Monday, December 30, 2019

A Seekerville Christmas Romance

(Posted with Permission ;) )

Once upon a time, there were a pair of authors (We'll call them Jan and Erica) who were friends. These two authors were invited to join the best-est group of bloggers in the known universe, and each one eagerly accepted. (Erica wasn't sure about Jan's feelings on the matter, but Erica had always had a secret longing to be in the group we'll now call "The Seekers." Dream-come-true moment for Erica!)

Image result for Jan Drexler

In the early days of January, 2018, as the newbies tried to navigate the new group, Jan made a passing comment on something she and Erica had joked about awhile before. "Do you still have a marriageable daughter? My son is struggling to meet a nice Christian young lady, and he asked if I knew anyone among my writer friends who might have a daughter his age who loved Jesus."

At the time, Erica's daughter, Heather, was coming out of her first serious relationship, and wasn't ready for that. But Erica tucked it away in the back of her mind for future reference. When Heather mentioned a few months later she might be ready to consider a new relationships, Erica (who is not a Jewish mama-matchmaker, but she could certainly play the part on TV) messaged Jan. "Hey, is your son still looking for a girl?"

Consternation. Son is in a relationship now. Shrug of shoulders from Heather. Guess it wasn't meant to be.

Fast forward a bit. Jan and Erica have been Seekers for several months, and Jan is headed for Minnesota to a retreat. Turns out, Son (Let's call him Benjamin) is no longer in the relationship  and might be interested in chatting with Heather via the wonders of The Internet.

All weekend at the retreat, where Heather is the cook and Jan and Erica are writing like their hair is on fire, Heather's phone pings and warbles as Benjamin and she chat. (No food got burnt, and all of it got on the table at the appointed time. But Heather's mind was definitely distracted.) 

Jan and Erica wait to see how things develop. Neither Benjamin nor Heather are teenagers, and they agree that they should just be friends for awhile, get to know one another slowly, and see where the Lord might be taking this. Jan and Erica approve of this approach.

Benjamin and Heather's texting and FB chatting turn to the occasional Skype convo, which turns into a scheduled Skype convo weekly...which turns into two times a week. Benjamin becomes dedicated to finishing his degree in the spring of 2019, and he and Heather schedule (Their now many) chats around his studies, his job, her job, and church activities.

Jan and Erica are trying to be cool, too. They rarely speak of the relationship with one another, since it isn't really their story to tell just yet. Though they do comment that their hearts are happy when the pair are chatting, because peals of laughter come from Benjamin and Heather's rooms when they are Skyping. 

Then, in February, Benjamin drives the almost TEN hours from the Black Hills to the wilds of Rochester, MN to meet Heather (and her parents) in person for the first time. Also to watch the Super Bowl, which got a bit comical, since Benjamin knows pretty much nothing about sports or football, though Erica was quite proud that when Benjamin asked Heather "What does second-and-ten mean?" Heather was able to instruct him. Since Erica is a rabid sports fan, she asked Benjamin what football team he rooted for, because he lives in what might be considered Denver Broncos territory, and as a born and raised Kansas City Chiefs fan, the Broncos are mortal which Benjamin astutely replied, "I am a fan of whatever team I need to be." He ain't no dummy, that's for sure...

Heather is very happy (and so are her parents.) Benjamin is a very nice young man, and they enjoy one another's company that weekend. Benjamin attends church with Heather while he is in Rochester, and now all the old ladies at Heather's church are hanging over the back fences speculating. Benjamin survives the gauntlet of old ladies with questions. 


Here is proof...watching the Super Bowl together, February 2019. Don't they look pleased with one another?

Then comes a prodigiously brave move.

Benjamin and Heather make it official. Really official. They change their relationship status on Facebook to IN A RELATIONSHIP! 

Fast forward to May 2019. Plans were made and laid, and Heather ventured west on I-90 the nearly ten hours from Rochester MN to Rapid City, SD to celebrate the graduation of Benjamin from college. (She is on her way home now as of the writing of this super-long story-mail.) She was overjoyed to learn that the Drexler family has friends who own an ice cream shop, and that Benjamin's sister, Carrie, works there. Because for Heather, the answer to ice-cream is always YES. This is, of course, not the only reason she was heading to South Dakota, but it certainly didn't hurt. 

Proof that the sheepskin was earned and awarded. Congratulations to Benjamin!

From brief and periodic reports over the weekend, it appears that a good time was had by all, however Erica hasn't gotten the details downloaded from Heather just yet.

Plans were made for Benjamin to leave his beloved Black Hills and move to SE Minnesota to pursue post-graduate work and pursue Heather in earnest. :) He has been working and courting Heather quite well.

Though Jan misses Benjamin, she is happy for the young couple. Erica is remembering the words Jan shared with Benjamin when he first began chatting with Heather. {Paraphrasing here} "Mom, do you think she will want to live in the Black Hills, because I never want to leave here." to which Jan replied like the wise woman she is, "First, you're putting the cart before the horse. You just began texting one another, so it's early days. Second, if she is the one the Lord has for you, and you fall in love, you won't care where you live. You'll just want to be together.") 

