Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Keeping Your Head Above Water

by Mindy Obenhaus

Life can be overwhelming. There are days/weeks/months when it seems the hurrier we go, the behinder we get. Some days you feel as though you’re barely keeping your head above water. Still, you press on, going through the motions, treading water like there’s no tomorrow because if you don’t, you might go under. Frustration turns to panic, and you grow weary from the struggle because no matter how hard you try, you’re not making any progress.

Let’s face it, our schedules are busy. We are multifaceted people who wear many hats—child, spouse, parent, employee, caregiver, chauffeur, and the list goes on. We have families to take care of, to-do lists a mile long, deadlines to meet. Throw in all of the uncertainty this year has piled on and it’s no wonder we find ourselves struggling to stay afloat.

I don’t know about you, but in times like that, I’m often my own worst enemy. I become so focused on the struggle that I forget I have other options. That instead of merely trying to keep my head above water and drifting with the tide, I can choose to be purposeful.


Float – I know this seems counterproductive when you’re busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger but hear me out. When someone is in danger of drowning, floating gives them an opportunity to catch their breath, conserve energy and consider their options. But first they have to stop flailing.

We can’t shrug our duties, but in the midst of the chaos, we can pause to reevaluate. Waiting at a stoplight? Talk to God and ask Him to show you if everything on your to-do list is imperative or are some things simply desires. The Bible encourages us to “be still and know.” Sometimes we don’t know because we refuse to be still. Yet that stillness is where we renew our strength. That doesn’t mean you have to carve out a big chunk of time. Simply keep the conversation going. God is always there.

Once we’ve had time to catch our breath, we’re ready to…

Swim – Unlike treading water, swimming means progress. But it helps to know where we’re going. That we’re headed in the right direction. So, we want to…

  • Be deliberate – Make a list, then contemplate the most efficient way to tackle that list. And don’t forget to cross things off as you complete them. Nothing energizes me more than seeing that I’m actually making progress.
  • Be realistic – Know your limitations. Just because you have the time doesn’t mean you’ll have the energy to bake those six dozen cookies for the church bake sale. Remember, it’s okay to say no.
  • Be flexible – You know what they say about the best laid plans. It’s better to expect the unexpected and be pleasantly surprised than to be blindsided. Building flexibility into your plans helps reduce your stress level should those unexpected things pop.
  • Be prayerful – God is our strength when we are weak. He’s the calm in the midst of our storm. Whatever task you’re facing, you’re not alone. Call on Him and He will answer.

As we head into what is, typically, the busiest time of the year, this post serves as much to encourage me as it does you. Unless you’re using it as a means of exercise, treading water involves expending a lot of energy for little to no gain. And the older I get, the more determined I am to work smarter, not harder. I don’t want to get nowhere fast. I want to move forward prayerfully and purposefully, savoring all God has in store along the journey.

Do you ever feel as though you’re treading water in the sea of life? What helps you stay on task without overextending yourself?

Award-winning author Mindy Obenhaus is passionate about touching readers with Biblical truths in an entertaining, and sometimes adventurous, manner. She lives on a ranch in Texas with her husband, two sassy pups, countless cattle, deer and the occasional coyote, mountain lion or snake. When she's not writing, she enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, cooking and watching copious amounts of the Hallmark Channel. Learn more at  


  1. Hi Mindy:

    You tread to avoid drowning or to buy time to figure out where to swim next. As for me, I like the Zen advice to go with the flow and smell the roses along the way. If the sea of life becomes too tumultuous, perhaps one should spend more time on terra firma.

  2. An excellent post! Thank you, Mindy. Years ago, when I was feeling overwhelmed with too much to do, the Lord told me that I always have enough time to do what He has called me to do. A good question to ask ourselves: Has God called me to do this?

    1. I love that advice. And the second part to that is to make sure we take time to listen to the answer!

    2. MaryAnn, thank you for sharing that!

    3. MaryAnn, that excellent advice! I know I've often found myself asking that question when I'm doing something that isn't working out the way thought it would. My problem is usually that I fail to ask that question often enough. ;)

  3. Thanks for an encouraging and inspiring post. Yes, with the craziness of the world right now on top of all the things we regularly need to do and the holidays and for some of us NaNoWriMo, this month can be truly chaotic. But God never meant for us to be so busy we never rest. This is really so important.

    1. Glynis, there's a reason I've participated in NaNoWriMo. ;) And why do they do it in November just when the holidays are getting started?

      As for rest, sometimes we're as bad as babies/toddlers. We fight it tooth and nail. We are a sad lot sometimes, aren't we?

