Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Releasing a Book During a Pandemic

Erica here: I'm not going to lie. This is a tough time we're going through, fraught with uncertainties. Authors are not immune.

Several of my friends have and are releasing books during this time when our readers have to stay at home, when they might have reduced incomes, and when they certainly have increased amounts of anxiety and stress.

For myself, I released a book just about a week ago. A book that has been on the publishing calendar for almost two years. Nobody could have anticipated the current situation when we first signed the contracts for The Lost Lieutenant.

But authors are creative people. When thrown a curve ball, they choke up on the bat and take their swings. I thought it might be interesting to hear how some of my writer friends are coping, both with the pandemic and all that brings, and the release of a book during this time.

Ruth Logan Herne 

I saw a tweet the other day from one of our wonderful Love Inspired editors... she talked about a lot of things, things to be happy about, things to be sad about. In New York City, right now, with everyone holed up in their tiny apartments or out in tight neighborhoods on the island, working from home, the city that never sleeps is facing a crushing situation. And she talked about that, but she also mentioned that she was sad for her authors that had books coming out this month because people weren't out shopping. Would they see them? Think of them?

And you know, if this month's sales take a smackdown because of the Covid 19 virus pandemic, it's nothing compared to what small businesses are doing, feeling, suffering. Forced to shut down for weeks, maybe fail.... Millions of people... not tens of thousands, but millions of people out of work... So I decided that I'd let folks know about my book.... I'll use social media and my website and my newsletter, but while I want people to buy my book, I know that milk and bread and shoes are more important.

More important than me, than my beautiful book (which is in Walmarts and grocery stores from sea to shining sea!) and also available at , are those folks struggling right now. Trying to figure all this out, deal with it. My daughter messaged me today to keep writing. No matter what happens, she said, keep writing. Because as this plays out, people are going to need Ruth Logan Herne books to make them feel hopeful again. And that's like the best advice of all.


Kimberly Duffy 

My debut, A Mosaic of Wings, releases May 5 (Bethany House). My book will be releasing right in the middle of the global shutdown. There are no open bookstores, no signings, no release parties, which is a huge disappointment, but it’s also forcing me to think much more creatively. 

My publisher has been fantastic in supporting me and helping brainstorm. I’m trying to think in terms of community—so I’ve written a homeschool unit study (since everyone is homeschooling now) that will be available for high school students who read my book. I’m also gathering ideas to use on social media that will bring people together, using the themes and setting of my book as a launching off point. Because my book is set partially in India, I think it will prove a nice escape for people who can’t leave their houses. Vacations have been canceled so this might give readers a way to go somewhere.

I allowed myself to grieve the falling apart of what I thought my book launch was going to look like. It’s particularly hard because it’s my debut and it will be my only debut so I had grand plans of celebrating with friends and family and readers. I’m a planner and I don’t like when things take a turn I didn’t expect. But I also don’t tend to wallow, so after taking time to cry and eat lots of ice cream and talk to friend after friend after friend, I threw myself into embracing the change. I see it as a challenge now, to come up with interesting ways to get people excited for my book, and it’s also a releasing—in the most complete way I could have every imagined—of my dreams and book to God. I trust him to do better things with it than I ever could. 


Kimberly Duffy is a Long Island native currently living in Southwest Ohio. When she's not homeschooling her four kids, she writes historical fiction that takes readers back in time and across oceans. Her books feature ahead-of-their-time heroines, evocative settings, and real-life faith. Kimberly loves trips that require a passport, recipe books, and practicing kissing scenes with her husband of 20 years. He doesn't mind.


Order from: 

Jill Lynn 

We are coping day by day during this strange time. A lot of my time is spent coaching my kids on how to do this quarantine/stay-at-home thing when I’m not really sure how to do it myself! Ha! As for having a book release, that’s been interesting also. I’ve still been talking about my book releasing, because I think people need hope-filled stories right now. I think we always need hope-filled stories. So, I’m doing my best to walk the line of being sensitive to what’s happening in our world but also embracing and celebrating successes for me or my author friends who have books on store shelves. 

