Saturday, April 25, 2020

Weekend Edition


If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes.  Note our new email address and please send your emails to

Friday April 17: Winnie Griggs is here to belatedly post the winner of her giveaway. Congratulations to Gabrielle Meyer, you've won your choice of any book from Winnie's backlist.

Monday: Jan Drexler shared tips to move from reader to aspiring author in part two of her series. The winner of a choice of a book from Jan's secret stash is Bettie Boswell!

Wednesday: Cate Nolan asked a very loaded question...What Kind Of World Do You Want? The question raised thoughts and invited lots of conversation.

Friday: Missy Tippens invited everyone to Share Your Good News! A wonderful Friday of sharing uplifting news and ideas!

Monday: Erica Vetsch talks about Casting the Roles in your Story and rumor has it there are Giveaways! 

Wednesday:  From debut to veteran authors, all join together in Seekerville to discuss Releasing a Book During a Pandemic.
Friday: Candee Fick shares her thoughts on To Bundle or Not to Bundle:The Pros and Cons of Boxed Sets for Readers and Authors

This past week, my first full-length Regency novel, The Lost Lieutenant, released!

There are several giveaways going on right now involving The Lost Lieutenant:

A JustReads Tour giveaway that includes a $25 Amazon or B&N gift card and a Bible Verse sign: 

Check out my blog post on Monday for more tours and giveaways!

You can Order The Lost Lieutenant at: and pre-order The Gentleman Spy at

If you can't find 
in your local bookstore and/or Walmart...
or if you aren't venturing out of your house,
the story--both print and digital--
is available online.

Dangerous Amish Inheritance
By Debby Giusti
“Move off the mountain. No one wants you here.”

Can this Amish widow survive her dangerous stalker?
Someone wants Ruthie Eicher off Amish Mountain…enough to terrorize the widow and her boys. Now Ruthie must rely on her former sweetheart, Noah Schlabach—the secret father of her eldest son—as they figure out why. But Noah has turned his back on love and the Amish way of life. Can he shield Ruthie…without breaking her heart again?
Order HERE!

The Georgia Romance Writers 
Maggie Award of Excellence 2020
is looking for submissions! 
Don't miss a great opportunity for feedback and 
the chance to win the prestigious Maggie!
Submission deadline is NOW MAY 9, 2020.

Are Your Writing Goals S.M.A.R.T? by Heather Kreke at Blue Ridge Conference

An Author's Actionable Guide To Story Ideas by Alicia Ellis at Writers In The Storm

How To Start Blogging: A Definitive Guide For Authors by Jane Friedman

Don't Make These Post-Rejection Mistakes by Bob Hostetler at Steve Laube Agency

Where Should I Spend My Marketing Dollars? by Melissa Tagg at Learn How To Write A Novel


  1. I hope some of our Villagers have entered the Maggie! It's a wonderful contest that offers great feedback. Today's the last day to enter. Take advantage of this opportunity to have published authors review your work!

    1. Yes, I love the Maggie! I got such great feedback from that contest. Just wanted to say I saw that they extended the deadline to May 9th!! I'll go change the blog post to reflect that.

    2. Missy, thanks for making the changes about the Maggies. I'm glad they extended the deadline! :) I'd love to see many of our dear Villagers as finalists!

  2. Happy Weekend, everyone. Hope you are all well. Today was supposed to be my niece's wedding in Tennessee. We don't know yet when it will be rescheduled, but it is a disappointment nobody could have imagined to not be able to do it today. But in God's timing it will take place.

    1. Did they postpone the wedding, or only the reception? Our son and Erica's daughter (getting married in July) have said that the wedding is going to happen on the day, no matter what! Reception will happen whenever it needs to. :-)

    2. Sandy and Jan, I've seen that some people are going ahead and getting married with just the two of them. Or they're doing it online. Such crazy times!

    3. Sandy, I've been thinking about your niece and wondering what was happening. I'm sorry for them...and for all couples planning to wed during this time.

    4. Jan, they postponed the whole thing. At first they were going to go ahead and get married today with just parents. Even so, they were still going to do the actual wedding again. But they decided against it. Apparently they weren't sure they could even get their marriage license. I suppose they are waiting to see what happens before planning another date. I have another niece getting married in September. Waiting to see if that can go off as planned.

  3. Happy Saturday!

    Today is a working day for me, so I'll be BICHOK (bottom in chair, hands on keyboard) all day.

    Doesn't that sound like the best way to spend a day?

    1. Jan, it sounds perfect! Although, I need a different acronym because I always work on my laptop. BOOCHOK. Bottom on couch, hands on keyboard. :)

  4. Audra, thanks for putting together a great Weekend Edition! I hope you all have a blessed weekend.

  5. I'm working on my next story. Planning to cook a pork roast this evening that won't take much prep time so I should be able to work until five or so when we usually take a walk. But wait, I need to order food from Kroger for pickup, and that takes time. Then, I'll need to do wash. :(

    Hopefully, I'll find time to write!

    1. Debby, we did our Kroger pick up order for today (Sunday). :) And it does take me forever to place an order!


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