  4. Mindy, I needed this today. My life is in an upheaval right now because of my husband's accident and I just stand here wondering what to do next. My whole world has suffered a sea-change and some days are easier to deal with than others. This is not one of them. I'm especially reminded that I need to be flexible -- and be more prayerful. It's easier to be a Martha than a Mary.
    I am reminded of the Rev. Earl Lee's classic Cycle of Victorious Living, based on Psalm 37: Commit, trust, delight, rest. I haven't been doing enough of any of them.
    Thanks for a timely post.
    Kathy Bailey
    Your Kaybee
    Figuring it out in New Hampshire

    1. Kathy, I love that. Commit, trust, delight, rest. I might need to print that out and put it where I will see it often.

      The seas of change are always difficult to navigate, my friend. If only we would remember to allow God to take the helm at the start of our journey instead of waiting until the seas get rough. But yes, I tend to be much more of a Martha than a Mary. Continuing to pray you through this difficult time. Hang in there, Kathy, holding tightly to God's hand.

  5. Mindy, what a great post. I seem to find myself flailing too often. I love the idea of floating to gather myself and allow God to direct me. Thanks for this reminder!

    1. You're welcome, Missy. And you know, floating is so easy to do, yet we often fail to do it until we're about to sink. Like I said, I'm my own worst enemy. ;)

  6. Mindy, as a former member of my high school swim team (MANY years ago!), your swimming analogy resonates! There is definitely a time for floating and catching our breath. And treading water may be necessary for a brief period time get get a glimpse of where we need to head, but it doesn't move us any closer.

    I've definitely felt like there are days when I'm treading water, but I try not to stay in that place. Sometimes, I need to take a deep breath, regroup, pray and then figure out the next steps forward. Sometimes life makes this difficult when it comes to writing, and I guess that's when it takes a deciding in my mind that I am going to move forward. And I admit, after a particularly difficult "wave" sucked me under, I'm still working to get back to where I'm swimming and not treading.

    Great post!

    1. Jeanne, I like it. Breathe, regroup, pray, move forward. It can, indeed, be a challenge. I've often found myself in the middle of writing a scene when I suddenly realize I'm drifting aimlessly and simply treading water. That's when I have to flop onto my back, breath and ask God what He wants me to do with that scene. His answer might be wait, but He's never late.

  7. this is such a wonderful post right now. thank you for sharing this. this is so on point. I have many times where I have to "float" and just immerse myself in Gods word and prayer. I need to know how to move forward with His grace and mercy. sometimes I feel like I am "floating" for a long time, but He never leaves me, so I know I just need to be patient.

    1. Lori, when God tells us to "be still," we never know how long He's going to ask us to remain still. But as long as we're obedient, it doesn't matter. And being obedient is often our biggest challenge.

  8. Thanks for the great post, Mindy. I love the list of suggestions when we're swimming. I would add to Be Firm. As in, don't let others coerce or guilt you into doing more than you can handle or tasks that are outside the realm of what God has called you to. Those people don't know your past experiences, your stress threshold, your bank account, your medical history and ongoing issues, or your family dynamic. But you do, and God does, too. Okay, okay, this is very personal to me, because I was called out of a high-stress job into writing full time, and the season I'm in right now is hard. HARD. It's been over a year, I haven't seen publication yet, and others are starting to raise eyebrows, ask questions, and make cutting remarks about how I'm not doing what I should to care for my family. But, like I said, they don't know what I know about this life that was assigned to me or how God paved the way and parted the waters for me to be here. So yes, I would say to be deliberate, realistic, flexible, and prayerful, and then, once you've reached that state of swimming, be firm in it, and watch out for the drowners, who will grab onto anything in their panic, even you, and pull you under without even realizing it.

    1. Rachel, since Firm contrasts with Flexible, let's go with Steadfast. I know, nothing like the writer who overthinks things, right? ;) But I totally see your point and it's a good one. No one else can know what God is impressing on your heart. Our job is to be obedient to HIS calling, not matter what the world might think.

    2. Yes, Steadfast is much better. :-)

  9. What an encouragement this post is today, Mindy. The gentle reminder to 'keep the conversation going' with God is just what I needed. Thank you, lady!!

  10. Great post, Mindy. Lots of good advice. I am a bit overwhelmed right now because I am not sleeping well. Not getting the proper rest makes everything more difficult. I called my doctor today and will start melatonin tonight. I hope that makes a difference.

    1. Sandy, I hope that melatonin helped you. Sleep is so important. When it's out of whack, we're out of whack. Praying you get some relief soon.

  11. Just what I needed Mindy! Treading water over here...thanks for the encouragement

    1. Lee-Ann, flip over onto your back and float. Even if it's only for a minute. Give yourself an opportunity to catch your breath.

  12. Great post, Mindy. And very timely!

    A few years ago, I started putting "rest" on my to-do list. Seeing it there reminds me to take time out. Since we got the puppies (who are FINALLY growing out of the puppy stage,) we started putting them to bed at 8:30. That gives me an hour of rest before bedtime. I read, have a cup of herbal tea, and relax.

    It's wonderful. I highly recommend it.

    1. Jan, putting REST on your to-do list is a great idea! A constant reminder.


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