Jill Lynn is an award-winning author, hot mess, loud laugher and coffee addict who lives with her husband and two children near the beautiful Rocky Mountains. She writes the kind of stories she likes to read—ones filled with grace, humor and happily-ever-after. Her current giveaway can be found at, and she loves to connect with readers online at and

Find her current release, Her Hidden Hope, at Walmart, grocery stores or online. Book links at

Barb Roose 

(Erica here: Lest you think only novelists are facing challenges in releasing books...nope. Non-fiction writers are bringing out books too. And sometimes, they're exactly what we need during a crisis!)

I have a new Surrendered Bible study on letting go of control that released
on April 7 that speaks right to where we're at right now.

AMAZING BONUS! My publisher, Abingdon Women, is making my six
Surrendered dvd teaching sessions available for FREE to everyone through
Amplified Media from April 7-June 30 (link below).

Are you self-described control freak? When we're uncomfortable or in
crisis, fear often drives us to try to fix people or control outcomes.
The brand NEW study, Surrendered: Letting Go and Living Like Jesus by
author Barb Roose addresses the five control-loving behaviors through
Jesus' example during his 40 days in the wilderness. As you study Jesus'
experience and apply six life-transforming tools, you'll learn how to
let go of what you can't control and experience God's peace, power and
provision during the tough seasons of your life.

1. Sixty-second preview of the study:
2. Surrendered Webpage:
(includes non-Amazon ordering site)

Barb Roose is a popular speaker and author who is passionate about
equipping women to win at life with Christ-empowered strength and
dignity. She enjoys teaching and encouraging women at conferences and
retreats across the country, as well as internationally. Barb is the
author of four Bible studies (Surrendered, I’m Waiting, God, Joshua,
Beautiful Already) and two books (Winning the Worry Battle and Enough
Already). She also writes a regular blog at and hosts the
“Better Together” podcast. Barb lives in NW Ohio and is proud mother of
three adult daughters. Whenever possible, Barb prefers to eat dessert

Beth Vogt 

My book, The Best We’ve Been, releases May 5. It’s the third and final book in my Thatcher Sisters Series. I’m encouraged by how many other authors have reached out to support me during this time. Some of these authors are close friends and some I know because we’re connected by membership in the same online groups. No matter how close the connection, I’ve heard, “I’m here to help you anyway I can” over and over again. The writing community has stepped up so beautifully during this time, and it’s reminded me to not just think about myself, but to support others, too. 

Beth K. Vogt believes God’s best often waits behind the doors marked “Never.” She’s a 2016 Christy Award winner, a 2016 ACFW Carol Award winner, and a 2015 RITA Award finalist. Her 2014 novel, Somebody Like You, was one of Publisher’s Weekly’s Best Books of 2014. After writing ten contemporary romance novels or novellas, Beth transitioned to women’s fiction and her award-winning Thatcher Sisters Series with Tyndale House Publishers includes Things I Never Told You (2018); Moments We Forget (2019); and The Best We’ve Been (2020).

Social Media:





Lindsay Harrel 

My book The Joy of Falling just released on April 14, so I've been trying to find ways to connect with readers virtually. Before the book released, I read my first chapter aloud on Facebook Live, and on launch day, I hosted a Facebook Live event with another author whose book was releasing the same day.

I had all sorts of grand plans for a launch week giveaway contest where people would take pictures with the book in Target or out in the wild. Obviously, that couldn't happen, so instead I tried to think of a fun giveaway that would meet readers where they were at. Because one theme in my book is finding joy in all circumstances, I put together a "Choose Joy Survival Pack" that included a mug, a gratitude journal, a copy of the book, and a gift card.

Finally, in my most recent newsletters, I've offered to pray for readers if they need it. I feel like people need genuine connection right now more than ever--not to be "sold to." They want to know we care, and we need to remember that even though this is a business, many of us are authors because we want to serve readers and offer hope in trying times like the one we are currently facing. 

Cynthia Ruchti 

As an author who lives 15 miles or so out in the country from the nearest medium-sized town, and who has worked from a home office since I was 27, some of the safe-at-home issues don't seem all that different from daily life. But the heart-heaviness of caring about what's happening to disrupt other families, threaten health or lives, and shove people into dangerous financial situations affects all of us. In addition to resorting to more web calls and cleaning my office, I'm coping with the writing life and with preparing for my latest novel's release in June (while writing a nonfiction book and editing a novel that releases in 2021) in three ways. 

"Adjust and Trust" has been a motivator for a long time whenever a crisis hits. If I adjust expectations, preconceived notions, standards means of operating...and then trust the God for whom I mind and heart remain at peace despite the tempest swirling. 

