Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Thankful in 2020


Do you ever get a song from a commercial stuck in your head?

I've had one in my head for the past few days, and for the life of me I couldn't remember what the product was. I searched the internet with no luck, and just when I was about to give up...

it came on the television.

So here it is.

I had a good laugh when I finally found it, because Green Bean Casserole has never been a favorite of mine - and that's me being nice.

But the song is an earworm for a reason that goes beyond music, I think. This is the time of year we remember to be so thankful. Hopefully, we're thankful all year, but Thanksgiving is the time we really stop and focus.

Thanksgiving 2020 is a little different from previous years. Usually the warnings come to make sure and cook the turkey thoroughly, but this year the warnings involve smaller gatherings, masks, and social distancing outdoors.  (That last is probably actually in keeping with that first Thanksgiving.)

It might be a little harder to remember to be thankful this year too. It might require a little more effort.

But if we look, there are many things to be thankful for, even if they're not they typical ones.

So today, let's make an attempt to share what we are grateful for this year.

I'll get us started.

On a personal note, I'm grateful to have a new book coming out, and  I'm extremely grateful that my youngest daughter managed to land her dream job in her dream location during a pandemic. 

I'm grateful to all the health care workers and other essential workers who have sacrificed so much for so many. 

I'm grateful to the many scientists who have worked so hard to find treatments and vaccines.

I'm thankful for technology that allows us to stay connected even when we have to be in isolation. 

And I'm thankful for Seekerville and all of you who come here to share with us each day. 

Your turn. What are you thankful for this year?


  1. Good morning, Cate! And Happy Thanksgiving!

    I'm thankful that Operation Warp Speed has brought us the advent of three vaccines targeting Covid 19... it's an unprecedented response and I hope this will mark the beginning of the end of a viral version of a reign of terror. Kudos to the president and the vice-president for putting those wheels in motion.

    I'm thrilled that we had so many folks come to the farm and have a taste of normal this year... that they could be socially distant and joyful at the same time! The great outdoors is a wonderful place!

    And that all is well here so far... but we're pretty pragmatic. At this point it's not if we get the virus... more a matter of "when", but then I thank God for the experienced medical staffs being put to the test yet again. So they're in my prayers and the target of current good deeds. God bless them all!

    1. Good morning, Ruthy. I was thinking that your farm harvest would match perfectly with the Vegan Harvest Stew recipe my daughter found that we are making together/separately via zoom this year. If anyone wants the recipe, I shared it over on Yankee Belle today.

  2. Today I'm thankful that my family is all together again (kids both came home from college yesterday and will be here until they go back in January). I'm thankful that we're all healthy and that last week my father, who had cancer back in 2016, had a clear PET scan after last month they thought they found something. I am grateful for doctors and nurses and hospice workers and teachers and first responders and everyone who is trying so hard to keep people safe and comfortable and loved. And I'm grateful for my friends here at Seekerville and in the writing community in general for their encouragement during a rough year. And, of course, the peace and salvation I've received from Jesus. Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

    1. Glynis, I'm so happy that you have your children home. That must be a relief. Mine are not with me, but they are together, so I am thankful for that.
      What wonderful news about your father. Having lost both my father and my husband to cancer, I'm always especially grateful to hear good news about beating it back!

      Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Cate and all in Seekerville. I am also grateful that the vaccine seems to be on the horizon and that we have made it close to the end of the year. Even if 2021 doesn't start out any differently than 2020 ended, I feel hopeful that it will be the year we can begin to get back to more normalcy. My extended family members are all staying with households this year, so I will be with just my husband and son. But we still have a large turkey (for leftovers) and all our favorites, so it will be a good day. I am indeed thankful for all the Lord's blessings.

    1. Happy Thanksgiving, Sandy. It's so strange to think that as we sat down at the table a year ago, we had no clue what was in store. A good reminder, perhaps.

      Enjoy your turkey!

  4. There is so much to be thankful for this year, and that's because we don't look at COVID, the economy or the election through the same lens as everyone else. We see God's mercy and grace. Through all of it? Yes, through ALL of it. This world is not our home. (But oh, what a wild ride it's been!)
    I am thankful that there will be a vaccine soon, or three. The end, albeit a slow one, is in sight.
    I am grateful for my husband and his well-deserved retirement; for my beautiful adult daughters and the people they've become; for family and friends; for my own health; and for the chance to write for the kingdom.
    John 14:6
    Your Kaybee

    1. Absolutely, Kaybee. I'm so happy your husband got to retire! When you talk about the end in sight, I keep remembering how in the beginning we all scoffed (maybe as self-preservation) when the experts said it wouldn't be over for 12 - 18 months!

