Monday, November 2, 2020

Launching the current series....revising the next series...creating the future series...all at once!

 I've written a blog post about a four (or five?) book pile up before.

Right now, for fun and excitement...I'm in the middle of a NINE BOOK collision.

Yes, it was foggy on the interstate...or something.

Before I start talking about how hard my life is (pathetic Mary strikes again!!!)

I'm going to show you a new TOY I have.

I now have a logo. Or a brand. Or maybe a monogram. Or a...Erica? What would you call this?
I ask Erica because her niece helped me with it. And by HELPED I mean she did it all. But I ADVISED HER! So that's my part of this.
She gave me three versions'.
Red, Black and White, and White and Black.
So now that I've put up my BRAND, I'll tell you what's up with three series all colliding at once.
First of all...I'm now publishing THREE books a year for Bethany House.
I've been doing TWO for a while, but frankly the down time, I was causing trouble.
All the charges have been dropped and my record expunged, so ignore it and let's move on!

But book #3 of the Brides of Hope Mountain series came out this month.

Book #3 for Brothers in Arms, my next series, was turned in October 1st. 
That's Love on the Range. (no cover or buy link yet)
No cover or release date for that yet.

Revisions for book #2 of the next series, Brothers in Arms are due November first. Yikes, that's now!
Okay, as I type this it is NOT November 1st. But I'm turning it in before Monday.
Book #2 is A Man with a Past.
Also in this image below is Braced for Love, book #1 of the series

And I've just been contracted for the NEXT yet unnamed.
But I'm calling it...
The Lumber Baron's Daughters.
So I'm writing book #1 of that.
It's the first book of a three book series.
There is SO MUCH TO DO.
I am, in effect writing an opening to THREE books.
But it's okay because I'm mostly a shut in so what else do I have to do, huh?
If you could see how I typed this...titles wrong, erase, rewrite, book #2, no that's book #3. Wait, I put the title for book #1 on book #3.

So then, you ask, do I ever accidentally write along about the three lumber baron's daughter and make them live on a snowy mountain top cut off from the world by their grandmother's fears?
No I do not.

But I occasionally forget my grandchildren's names.
And my phone number.
And where I left my glasses.
I seem to deal well in the imaginary world. It's the REAL world that trips me up!!!
I gotta get that book turned it. Yikes.
So do you get your worlds mixed up?
Do they collide?
For some reason (oh, yeah, I wonder what reason)
I seem to be using the word DAGNABBIT as an expression
You know, like instead of UhOh...or WOW!

I wonder how annoying that is for My Cowboy.
He put up the bail money so it isn't too bad.
Tell me if your worlds collide.
Leave a comment to get your name in a drawing for an Amazon gift card worth:


  1. Haven't had that problem yet of the book world and the real world colliding.

    1. Hi Kim. It's like the fictional world for me is more real then real life!

  2. hahahahaha!

    I am laughing with joy and understanding at this.... because I am overjoyed for you and your success...

    And I have to be careful not to do the same thing with my mystery series with Guideposts, especially the two Southern ones, that I don't have Meredith intruding on Evelyn's life. That would be bad!

    Oh, Mary, aren't we so blessed to have such problems in a time when life is crazy for so many? We can hole up at home and solve the fictional world's problems and be paid to do it.

    I am okay with that.


    1. Unless I'm buried under a book avalanche, I'm good!!!

  3. Oh my goodness, Mary! I thought I was taking on a lot, but you make my to-do list look minimal. I have two books coming out next year and have recently been asked to also do a novella (which I have never done before) to add to a Christmas collection releasing in September. I am also working up a proposal for my first ever series and haven't even written the second and third books yet (although I am hammering away at the second this month for Nanowrimo). So, yes. I have some things colliding. And recently got several new ideas I am itching to play with, too, but that's for another day, when I might have more time. It's a dream, anyway.

    1. I got the revised book sent away. So done.
      I've got the released book launched.
      So my focus is on the current book.
      But wow, for a few days there it was like juggling firecrackers while walking a tightrope!!!