I'm also learning not to neglect the power of creativity. It's easy to let any crisis dominate and cripple creativity. But creativity is healing. If all I can do is jot down one sentence, that sentence is a victory and often spurs me to write more. The process of putting thoughts on "paper" heals, strengthens, fortifies, and allows room for God to work. 

And that's not even counting how creative we have to be to sell books when fewer people are buying and some sources aren't shipping! As I near the release date for Afraid of the Light (which, interestingly enough spotlights extreme anxiety issues), I'm on the lookout for ways the book can be an answer for readers, rather than an advertisement for a product.


Cynthia Ruchti tells stories hemmed-in-Hope through her award winning novels, nonfiction, devotionals, and through speaking events for women. Her books have garnered industry recognition from reader, reviewer, retailer, and other honors. Cynthia and her grade school sweetheart husband live in the heart of Wisconsin, not far from their three children and six grandchildren. Her tagline is: “I can’t unravel. I’m hemmed in Hope.”

You can pre-order Afraid of the Light HERE

You can find Cynthia online at 

Sharee Stover 

I’m a planner to the max. I love scheduling things and making to do lists. It gives me an illusion of control. Yes, I know it’s an illusion, but I like to pretend. It only stands to reason then, that of course, I had planned book signings for my new release, Untraceable Evidence, the first book in my ATF Heroes series. Covid-19 has decimated many a plan for all of us, so needless to say, my signings have been cancelled and optimistically rescheduled for later in the year. I remain hopeful.

Launching a book in the middle of a pandemic wasn’t something I anticipated; however, I think now is a great time for readers to have books in hand, especially those that are uplifting and encouraging. I’ve adopted the word GRACE for this time. With all the unpredictability and stress, it’s a means of survival. We are all doing the best we can with where we are and my expectations of myself and others has relaxed. Thankfulness is another key. I’m grateful books are still releasing. I am grateful for the online community reaching beyond social distancing, state, and even country lines. So, in this time, I’m communicating as much as I can using social media and other online tools to reach readers.

Someone’s after a deadly weapon… and only she can stop them.

It’s undercover ATF agent Randee Jareau’s job to make sure the government’s 3-D printed “ghost gun” doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. So when someone goes after scientist Ace Steele, she must protect him…before she loses the undetectable weapon and its creator. But with a mole inside Ace’s company and everyone a suspect, this assignment could become Randee’s last.

Colorado native Sharee Stover lives in Nebraska with her real-life-hero husband, three too-good-to-be-true children, and a ridiculously spoiled dog. A self-proclaimed word nerd, she loves the power of the written word to ignite, transform, and restore. She writes Christian romantic suspense combining heart-racing, nail-biting suspense and the delight of falling in love all in one. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Sisters in Crime, and Nebraska Writer’s Guild. Sharee is a triple Daphne du Maurier finalist, winner of the 2017 Wisconsin Fabulous Five Silver Quill Award, and her debut, Secret Past, won Best First Book in the 2019 National Excellence in Romance Fiction Awards. When she isn’t writing, Sharee enjoys reading, crocheting, and long walks with her obnoxiously lovable German Shepherd. Visit her at

Erica Vetsch

This has been such a push-pull for me, the releasing of The Lost Lieutenant in the midst of a pandemic. On the one hand, there has been a lot of online buzz about the book. A social media takeover on JustRead Publicity Tours, a blog tour with I Read with Audra Publicity, and another blog tour planned for next month. Yay!

And yet, I have struggled with anxiety about this book. It's my first with a new publisher (Kregel Publications) who has been nothing but lovely throughout this ordeal, and I want the book to do well for them as well as myself. They've invested time and money in the project, and I want them to get a good ROI.  It's my first foray into full-length Regency romance, and I want readers to have a happy, entertaining read...can they do that in the midst of the pandemic? 

All of this, however, has underlined again for me that I am not in control. God is the One who will decide how the book launches, into whose hands it will fall, and the impact it will have on readers' lives. And this has always been true. I am responsible for what I am responsible for, nothing more. Write the best book I can, be a good team-member with my publisher, agent, and marketing team. Reach out to readers how and when I can. Trust God for the rest.