See, I told you she was wise.


Heather and Benjamin hiking in the Black Hills this weekend. Again looking rather pleased with themselves.

Fast forward to Christmas morning. Benjamin and Heather disappeared for a few minutes, then came bouncing back into the room. Turns out, Benjamin had been proposing, and Heather had been busy saying yes!

Benjamin and Heather on Christmas morning with her brand new ring!

Benjamin and Heather in front of the Christmas tree at church.

All in all, it has been a wonderful journey, and we are praying they have a long and happy life together.

I can't help but wonder what would have happened if Jan and Erica hadn't been invited to join the lovely Seekerville ladies? 

The wedding date has been set, and now the adventure of wedding planning begins! :) In the words of the bride-to-be...SQUEE! 



    SQUEEE!!!!! :)

    Oh my stars, folks, do you know how many aunties (who knew nothing, nothing, nothing at all... okay that's not truthful, we knew little bits here and there and stayed mum!!!!! Because that's what good aunties do.) have been blessedly waiting to hear this???

    So happy and excited for all!

    And I'm sure the young romancers need all of OUR HELP planning the wedding, don't you think?

    Without a doubt!

    Erica and Jan, congratulations. Seriously happy dancing for both of you and Ben and Heather. How stinkin' cute are they?????

    1. Ruthy, Heather and Benjamin are positively FIZZING! So cute! And wedding ideas and advice are certainly welcome. This is the first wedding in our family, and our only girl, so we're going to enjoy and cherish every moment!

    2. It is SO MUCH FUN!

      And Benjamin is just brimming with happiness!

  2. I am smiling from ear to ear! I've been enjoying the little bits and pieces of this romance that Jan has shared at our meetings over the last year, so I feel like I've been living this romantic story vicariously, too. How sweet! I love it. Congratulations to the happy couple and the happy mamas!

    1. Yes, Glynis, it's so fun to have lived it a little bit, even if vicariously. :)

    2. Glynis! Thank you for rejoicing with us. We're so thrilled...and of course, Jan and I are taking all the credit! :D

  3. What a cute love story! They are a darling couple, but I can only see the last 2 pictures, I want to see the other 3 to get the full effect of this (non-fiction) love story!

    Congrats to Benjamin and Heather!

    1. Tracey, I couldn't see the photos on Safari. But I could on Chrome. Google/Blogger is not playing nice with Safari these days!

    2. I'm not seeing them on MS Edge either. And the same ones are missing for me on Chrome. Weird.

    3. I may have blocked you from them, darling.

      Oops. :)

    4. Well, fishsticks. I have no idea how to fix that. Last night when I was posting this, the entire post, pictures and all, disappeared and I had to start over!

    5. The pictures that are there are spectacular, Erica. I love this blog post!

  4. I LOVE this story!
    It really is amazing how God directs our paths - you both said 'yes' to Seekerville which has a lifelong blessing for your families! And you'll both be Grandmas AT THE SAME TIME - how cool is that? And it must be so reassuring for both of you knowing your kids are marrying into lovely families, with awesome Mother-in-laws! :)
    Congrats to Ben and Heather.
    PS - Christmas time is the best time to get engaged...;P (my husband proposed then too)

    1. Lee-Ann, it's going to be so fun for them to do this all together!

    2. How fun about your Christmas engagement! It seems lots of folks got engaged this Christmas amongst my friends kids!

  5. And that's how you write a love story! :)

    Congratulations to Benjamin & Heather!

    1. Pam, that's just what I was thinking! :)

    2. And the best part is, we get to see it unfold through the years! <3

  6. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story, Jan. I wondered how this all came about when Erica posted on Facebook about their engagement. What a great story. But, like Tracey said above, I can also only see the last two pictures. Congratulations to all!

    1. Sandy, I had to change browsers to see the photos. Chrome works for me.

    2. I'm sorry about the pictures. I don't know how to fix it. I'm wary since I blew up an entire post last night, disintegrating it into the ether when I messed with the pictures. I'm so not techy.

    3. Yep, I couldn't see them on Chrome, either.

  7. Best romance I've read in ages!!!

    And I'm still squeeing since you told us!! So exciting. I even told my whole family about it the other day. They all think it's wonderful! Of course, I didn't tell it as well as you did, and they had questions (like, did they just meet? How long did they text before they met?) LOL

    I'm so happy for both Mamas! And for the kids, of course. :)

    1. LOL, Missy! I'm not sure when they began texting - neither party would admit more than "it's been a while" when I asked! But between the time when I THINK Benjamin sent his first message and they met in person was nearly a year. But Benjamin waited ten months after they met in person before he popped the question. :-)

    2. Yeah, details are sketchy on the first contact...but we're still taking all the credit! :)

  8. Congratulations to Benjamin, Heather, & both of their families. How wonderful!!!!!

    1. :D thanks Beth! You were there when the first beans got spilled to the Seekers!