  5. Mary Cate, your list is pretty much the same as my list! As I read it, I kept saying, "Yes. Yes..."

    I'm thankful that our family is well. I'm sad that we can't have my mom here for Thanksgiving, but I'm thankful she's safe and well.

    I'm thankful for all of you! Blessings to each of you and your loved ones.

    1. BTW, you now have me craving green bean casserole, which I love!! I hadn't planned on making it this year and don't have the ingredients. It may be on my grocery list for next week. :)

    2. LOL, Missy. I remember my very first blog post on the now defunct Healthy Writes blog (many moons ago) was "Not your mother's green beans." My mother was highly offended. I've never been a fan of the mushroom soup part, which is weird since I do like mushrooms.

      Glad I gave you a craving though - and there are worse things you could walk around humming than "I'm so thankful."

    3. Mary Cate, that's so funny about your mom!! haha You know, when my kids were very anti-mushroom (when they were younger), I would replace the soup with cream of chicken. So give that a try!

    4. WE aren't cream of mushroom people, either, so we also replace it with cream of chicken.

    5. Cream of Celery works, too. I have a standard Cream of Whatever, or Cream of Anything list on most recipes.

  6. I have too much to be thankful for, yet shamefully, I still complain. God is so good to me. Yes, it has been one heck of a ride this year and hopefully 2021 will be much better. I have a wonderful family, of which I will be with about half of them during the holidays, I have wonderful friends, I attend the best church ever with the most compassionate preacher you could imagine, and the list goes on and on! I am even thankful for having to sweep my floor because at least I am able to do it, and I have a floor! But I want to say a special thanks to you girls at Seekerville - thanks for being there for us newbys with all your support and tips, special speakers that lead us to webinars and contests, all of the things I wouldn't have known about if it weren't for you. Directly because of you, Book #1 of my series was finally published Monday. I can never thank you all enough! Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!

    1. Congratulations on your book being published, Lynne! What a wonderful thing to be thankful for this week.

      We were all new at this once, so lending a hand up is just another way of saying thank you to those whose hands once lifted us. And it's so much fun!

      Happy Thanksgiving.

    2. We're so excited for you Lynne!! Congratulations! And best wishes for the contest entries!

    3. Lynne!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Thankful for family and Seekerville!
    Grateful for those working the Frontline and that we have the option of educating our kids at home. :)
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. And we're thankful for you, Lee-Ann.
      I wish I had the option of being home, so I guess I"m thankful to the parents who have opted to stay home.
      Happy Thanksgiving

  8. There's so much to be thankful for, despite the crazy year. I had a book launch in October, and signed THREE contracts for more coming next year. Definitely thankful for that. And I'm so thankful for all my supportive groups, like this one as well as my publishing companies and fellow authors. Going into this writing thing, I had no idea what it was going to be like, but it's amazing. A little taste of heaven on earth.
    And, of course, I'm thankful for family and health and finally getting my tax refund last week, too. ;-)

    1. WOW, Amy!!!! That's a lot to be thankful for. Congrats on all the contracts. Happy Thanksgiving.

  9. I'm thankful that we added a son-in-law to our family this year. I'm thankful that in spite of the pandemic, business has been good for our family. I'm thankful that we have been able to return to church (though we're on a two-week hiatus due to a recent COVID diagnosis in the church family) and I'm thankful that we have a new pastor coming to candidate in a few weeks after being without a permanent pastor for two years.

    1. My church went through the pastor transition during the pandemic too. It's hard on the new one, but nice to have stability in our place of worship.

  10. I'm thankful that, though my mom is sick, she seems to be doing well.
    I'm thankful for a new grandbaby. My sixth.
    I'm thankful for a new contract offer from Bethany House.
    I'm thankful (after an ice storm and two days without power) for a warm house.

    1. Praying your mom stays well, Mary. Congrats on the new contract!

  11. Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful I have my mom with us full time even if she is ill.

    1. I'm so sorry she is ill, Lucy, but I'm glad she is with you. Happy Thanksgiving.

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