You can order your copy HERE (amazon) HERE (B&N) and HERE (BakerBookHouse)

Best-selling, award-winning author Erica Vetsch loves Jesus, history, romance, and sports. She’s a transplanted Kansan now living in Minnesota, and she is married to her total opposite and soul mate! When she’s not writing fiction, she’s planning her next trip to a history museum and cheering on her Kansas Jayhawks and New Zealand All Blacks. You can connect with her at her website, where you can read about her books and sign up for her newsletter, and you can find her online at where she spends way too much time!

I know this has been a lengthy post today, but I hope it was informative and encouraging. Tell us, how are you doing? Have you read any of the books featured here today? Are they in your TBR pile? How are you connecting with the authors you follow?


  1. Erica, thanks so much for including me and "Learning to Trust" in this post. And wishing these wonderful authors... ALL OF YOU!!!!!... a wonderful launch, and then maybe a re-launch at some point. We are all so blessed to do what we do, to have a job we love and I look at the suffering across the nation and I realize that right now it's okay for me to be a very little cog in a mammoth wheel... One thing I did was to do a major giveaway on Facebook when folks couldn't find my book at the end of March, beginning of April. With my daughter's help (Beth Jamison of Jamison Editing) we sent out 150 free books to people who sent me their info on facebook. Not for reviews, no quid pro quo... just to make people happy. The books were my advance copies from Love Inspired (I have a reprint on shelves now, too) and it made people smile. That was the goal. Sometimes we just have to jump in the water, no matter how cold it is... I figured if people couldn't find my book when it was supposed to be on shelves, I'd make it "splash" in a different way. And honestly, by doing that it felt like it was me running the show... not the pandemic.

    1. Ruthy, that was so generous and kind of you. And trust you to find a 'take the bull by the horns' method of getting your book out there into readers' hands and kicking the virus to the curb for a minute or two!

    2. Ms Ruth, your generosity blows me away! I love the way you lavished kindness on readers and that you did it without any expectations of reviews.

    3. I was one of the recipients of the free book. I really enjoyed it and I even did write a review!

    4. Sandy, you tick all the boxes for bestest kind of reader!!!!

    5. Aw, Sandy, thank you so much! I'm agreeing with Erica on this!!!! You know someone said I should ask for reviews and I thought... gosh... that's not the reason I'm doing this. Reviews come. They always do, and that's a lovely thing but kindness goes so much farther... I keep trying to think of other (and more quiet) ways of helping folks, but it's hard with this distancing because there's no quiet talk of people who need help... I noticed that a couple of weeks ago, that there must be lots of folks in need, but with everyone staying apart, the good whispers have been silenced with the bad whispers (gossip).... so that's weird.

  2. Book sales in the first month ARE important, but readers know what they like and continue to look beyond and to backlists. I know how tough this is, and I have to admit from my view, it's comforting that there are new covers and new faces making this at least one consistent thing during these last two months. I am doubly impressed knowing that book releases demand juggling a lot of balls at once also. Not easy right now. My release was moved from April to May so I'm hoping I've got my head on straight by then. Thanks so much for sharing, ladies!

    1. Deb, those spinning plates and juggling balls sure are different at the moment, but I always believe that things work out the way they're supposed to... and we live and learn. And I agree, I loved the joy and anticipation of seeing new covers, new blurbs on Twitter and Facebook and here!!!! YAY!!!!!! Congratulations on this upcoming release... Another rousing cheer here!!!!

    2. Debra! Congrats on a new book releasing! It's such a weird time, but it's great to have something to anticipate, something to focus your energies on that is positive and uplifting! And I love that some things have just continued on, like new books and covers and blurbs and debuts. :)

  3. Congratulations ladies on all your new book babies. I pray God blesses the releases in ways you can’t fathom. I have been blessed to read Erica’s, Lindsay’s, and Jill’s books. Have a blessed day.

    1. Lucy, thank you so much for being such a loyal reader! And even more for praying for your author friends! God has and continues to be Sovereign, and He has His hand on each of these new books, controlling who receives them and how many leave the warehouse. (Just as He always has, as I keep reminding myself!)

    2. Oh, Lucy, thank you! You are such a sweetheart!!!!!

  4. A lot of fantastic books out there! Thanks for highlighting them and the wonderful authors that created them. I am spending much of this pandemic inside my own little made-up world and have not done much to whittle away at my TBR pile. But now I have a few more picks I'll had to add to it. Thank you to all the authors who give us hope in a dark world.