  4. I'm so tickled for you, Mary! Another series from Mary Connealy's imagination! That's a win/win for everybody.

    My book worlds collide with real life sometimes. It's usually when I'm talking with someone about a problem she is going through, and my mind goes, "Yes, I know someone else with that same problem..." Most of the time I've been able to stop myself before sharing the fictional problem that my fictional character experienced, because I've learned that people don't always want to enter into my fictional world, even if it would solve their problems.

    By the way, I got out my copies of the Montana Brides series to read this week. I wanted to go back and taste the Mary Connealy genius from her early days. I stayed up WAY too late reading Red and Cassie's story again. So much fun!

    1. So the 'someone else' is fictional? I hope they accept that LOL.

      Think of this when you read Montana Rose. When that book started, Tom Linscott was an unnamed 'cranky' neighbor. And Belle Tanner had her own book that was utterly unconnected to Montana Rose, in another state ten years in the future. That was all work I did to make two stand alone books into a series. And to take the cranky neighbor and make him a love interest for a a different series, five books in the future.

    2. That's how to make those characters work for you! :-)

  5. Wow!!!! My brain cannot even comprehend the amount of work you do. Three books in a year? A while back, I read somewhere that you wrote 1000 words a day. That cannot be right. You couldn't produce 3 books a year doing that.

    I have a question about the logo. What do you use it for? I had this discussion with a friend just this morning (wave to Sharee Stover). What are your plans for the logo (which I love, BTW).

    1. I just plan to salt it into everything I do. And I had Erica's niece, who is a commercial artist, do it for me. I can give you her email address, Sherrinda (or anyone) she worked fast and asked for input and changes and didn't charge overly much. She was great.

    2. 1000 word a day. My books are 75,000 or so words long. That's a book every 75 days. Two and a half months. So three books a year, that's four months I get per book. I've got six weeks with NOTHING TO DO, three times a year. So this most recent time, I had book #3 done before I turned in book #2....and no new contract in that like three months...I wrote another book. Contemporary cowboys. I may indie pub it one of these days. Though I have a vision of a four book series there so I should probably write them all and then publish them. We'll see.

  6. Great logo, Mary! Good work on all your projects, too. How exciting! In terms of worlds colliding, I would have to say yes, which is the consensus, it seems. I wonder if there is anyone who doesn't experience this.

    I did have a conversation with a friend this weekend, and it made me smile. I was talking about my schedule (I experimented with pulling all-nighters last week... back on days this week), and she seemed confused. She was an alpha reader for me on my first novel, which I'm still editing and submitting. Finally she interrupted and said, "Wait. Are you writing ANOTHER one?"


    1. Hi Rachel. I wrote a book giving the heroine my granddaughter's name...Adrian. Then I had some misgivings about how my daughter would like that so I changed the heroine's name to Avery. And now...I keep calling my granddaughter Avery!!!!

  7. I enjoy when my daughter and I read the same books, and then have anecdotes from books to use in real life. Books are my favorite place to leave the real world behind for awhile.

    1. Ah, Jessica, me too. So much this. When the world gets weird (and boy, doesn't that describe NOW!) I open a book and go somewhere else!

  8. Looking forward to read Brothers in Arms. Those covers are wonderful!

  9. That's a lot to keep track of!

    Generally I don't have to worry about fictional and real world getting mixed up, but thanks to book research (i.e. perpetual victimhood of the research rabbit hole), obscure facts pop out regularly. And then people want to know how on earth I'd know that the guanine crystals that make bird poop shiny is also what allows chameleons to change color.

    1. Rachael I didn't know about the bird poop. LOL but I get the idea. I know so many obscure facts!

  10. I so enjoy your Cowboy Comedy books! I was fretting over something this morning and my sweet husband reminded me about the sermon Ursula thought was being preached just to her on being anxious and worrying. You not only make us laugh, but you help us out with real life problems! Keep writing!!
    Much love from another Mary

    1. Hi Anonymous Mary!!! I always thing the Bible, and probably a good sermon, aims straight at ME! :)

  11. Well, Mary, I can say that you made me feel better about myself. Knowing that I'm not the only who can keep better track of her imaginary world than her real world is a relief. However, when I look at the way you crank out books... Makes me feel like such a schlep. Your productivity is awe inspiring. And I love the logo. It's perfect!

