Friday, April 24, 2020

Share Your Good News Today

Well, we had a scheduling mix up today. So instead of our regularly scheduled post, we're going to have a day to share good news. We all need something positive to focus on, so we want to hear from you!

Do you have any good writing news?
Do you have any other good news you'd like to share?
Any joys and blessings you'd like to tell us about?

Let's chat and encourage each other today.


  1. I'm excited that I've been asked to take part in another Guideposts devotional for 2022!

    I'm also extremely thankful that my family is well right now.

    And I'm thankful for spring! As I'm sitting here writing, I can hear birds chirping. It's such a wonderful sound.

    1. Yay, Missy! And the birds. Yes, they've been going nuts around here. I love it!

  2. I just turned in my eleventh book with Love Inspired. And, now it's time to clean. But it looks like this weekend is going to be beautiful, so I'll be able to throw open the windows and enjoy some delightfully fresh air.

    1. Mindy, I'm cleaning tomorrow too. I'll be mostly going through files and getting rid of old paperwork. I will be shedding the skin of my past so I can take on my future. Hey, I never claimed to be great at metaphors...

    2. LOL, Kathy! I did that same thing a few months ago, files and other paperwork, and got rid of so much. It was amazing. And freeing. Now I have more space. Which I promptly filled with other stuff.

    3. Mindy, congratulations on turning in your book! That's such a great feeling.

  3. I'm grateful for a lot today. i'm an introvert and I've always worked from home anyway, so the isolation hasn't bothered me that much. Dave and I already had a stocked pantry. We live in New England and can bank on being snowed in/flooded out/electrical wires going down in an ice storm/or any potent cocktail of the above. We're both still working, so we haven't faced any great financial shortage (except for the havoc wreaked with our retirement accounts).
    I am grateful that...nobody I know personally has been affected by COVID 19, but my heart goes out to everyone who is and was. My own health is good. I still walk most days and am careful about masks and such.
    I am blessed to have family and friends, even though I can't see them.
    Writing (it always comes back to that). Still joyful over double final in Selah Awards.
    Turned in my manuscript and photos for the nonfiction history book. THAT was an ordeal. I feel like I just finished a master's thesis
    Keeping up with my newspaper work, I am really good at "triumph of the human spirit" stories and this mess has generated plenty.
    Finishing my WIP, the third Western Dreams book. If this pandemic has done anything for me, it's given me time to write. I am so grateful for that. "All things work together for good," even this.
    Kathy Bailey
    Working it all out in New Hampshire

    1. Kathy, you have a wonderful list! Congrats on turning in your nonfiction!

      Stay well.

  4. Isaac & Izzy's Treehouse, the children's book I illustrated for WhiteFire Publishing, is scheduled to be published in less than two weeks! Angela Henderson, the author, has had some great ideas on how to do a virtual book launch for a children's book (being as schools and other traditional marketing venues for children's books are a mite out of reach at the moment).

    1. Oh, good for you, Rachael. Good luck with your marketing, know there are creative ways to get your book out there.

    2. Congratulations, Rachael!! That's exciting news! I'd love to have you do a guest blog post sometime. It would be very interesting to hear about how you do your illustrations! If you'd be interested, contact me at the Seeker email addy listed at the "Contact" tab above. (I usually check those emails about once a week.)

    3. Congratulations! I can't wait to see it. I am an artist,too!

    4. Tonya, that's wonderful! I've been taking painting lessons but have never considered illustrating. I think it's something I'd love to learn about.

    5. Absolutely you should, Missy! All kinds of art are fun and so rewarding

  5. Since I have yet to publish a novel (but I DO have an agent!), I don't have news on the publishing front. But my joy to share is the fact that I love to wake up every morning and see what the Lord has for me to do that day. Polish book 2? Call a friend? Walk in the park? (Yes, in Indiana we can do that!)Write a blog post? Research for my next series?
    And always I am listening...for who the Lord will put on my heart. To pray for their salvation, for their healing, or for someone whose heart needs to be encouraged.
    What a blessed way to live!