    And, Erica, the reminder that we are only responsible for what we are responsible for absolutely hit home. I heard someone say that through this pandemic they've learned what an idol the false feeling of control had become and I know exactly what that meant. Great post. Keep on keeping on, everyone!!

    1. I totally agree on this.

      Wanna hear God laugh?

      Tell Him your plans.

      We were such control freaks with our schedules, our importance, our busy, busy lives!

      And yet, with all this crazy, most of us are doing okay....

      And we can help those who aren't.

      Best opportunities come at the most unexpected times.

    2. Ah, Glynis, I have to remind myself that while it feels like everything has changed, none of the really important stuff, like God being in control, has shifted even a millimeter. He didn't get caught off guard by the virus or my having a book release right into the teeth of it. He knows and has His hand on me and my work.

      Just writing that out right now has given me peace.

    3. Glynis, you said it perfectly. The idol of control is a beast being tackled big time. But I am thrilled to see God working in ways I never anticipated or imagined. I just had to get out of the way.

    4. Erica, fist bump. The writing it out part....

      And Sharee, you have the sweetest, biggest heart. I'm so glad I know you!

  5. Hi Erica,

    I've read Learning to Trust by Ruthy. She is just so amazing! You all will love it!
    I've also read Untraceable Evidence by Sharee. We're in a critique group together, and I think you'll enjoy all the twists and turns in her newest story. Of course the romance is swoon-worthy too!

    I want to read every single book on your list! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Congratulations to all of you on your new releases!

    1. Jackie, how fun to be in a crit group with Sharee! We did a retreat together last year, and the brainstorming session with Sharee was so much fun! She's got such great ideas for mayhem in her stories! :) You must have to fasten your seatbelt when you start one of her stories!

    2. BEST. TIME. EVER. Erica!! I'm grateful you hung for the ride and didn't run screaming from the building! And I'm so grateful for Jackie's wisdom and well-timed reality smacks to keep me on the right track.

  6. I have read Ruthy's book, thanks to her generous giveaway. All of these other books look very good. I am wondering how book sells online or doing. I would think that a lot of people who like to read are probably ordering books these days, unless they are not currently receiving an income. I have been buying books online from a company that gives some of the money back to an independent bookstore. This is how I am helping to support our local bookstore, which is also the one where I work. It is a great way to help out a local store and still provide me with books!

    1. Sandy, what a great idea, buying from a place that supports an indie bookstore!

      Reports are that children's books, non-fiction books, and 'the classics' are selling well during the pandemic. Ebooks are up as well, I heard, since you don't have to wait for delivery.

      Hopefully, what authors lose in foot traffic through bookstores and through live events like signings and speaking engagements will be offset by online purchases.

  7. Good morning, ladies! Thanks for sharing this great list of books. Nothing like having a pandemic to make your job tougher. You've got some great ideas listed here.

    I see several great reads and I want them all! Love Lindsay's giveaway tie-in to her books title. It really made JOY pop and we can all use a little joy right now. Ruth is so generous. Bummed I missed her giveaway! And I've got to admit I'm a suspense junkie. So of course I want Sharee's book, like right now! And the cover to Erica's new book makes me want to grab it and start reading. Sigh, I want ALL the books!

    1. Terri, part of me was dismayed when I realized that my book was going to release in the midst of this storm. And part of me was mentally rolling up my sleeves to figure out what I could do to mitigate the downsides.

      I'm so proud of all these ladies who have tackled this challenge head on! And that we're here to support one another.

      If you have a chance, check out Kim Duffy's A Mosaic of Wings. It's her VERY FIRST BOOK to launch, and we'd love it to be spectacular!

    2. Terri, I'm sorry you missed it, too! Dagnabbit! Next time!!!!

  8. What an encouraging post from so many awesome authors!

    This is a difficult time for authors to promote, but a wonderful opportunity to give hope to readers when we all need it.

    1. Connie, I was encouraged when I was putting together the post. So many great friends, all sharing their experiences, all coming up with creative ways to talk about their books and messages of hope during this rough time.

      I believe people need good books and stories to help them through this situation, books filled with hope and the One who gives us that hope!

  9. Erica, I LOVED that you did this! It's great to read about how authors are navigating this pandemic in the midst of releasing books. I have tried to imagine how difficult this has been for authors and publishers, as well as for other people. It's a good reminder to pray for authors and for readers during this crazy, uncertain time.