    1. Isn't that a sweet logo? Is logo the right word? Brand? Monogram. I do go back to LOGO but I wonder.

  12. I can't wait to read your new books!

    1. Thanks, Angeline, the wait is going to be shorter!

  13. I’m super excited for your next series!! Maybe getting them published will empty your plate a little! Lord knows it’s sure full! And your new brand is totally awesome!!!

  14. That's too funny, Mary. Nice brand logo and my favorite is the black & white version. I look forward to the next series.

  15. I don't know why it posted as Unknown as it said comment as my email. Oh well. Kim H in GA

  16. Love the new logo! So excited that we're getting a new series! My worlds often collide. I feel for you because I will be texting 3-4 people and have accidently sent the wrong text to someone! Hang in there!

  17. Mary, I don't know how you do it! But you're amazing, and you always pull it off. So exciting to have all these projects!

  18. You are amazing, Mary! Looking forward to those books in 2021. I admire your talents and hope you continue writing for us.

    1. Thanks so much, Jackie. With all these years of writing, I still, at some point in the middle of EVERY BOOK, spend time thinking I don't know what I'm doing. :(

  19. Not in the book-writing world but book-reading is another story. Right now, I am ready to go up Hope Mountain (via Her Secret Song) but also needing to help a forensic scientist escape a murderer (Grave Christmas Secrets by Sharee Stover) so that I can post reviews to help both of you gals! Congratulations Mary, for your book deals, I anticipate lots more reading enjoyment!!
    Blessings 💓

    1. Connie that kind of support is so encouraging! Thank you, Connie. I love readers!!!

  20. You are amazing! Im trying to figure out how i can edit one and draft one at the same time.

    1. Well, usually I set one aside and focus on the other, then go back to the other. So I fail at the 1000 words a day during revision times.

  21. Mary, My mind is boggled just reading all the things you're doing!! I'm not a writer and yes my real world collides with itself! LOL I don't know how you do it all.

    I just finished Her Secret Song. I've loved that series--so creative and imaginative (unlike me using two synonyms together!) Now I need to write a review and post it all over.

    Love your new logo/brand/whatever it is!

    1. Hi Winnie. Thank you so much for reading my books. And I like both of your synonyms.

  22. Love the red logo!
    You make me laugh. I think this post should go on the wall of fame! Go you -9 books at once.

    1. I think I'll mix them up. Use one, then jump to another. Depending on my mood and if I have a required color scheme!!!

  23. I once read a book about a sister who had to remain completely silent as she broke a curse put on her brothers and found myself trying to be so quiet in real life. 😁 I am looking forward to all of your new books and I love your new brand! -Ginger Cross

    1. Ginger. I read A Light in the Forest, about a child kidnapped by Indians and how much he loved that life. And I didn't sleep with a pillow for years.
      I guess you'd have to read the book, but that pillow came to represent the softness of the white race and he didn't want that life.

  24. Mary, I am amazed at all you get done with your writing. My problem is too many different things going on in my life. I'm still juggling substitute teaching with working at the book store and trying to figure out my writing time. I haven't been sleeping well lately, so that doesn't help. All my worlds seem to be colliding and I'm not mastering any it seems. Please put me in the drawing. I am reading lots of books. I look forward to your new series.

    1. Sandy is there a lot of substitute work? I've heard the demand is high because so many teachers have to go into quarantine...and that's two weeks.

    2. Mary, I have not been subbing quite as much. I did not start until after the first month as I wanted to see how things would go. Between my age and my asthma, I am in a higher risk category so trying to be careful. I only take the jobs I really want to take. There have been teachers out for quarantine, but I think fewer teachers are gone for meetings, and that kind of thing, because they aren't having those now. It will be interesting how the rest of the year goes.

  25. Replies
    1. Hi Susan. Thank you so much. You're always so encouraging!!!

  26. I sometimes find myself saying things I read in books. One book was set in 1940's rural Alabama. I greeted my son and he said, "Did you just say 'how you be?'?" That was something from that book. Another character said "dang!" a lot and I found myself saying that too. I'm glad you can juggle all those books, Mary. I sure love to read them! I like your new brand, especially the red one.

