Monday, February 24, 2020

The Emoticons of the Writing Life

Erica Here today. I thought it might be nice to take a look at the lighter side of the writing life, because, honestly, it's been a lot of hard work lately. Many deadlines, editorial letters, twists coming out of left field. I could use a bit of a break!

So, let's talk about the ups and downs of the writing life, and the emoticons that best depict them.

1. Stumbling upon the PERFECT story idea.

I love a new idea. They're so shiny and new and beautiful. Everything is possible at that point, and I can't help but get excited.

2. Writing the synopsis/plotting the story.

All of a sudden, my beautiful, sparkly idea...needs to be fleshed out into a whole plot! Is it a strong enough concept? Do I have all the story beats in the right place? Character arcs? Theme, subplot, secondary characters. The romance, the mystery, the black moment, the denouement, and all the rest. Is it there, is it in the right order, will the initial idea stand up to becoming an 80-100K word novel? It's enough to make a writer crazy!

3. When the writing gets hard!

Inevitably, no matter how excited I am about a project, there comes a time when the work is just flat out hard. This is the point where I usually need to go back to the beginning of the manuscript and re-read, edit, and remind myself of the overall shape of the project. I need to remind myself that I can do this, that this is not unfamiliar territory, and though this part is hard, I will push through!

4. When you get to the romantic part.

This is the payoff for all that hard work, when the hero and heroine fall in love! Their troubles may not be over, but they have love to carry them through...the happily ever after is in view!

5. When you get your editorial letter.

There's always that moment, when the editorial letter hits my inbox, before I open it, that is very nail-biting, swoopy-middled, scary. Now, don't get me wrong, I have AMAZING editors, and I love to hear from them. But I always pray that I haven't disappointed them. That's my biggest fear, that I will have done my best, but that my editors will think it's a bit of a dumpster fire. It hasn't happened yet, they've been pleased with my efforts, but there are always things I need to work on.

6. When the book is finished all the way through edits.

Woohoo! You've put in the hard hours, taking a story from concept to proofreading, and now you can celebrate! Relax, perhaps catch up on all that housework you ignored during your deadline. Who am I's time to start the next story!

What emoticons do you feel represent the writing life best?

Best-selling, award-winning author Erica Vetsch loves Jesus, history, romance, and sports. She’s a transplanted Kansan now living in Minnesota, and she is married to her total opposite and soul mate! When she’s not writing fiction, she’s planning her next trip to a history museum and cheering on her Kansas Jayhawks and New Zealand All Blacks. You can connect with her at her website, where you can read about her books and sign up for her newsletter, and you can find her online at where she spends way too much time!

Pre-order the first two books in the Serendipity & Secrets Series now!

The Lost Lieutenant

The Gentleman Spy 


  1. And sometimes all of them in one day!

    Thanks for the lift as I head back to work this morning. It was lovely to don my writer hat for a week, but now it's back to teaching.

    1. Mary Cate, were y'all out for a winter break or for bad weather? (I'm sorry if you've already mentioned why and I missed it.)

    2. Cate, you are so right, some days it's all of them...and sometimes all at once!

      Happy teaching day!

    3. Missy, way back when I was in school, NY began taking the 3rd week in February as a break to help out during an energy crisis. It was such a success, that it has stayed around since. Once, I heard somewhere that it was kept around to help break the cycle of flu season, but I don't know if that's true.

    4. I was curious, so I googled why it stuck around. Apparently, in NYC at least, it was kept as part of a Union negotiation to defer $40 million in wages as part of a budget cutting device in the 90s.

  2. I don't know about everyone else but I sit between 2 and 3 most of the time :) Thanks for the smile, Erica! I needed it!