    1. Jeanne, doing this blog has reminded me that there are lots of people from different walks of life who are having to cope with change and disappointment during this time. It's reminded me, actually, that there is a lot of life that happens outside of publishing! (Shocker!)

    2. My aunt has a special needs grandson who is fighting a rare cancer... and when I told her how sorry I was a while back, she just looked at me and said "Ruthy, it's our turn. I've had such a good life, and my children have had good lives and been blessed while chaos rained on other families. It's just our turn."

      And that was like an Aunt Eller moment for me, the wise Aunt from Oklahoma!..... You put the good in one hand and the bad in the other and say 'Well, then' to both.

      And then we go on.

  10. I loved hearing from all these authors! Thanks for all your ideas and thoughts on coping during this time. I've found some new books to check out!!

    I especially need Barb's Bible study. Yes, I am a control freak, and a pandemic only exacerbates those tendencies. I'm heading to check that out now!

    1. Missy, Barb's Bible study topic resonated with me. There's nothing like a pandemic to remind me that God is in control, not me, and if I would stop fussing and fighting and surrender to this notion, it would be so much better for me.

    2. Missy, I started Barb's study today too! LOVE it!

  11. I'm hanging in there the best I can. I set my writing goal low so I know I can accomplish it and keep going.
    For connecting, reading blogs and commenting is where I'm starting right now. I'm praying to find a good crit partner or group.
    All very small steps but I think solid & in the right direction.

    1. I think you ARE headed in the right direction. Connecting with people is the name of the game with social media, making friends, seeing where you have commonalities. :)

      It's good you're setting realistic goals and achieving them! Way to go!

    2. Tonya, I agree with Erica. I found my critique partner through Faith, Hope and Love with RWA, but you don't have to join a group you pay for to find someone. We have 1K/1HR on Facebook, a whole bunch of writers "check in" there to talk writing and to meet their goals. And there's a Christian Fiction indie authors group.... I would stay away from anything you have to pay for right now because the basics are all free... really. I'm not against authors/agents making money by selling advice, but at this point you kind of just need to write... pay attention to what's being said on loops, or pages or blogs, etc. and see who you meet. Later when you're more sure of where you're going with your writing career is the best time to look for that paid polish if you need it.

      Jump in, Tonya, both feet. The water's great!

  12. This is why I love our writing community! I’m thankful for authors who adapt to changing circumstances with grace and hope to keep writing and selling books of encouragement! Sending you all virtual hugs as you remind us of God’s love and His plans for us!

    1. Sherida, the writing friends an colleagues are one of the best parts of being a writer, aren't they? Always there with encouragement and motivation! <3

    2. Agreed... and it's kind of remarkable because it's a very competitive business... with only X number of spots for books, writers are always (and sometimes unknowingly) competing for spots on a publisher's list... but I've always believed that if you work hard enough, annoy enough people by not quitting, and take direction well, it will happen... and if not the good Lord has put self-publishing on the table. But doing that too soon can be seen as an act of self-ruination. :) We only get one chance to make a great first impression!

  13. Thanks, Erica! I know this is a difficult time for book launches. I've actually read some of these books and have others on my TBR list. I just finished The Lost Lieutenant and loved it! I'll be posting reviews soon. I've read Jill Lynn's book and Lindsay Harrel's and they're both fantastic! I have Ruthy's here ready to read, and Bethany House is sending me a copy of A Mosaic of Wings soon as part of their reviewer group promotion. I'm so happy to be able to read and promote these amazing books from you all! Best of luck to each of you!

    1. Winnie! You're a reading machine!!! Well done! Thank you so much for supporting writers with your wonderful reviews and helping spread the word about our books! I'm throwing confetti and glitter stars your way!!!

    2. Winnie, thank you for all you do! We are so grateful!!!

  14. Thanks for this post, Erica! I loved the insight on how other authors are handling book releases during the pandemic. My debut novel releases in July. While I'm hopeful things will be back to normal by then, I realize there may still be restrictions on gatherings and I may not get to have a book signing. And that's okay. You all have given me ideas on different ways to promote my book and still have fun with my debut.

    I really loved what Cynthia said about "Adjust and Trust." I may have to print that out and hang it where I can see it as a daily reminder.