  9. It has been so much fun watching this romance progress!

    Like Erica said in her tale, Benjamin and Heather took things slowly. They both wanted a permanent relationship built on a strong foundation, so they went step by step, not moving forward until both were ready.

    We miss having Benjamin close by - and have no expectations that he and Heather will ever make their home in the Black Hills - but we are so happy that they found each other and determined to let God write their story.

    And now Erica and I will be related...mothers-in-law. I'm looking forward to it!

  10. Not sure who the right person to contact is, but I'd like to put in a request for some Seeker grandbabies, please!!! :D

    1. Named Mary Ruth and Ruthy Mary, correct????? :) Or LOGAN CONNEALY!

    2. Noted. I think being a grandma must be the best gig ever. I can't wait if that's what God has planned for Benjamin and Heather! I like Logan Connealy for a name! :D

    3. I've been a mother-in-law a few years longer than Erica has...I've learned to never mention the "G" word unless someone else brings it up first! :-)

      BTW - I think Logan Connealy would be a great name!

    4. Heather are you out there, honey? We've named the baby for you.
      You're welcome.

    5. Jan I know better than to use the G word too, WITH MY OWN KIDS. It's open season on YOUR kids. LOL

  11. CONGRATULATIONS JAN AND ERICA!!!!!! (Oh and Heather and Benjamin, too, of course!!!)


  12. What a wonderful love story! Congratulations to all!

    1. Thank you, Rhonda! We're so happy for them both!

  13. What a romantic story! Who can write these perfect happy ever after moments? We know! Congratulations and blessings to all!

    1. I love how God has woven their stories together. They needed to be patient, but I think the wait was worth it for them. :)

    2. The wait for God's plan is always worth it!

  14. Sounds like a Hallmark movie to me! Ruthy will write it! :)

    Congrats to both moms and all God's blessings on Heather and Benjamin as they prepare for a lifetime together, filled with love and joy and centered on Christ. Hallelujah!

    1. If it becomes a Hallmark Movie, I think the Seekers should all get walk-on roles! :D

  15. OH. MY. GOSH!!! What an INCREDIBLE love story!!! Sigh. A happily ever after all the way around because OH MY GOSH -- this time you both got dream in-laws!!!

    SUPER CONGRATS to Heather and Benjamin and their mamas too!


    1. I agree about the dream in-laws, Julie! We're just tickled.

    2. And the possibility of baby Seekers is a marvelous thing.

      No pressure.

      Of course. ;)

    3. I am so happy that Heather will have a wonderful family of in-laws.

      Ruthy, it's hard not to dream ahead a little bit! :D

  16. Congratulations Erica and Jan! (And Benjamin & Heather, too!)

  17. Thank you all for your prayers and support! Fizzing is definitely the best word for it right now. I'm still not used to wearing something so sparkly on my hand, and every so often I look down and notice it and start fizzing all over again! :D

    We're up to our eyeballs in wedding prep now, and looking forward to life together. Your continued prayers and support are much appreciated. I'm sure there will be more updates and pictures in the months to come!

    1. HEATHER! Welcome to the family, sweet one! Enjoy the wedding prep!

    2. Congratulations, Heather. We all look forward to following your wedding plans!

    3. Heather! I'm so glad you stopped in! We'll try and shush our mouths and sit on our hands (mainly me) and not budge in, but we're so excited for you guys, your families and the joy of God's sweet love....

      I'm so glad both Mamas accepted the Seekerville invitation. Isn't that like the coolest thing???

  18. What a LOVELY tale! Super big congratulations to Heather and Benjamin. And the super exciting journey of ERICA and JAN becoming MILs. WOOHOO!! Prayers are covering all parties involved, LOL!

  19. Congratulations To Benjamin and Heather Thank You Jan and Erica for sharing this Beautiful Post God Bless You All!

  20. Congratulations Benjamin and Heather!
    Pam, your story lined up with my morning devotional. Thanks for sharing.
    Thanks to all of you for sharing your stories!
    Happy 2020, everybody!

  21. Ruth’s story slayed me.
    I live in an agrarian town full of farmers and cowboys and I’m glad to say that though we have more than our share of homeless because Seattle busses them to us, our churches and believers individually take pretty good care of them.

  22. Oh, this brought a smile to my face! I am so happy for both of your families. This is such a fun, beautiful, see-God-work kind of tale!


  24. Happy New Year

    Though the way has become dusty
    and the pellegrini now long
    for the warm island breezes
    and toasty sand between their toes…

    the way is now leaf-scattered by an
    eternal pre-winter frosty fog
    where once comments rained in the hundreds
    now there are fewer
    than a Centurion commands.

    Celebrate your now, now,
    view with 20/20 foresight,
    listen as the future is punctuated
    by slamming doors, brittle joy,
    and songs sung from indistinct points of view.

    Await the spring but beware:
    "April is the cruelest month."
    Winter's End is just the beginning.


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