those brave female spies during the Revolution or Civil War. But, yeah, I am not that adventurous in real life.

    3. I wish I had lived in your neighborhood! Did y'all ever pretend to have accents and act like you were really East Germans who were double agents? (Maybe that was just me). LOL! My imagination has always been far more confident and courageous than I could ever be in real life!

  5. Lynn, welcome!! And what great advice. This is my favorite quote: "Guess what? Dreams don’t get published. Documents do."

    We have to do the work. It's so strange that we sometimes need that reminder! But yes, we do. Thanks for giving us a little kick in the rear today! :)

    1. Missy, I wonder if it's because we love the idea of writing that it feels like we shouldn't have to "work" at it. I always find myself reassured when I read successful authors commenting on how hard it is for them.

    2. Hi Missy!!! Lovely to see you!! And I'm the same - I do tend to think it should be easy . . . and wonder what I'm messing up because it isn't!

    3. Mary Cate, maybe it is that we have so much fun in the beginning that once we have a contract and treat it as a job, we have a hard time keeping that fun spirit. We need to keep using both sides of our brains (and not let our editor take over)!

  6. Hi Lynn. Some really sensible advice there. I'm going to take it myself.
    I've got a feeling I'm looking around too much when I should be eyes forward, facing the front!!!

    1. I am way too easily distracted. Must do what Kathy said - redeem the time.

    2. Distractions are big problem for me too! Personally, I wonder how many amazing books haven't been written and/or read because of the distraction of my phone...ugh!

  7. Thank you for these words of wisdom! Fear has a way of making me want to hit the brakes rather than push through. I so needed this encouragement.

    1. I understand, Samantha. I sometimes wish I was one of those overconfident people who are sure they'll succeed at everything, but I'm not. Still, I don't have to let that keep me from doing what I love..

    2. Yes!! It's like riding a bike. You have to push harder at the point where you think you might tip over...and it's terrifying!! But so worth it!

  8. Love this! Thank you for such an interesting and encouraging post!

  9. Lynn, I love this and give you a hearty AMEN! "You steer where you stare" is so good, I'm writing it on a sticky note for my computer screen. Thank you for this great reminder :)

    1. Isn't that a great line, Sharee? It reminds me of trying to teach my daughter to ride a bicycle. She kept falling off because she would look all around. I guess I'm guilty of that with my writing.

    2. Waving at you, Sharee!! I probably should make the same sticky note!

    3. Hey, Sharee! So glad you stopped by!

  10. This is so true, Lynn! Thank you for sharing today!! I tend to get stalled during the school year, and I know it's all a mindset. I need to put this vehicle in gear and drive!

    1. I understand that problem all too well, Rhonda. Honestly, I have a hard time focusing on both at the same time, but they both deserve our full effort.

    2. Rhonda! How are you, friend? So excited for the good things happening for you. I personally have found the best fix for a stall is a deadline...I so wish I could stay motivated all the time without them, but there's just nothing like a deadline to get me moving!

    3. Yes, deadlines do motivate greatly! :)

  11. Great post, Lynn. I am sitting in park way too often. Thanks for the great visuals.

    1. I'm thinking this parking lot is rather full, Sandy. Let's all rev those engines!

  12. Thanks for stopping by and sharing Lynn! This is a timely post for me. :) Lee-Ann B (PS - don't enter me in the draw since I'm north of the border)

  13. Thanks so much everyone!! I am just now home from a "fun" couple of hours in the ortho clinic with my youngest and a bruised knee. Truly thankful nothing it torn or broken! And now I'm home and can really dive in to all your comments and thoughts!

    1. So sorry, Lynn. But I'm glad nothing is torn or broken. Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom with us today.

  14. This is a great post, Lynn!

    Putting the car in drive - that's a great image.

    Thanks for being here!

  15. What a great post! I'm not a writer, but I enjoy reading these posts. They give me more insight into a writer's life. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi, Winnie. Thanks for visiting. I think many of these truths apply in so many life situations.

  16. Love this. Would love to win


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