    Congratulations to all you lovely authors who have books releasing during this time!

    1. Congrats on your coming debut! That's HUGE!!! And yes, print out ADJUST AND TRUST! It's a good reminder for all of us!

    2. RHONDA!!!!!! I am still so stinkin' excited for you! Rhonda and I have written together in a hotel lobby in our jammies.... in the middle of the night or the wee smalls... :) I loved it! Not too many people are brave enough to join me at 4:00 AM. You did it!!!!!

  15. I had a book come out this month so I can identify with everything mentioned today. I know folks aren't going to Walmart and other big box stores or their neighborhood bookstores...and if they are going out, they're rushing to buy the food their families need and may not have extra time or money to shop for books. My prayer is that everyone gets through this time, draws closer to the Lord, has enough food and other basic supplies, maintains good mental health and feels the love of family and friends. Hopefully they'll feel my prayers too.

    God bless us all!

    1. Every difficult situation is an opportunity to deepen our faith and reliance on God, isn't it? Thank you for being such a prayer warrior, Debby!

    2. Debby, absolutely beautiful and spot on.

  16. Congrats to all of you wonderful authors on your new releases!!!!

    1. Thanks, Beth, for your encouragement! :)

    2. And by the way, Beth? I miss my grandbabies. Like THIS much.


      Sad Grammy Who is Tired of Dropping Off Cookies and Waving

  17. So many "new to me authors" to check out. All of these books will go on my to purchase list. Thank you for sharing them with us. I love all the understanding, prayers, hope and support each of you have offered others while going through the same storm. The hands and feet of Jesus live here. I'm praying God supernaturally blesses each of your sales in a way only He can! Have a great day!!

    1. Thank you so much, Pat. It's dead humbling knowing readers are praying for us!

    2. Pat, thank you! Your prayers are precious and we appreciate them very much!

    3. Thank you, Pat!!! You have blessed me with your kindness and words for years.

  18. Congratulations to everyone's new releases. What a wonderful list of novels. I've had the opportunity to read Sharee's books and it's amazing! I wish you all the best with your releases.

    1. Stacy, thanks so much! Hearing from readers is so very encouraging!

    2. Hi Stacy!!! Thank you for your kind words! I'm so incredibly grateful for you!

  19. Congrats, ladies, on these releases! I've read one, have 2 on order, and WANT to read them all! Sheltering at home, and love to read!

    1. Jackie, that sounds like a fabulous plan!!

    2. Jackie, isn't reading a great way to forget your troubles for awhile?

    3. This should be everyone's basic Emergency Survival Plan. Have Coffee: Read Books.

  20. Thanks for sharing. The struggle is real, but one thing I'm finding is that the writing community is such a wonderful support (at any time, but especially now!)
    I had the opportunity to read The Joy of Falling and I just finished (at midnight - I blame you Erica for sleep The Lost Lieutenant last night. You totally blew me away! I think you've found a new genre! And I'm waiting to get my hands on a copy of Beth Vogt's next release. :)

    1. Lee-Ann! That's such a nice thing to say about The Lost Lieutenant! And yes, I agree with you that the writing community is always ready to jump in with help and encouragement in any time of need.

    2. I love Vetsch's work.... and I haven't read this one yet, and with farm season my copy might have to wait, but I will cherish it because I love her way with words, her humor and her style.

      She's just a cool dude.

  21. Congratulations on the new releases!

    I know none of you thought your book would release in the middle of a global pandemic...but God did. I love how all the authors in this post have taken what has been given to you and kept on shining.

    1. That's the reassuring part, Jan, isn't it? God knew, God knows...and God cares.

  22. What a great lineup of new releases this month. Congratulations, ladies!

    I'm currently reading Ruthy's Learning to Trust and Sharee's book is in the lineup. So many books, so little time.

    1. We're blessed to have so many options in the Christian Fiction market, aren't we? Remember when it was only Janette Oke and the Sugar Creek Gang?

  23. Congratulations to all of you with recent releases. Each of your books sound fantastic. I realize now just how difficult it would've been had my first novel not released in 2019 but instead during this time of social isolation. Still, many of my events were cancelled for this spring and won't be rescheduled. I concur the Christian writing community and those who love reading are so supportive as I've been the recipient of such generosity. Thank you all for the reminder that God knows we seek to honor Him and bring hope to others through our words and that He will bless our efforts.


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