  3. I am so excited about your foray into these fun stories, Erica. They're so beautiful, but I am over the moon in love with the emojis!!! LAUGHING!!!! Perfect! I was puzzling something over the weekend, and when it comes to me I'll be like "Oh. Of course. Duh." but until it does, my forehead is puckered!!!!! Thanks for making me feel not alone, sweetness! :)

    1. Picturing you with a wrinkled brow now, Ruthy. Hope you figure it out soon! :)

    2. I needed to find a "Head-Banging" emoji. That's how I feel when I'm really stuck! :)

    3. Head banging. That would be me 90% of the time! LOL!

  4. Well, dare I say I might add the poop emoji because sometimes I feel like what I'm writing is just awful. LOL!! BUT, that's the beauty of being able to edit the words. :) Plus, sometimes, we just have to plow ahead, knowing we'll get into the swing as we go. :)

    1. You know, I considered it, Missy! LOL, because sometimes that's just the way it feels! LOL

      Yay for editing!

    2. Did you know that the smiling pile of poop (that’s what I call it 😊) was intended to be soft-serve chocolate ice cream? Makes me laugh every time I think about it! But I agree on ALL the emoji here. I’ve experienced all of them. Fun post!

  5. I loved these, Erica. Your emoticons are perfect. I think for me, the waiting to hear back from an agent or an editor there would be the nail-biting emoticon. And, on some days, there might be a pulling-the-hair out emoticon when the right scene/idea just won't come to me. :)

    1. Ah, nail-biting and hair-pulling describe portions of this writing life perfectly! :)

  6. Loved this post, Erica! I'm not a writer, but I appreciate all the hard work and emotions and feelings you that are writers go through. Thanks for sharing your time and talents with us!

    1. Winnie, thanks for stopping by! When we read fiction, we probably have some of the same emotions! A reader emoticon post would be fun!

  7. This post was just what I needed today! I'm ready to tackle my WIP again after finishing and sending off the proposal. So I'm taking myself back to the first chapter for a read-through to refresh my memory.

    I'm looking forward to reading your new series!

    1. Writing proposals has its own set of emoticons! :) Yay for going back to the beginning. I do that with every manuscript at about the 2/3 - 3/4 mark.

  8. Hi Erica:

    I can remember when people usually kept their emotions to themselves and when they didn't do this, it was said that they, somewhat naively, were wearing their heart on their sleeve.

    Today every emotion seems to be put on public display for the whole world to see. Yet an astute observer still must wonder what others are really feeling!

    What happens when another's physical proxies do not match their public emoticons? Doesn't using an emoticon really amount to 'saying' rather than 'showing'?

    As in writing also as in life: using an emoticon is no substitute for showing a physical proxy (except when playing porker.) :)

    How many LOLs are really crying inside?


    1. Vince, I can always count on you to come at a topic from a different perspective.

  9. Such a fun post, Erica! Writing is a strange process...the highs, the lows, the pulling out of hair, the jubilation! Like riding a roller coaster. Wait, I NEVER ride roller coasters. Never ever. I need another analogy. Like life, perhaps. Highs, lows, joys, sorrows. The good with the bad. The fun with the hard work. Thanks for the laughter today! Much needed with this drab, dreary and rainy weather we're having in GA!

    1. Debby, I don't ride real roller coasters either! We get enough of that in this writing life! Stay dry and warm. It was 32 here in MN yesterday, with about a foot of snow on the ground still, and people were wearing shorts and walking around with no coats! :)

  10. Erica!
    Here is a smiley face emoticon for your story Guard Your Heart! :-) I loved it. I bought 7 Brides for 7 Texas Rangers a while ago, have slowly been making my way through it, and am now at the end (insert sad face here.) Really enjoyed reading about Branch, Constance and Miss Ruthy's Saloon (Ha!). Quite a nice collection of stories.

    1. Yay! Jenna, I'm so glad you enjoyed Branch and Constance's story! It was a blast to write, and getting to coordinate with all the authors in the collection to make everything cohesive was so much fun! And yeah, the saloon was named for our Miss Ruthy. :)

  11. I loved the faces of writing. I enjoyed reading.

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  13. If I had an emoticon biting nails that would be when a project is out on submission!
    Thanks for sharing this fun post Erica.

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