    1. Linda! Congrats on having an agent to rep your work! That's terrific!

      And what a great attitude, launching each day with the question of "What do You have for me today, Lord?"

    2. Linda, I love this daily attitude! We should all do that more!

    3. I don't have any writing news but I have lots of joy and blessings! One being that I get to keep my 5-month old grandson while his mama and daddy work.Then in the evening I get to work my side gig, which is making homemade goat milk soaps. The blessing that follows is that he goes home to his parents in the evening ha. Also, I'm eternally grateful that winter doesn't last forever! Neither will this season of uncertainty we're all sharing. That in itself is a huge blessing for everyone.

    4. Pat, that sounds like the perfect schedule! I love that you make soaps. It's something I've thought of making. I've even collected recipes and read all about the methods. So interesting!

    5. Missy, you should give it a try. It's a lot of work but very rewarding because it's so much better for our skin than commercial soaps. But be warned: Because of the process, it's very time consuming AND addictive ha.

    6. Linda what a great comment. I'm going to try and be more like you. I love that you pray for who's on your heart, for salvation. God bless you!

  6. Ive written at least 100 words everyday this week. Not massive, but when I haven't been writing, it feels like a big deal. It's a rough draft of a flash fiction piece. I'm ready to start another one!

    1. Way to go, Tonya!! That's fantastic! And working on the next and then the next is the best thing you can do. Go you!

    2. Tonya, good for you. Slow and steady wins the race!

  7. I got some writing-related work done today! Yay! And now I'm picking up some pizza and the husband and I are going to watch some movies tonight!

    1. Erica, my husband and daughter ordered pizza for lunch. I made a big batch of pasta salad the other day and have been eating it leftover. :)

      A movie sounds good! Hmmm, what should we watch???

    2. After reading your comments, I want pizza. LOL I don't think my digestive system would thank me though if I popped one in the oven at 11 pm....

    3. This sounds so good Erica. Not the pizza, though that sounds good, too, but the writing. Although 'writing related work' isn't the same as writing exactly. So get to work!!!

  8. Three Bits of Good News

    1. My good news is that the bad news is not getting any worse.
    2. All the funerals I've been attending lately have been for people who told me they were going to dance on my grave.
    3. My doctor just told me that I won't have to take any more annoying diagnostic tests because anything they find would likely take longer to kill me than the time I have got left. (He said the above like it was a benefit!)

    I hope that your good news is not the same as mine.


    1. Vince, This is a grim kind of humor. I'm sorry you're not well. :(

  9. My hubby got the kitchen cabinets and granite counter in so our reno is almost done! We inherited a kitchen from family and we're flipping our main floor around - swapping kitchen for living room. My writing space is in our former living room (which is now our new kitchen) and Lord-willing, I'll have my writing space back within the next week or so. I've been writing in bed, at the kitchen table or on the couch. :)

    1. Lee-Ann what a project. Inherited a kitchen. Why not? It'll be so different it'll be like a new house.

  10. Hi everyone! I'm excited to announce that I received a 2-book contract from Love Inspired Suspense!! Yay! My debut book - Border Breach - released on April 1st. I'm feeling VERY blessed! Thank you for this great community! xo

  11. I’m thankful we now own a power washer and hubby has been helping me get the decks, house, and windows done. I’m also thankful he is still working and my family is all well.

  12. Good morning from SW Missouri....we had storms yesterday and last night; this morning my smnall town is wet, wet, wet. We tend to flood around here (our city is known as the City of Springs) so welcome to our spring rainy/storm season! My writing news is that I joined the Flourish Writers Academy for a year - Jan through Dec. Today we are going to start our Mastermind Groups and I signed up for the fiction writing group. I have high hopes and dreams of someday being able to tell you all that I did it! I'm published!
    I'm thankful, blessed and content to have my little world right here at home and my family, so far, are safe and still working. I wish you all well as we work through these crazy days of the virus. And, happy writing to all!


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