    1. Pam, I read the Little House on the Prairie books to my daughters and they ended up calling me, "MA" until I thought I'd go crazy!

  27. WOW! You must be super organized! You forgot to mention that you keep up with your blogs and websites...I consider it a good day if I remember to check my email. I am truly amazed and don't know how you do it, but I'm glad you do. Maybe you could write a short "How - To" on organization or using time more wisely.

    My real and fictional lives do collide, but I do love the fictional bubble that I live in most of the time now. I have total control - if a character starts acting out, I can delete him/her, or at least delete that scene and start over. Wouldn't that be nice sometimes in real life, being able to take something back and start over?

    My husband reaps the benefits of my writing, because most of it puts me in a great mood. Although he has learned the warning signs of writer's block or an intense scene - you know, like when I have just bitten a pencil in two or my computer goes flying across the room! Kidding!

    The logo is perfect, it suits you well. Keep on doing what you are doing. And a big Thank You to all of you established authors for helping us newby's, like answering emails when we are pulling our hair out. :)

    1. Lynne! Hi! It's nice to see you over here!!!
      You need to come and do a day with us on Seekerville when your books are ready to launch!!

  28. Hi Mary:

    When you say, "Brothers in Arms," do you mean real brothers like in "The Kincaid Brides", or men who served in the military, like in, "Trouble in Texas" or something else altogether?

    BTW: do you ever have characters from past series looking over your shoulder kibitzing about how they did much the same thing in their series? I'm thinking of, 'Invincible Vince,' who won the heart of Tina, perhaps your feistiest heroines of all, oh, what a great series that was!

    I like your brand but what if it was shown as a real brand burnt into an old leather covered book?

    1. I thought of doing a brand like that, Vince.
      It was a dilemma picking one!!!

      These are real brothers with a glitch. Their father was a wandering man and it turns out he had three wives, three sons.

      He abandoned each wife, moved on west, married again, had a child again, then wandered on.

      Now...well, it's complicated, but the truth is, this is a fictionalized story of the man who founded my hometown. HE had three wives, all at the same time, abandoned each to go west, then married again and had another family.

      When I learned that history, a story was born!

    2. I'll add the story begins when the brothers find out about each other and an inheritance is offered to the three of them....who knew nothing of other wives and other brothers. They have to get along to survive, not easy when they start out hating each other.

    3. Hi Mary:

      Wow…three sons from three different wives in the old west! That sounds like a Bonanza of conflict. Come to think of it, whenever one of the sons got real romantically involved in a woman, she was dead by the end of the story! It was called the Cartwright curse!

    4. I remember that. Sort of like falling in love with Captain Kirk on Star Trek. A death sentence!!!

  29. I LOVE the new logo! Mockingbird Art & Design did a tremendous job! :)

    I'm having a blast overlapping books/characters right now. My favorite character from Serendipity & Secrets, the Dowager Duchess of Haverly, has made an appearance in this next series, and she's such a hoot to write! :)

    1. I am in the middle of the Indebted Earl right now.
      You just keep throwing trouble their way. Atta girl

    2. Yay! :) I'm excited to hear what you think about it!

  30. The logo is boss!
    You had me laughing out loud. This post was so cute! That’s why I like your books.... they make me laugh and boy do we need it now! .
    What I get backed up on is reading and reviewing books. They all seem to arrive in the mail on the same day! A day or two before they release! Oh My! And it was really goofy because we just moved!
    I only had to pay postage due on two packages of books. And one got sent back and had to be reordered.
    Well, we are staying put! Retirement has it’s perks.... i get to read!
    Blessings an$ I hope you get caught up and straightened out!

    1. Paula...I hope my retirement is JUST LIKE THIS!!!

  31. Love your Logo and Loved Your book I purchased it and read it in 2 days now I will go and leave a review Love your books Mary!

    1. Sarah, thank you for reading my book and for reviewing it. I really appreciate it!!!

  32. I don't know how you do it, honestly. Love reading it all though! Keep up the good work! I'll pitch in with the bail money! 😉


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