Friday, January 29, 2021

In Search of the Everflowing Stream of Creative Inspiration


By Lynne Lanning
            The sky is blue, your children are all doing well, your house is perfectly clean (including a well organized junk drawer), and your husband just brought you flowers.  What a wonderful day!  On days like this, it is easy to reach for creative inspiration because you are surrounded by it.

            But let’s get realistic…perfect days are just too far apart to rely on them for motivation.  Most of us don’t have the luxury of sitting on a balcony, stress free, overlooking the ocean everyday…besides, even if we could, there are occasional tsunamis and hurricanes.

            As creative people, we have already found that the stream of creative inspiration tends to only trickle sometimes, maybe even seem to stop completely for a while as we suffer a drought.  During those times we have to dig deeper into our creative selves and find something to prime that pump and get it flowing again.

            I have found sources of ideas in unusual places…I will be sitting over my computer, trying not to pull my hair out, looking at the same screen for too long, with no ideas flowing.  The constant drone in the background, where my husband is watching another one of those documentaries, is about to make me scream.  I’m distracted as my phone flashes another text message where my granddaughter has sent me the tenth silly selfie today.  It’s a dreary, cold, rainy day with no relief in sight…   My choices here are to either throw myself a pity party or try to adjust my attitude.

            This is the perfect time to jot down some feelings of stress and desperation that I may need my characters to feel sometime in the future.  Write it down.  Now that I’ve taken a baby step, I suggest to my husband that after his documentary is over, I would like to watch one with him that is from the era I am writing about.  Win, win situation here…we spend a little time together, and I collect ideas and pictures in my mind of what my characters had to deal with. 

            Now, I am getting somewhere, and starting to feel better.  I send a text back to my granddaughter letting her know how goofy she is and start to think of the sweet innocence and happiness of a child.  There are plenty of notes to jot down on this subject.  It doesn’t take much to make a child happy, and that smile on her face is downright infectious!

            As for the cold, rainy day, I think of how God sends us what we need, even if we don’t

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understand at the time.  Instead of thinking of a dreary day, I force myself to think of it as the earth being refreshed.  Then I can start to think on my soul and mind being refreshed.  I jot down what the rain sounds like as it splashes on different surfaces, how the air smells, describe the thunder rolling and the flash of lightning…taking advantage of every sense I can, while I have this opportunity.

            Music is another favorite for inspiring creativity.  I can’t write while it’s playing, but I can sure take notes and get in a frame of mind.  If one of my characters is begging forgiveness, I have music for that.  If they are playing “hard to get”, I have music for that too. 

            Thankfulness is always something to draw inspiration from.  We have so much to be thankful for!  Look around at the things we take for granted.  Be thankful for electricity, indoor plumbing, food… I have even found myself thankful recently for sweeping the floor… yes, I was digging pretty deep that day, as I had a cast on my broken ankle, but I was thankful I had a floor to sweep, and that I was healthy enough and able to sweep it.

            How do you keep your creativity flowing? Leave a comment to get your name in the drawing for a copy of  Where He Leads

Where He Leads

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By the age of 11, Lilly had suffered more horrific circumstances, than any adult should have to bear. She lost both of her parents and the only home she ever knew, then was forced to move away from her brothers and sisters.

Why had God allowed all of this tragedy?

Pa had found the perfect home for her before his death. Through her new family’s loving care and instruction, Lilly grew into a beautiful young lady, filled with compassion, intelligent and having a strong faith in God.

When she met Tommy, her heart flipped! How could she make all of the life lessons she had learned, her faith in God, and Tommy fit into God’s plan for her life? Was Tommy truly part of God’s plan for her?

Tommy and his mother’s past brought possible danger to anyone close to them. Could Lilly put her family through that? Should she abandon Tommy and the feelings she had for him? Could prayer be the answer? 

With more circumstances beyond their control fighting against them, it seemed their troubles would never end.Would God allow her the Desires of her Heart?

I Surrender All

Available for Pre-Order Soon

When the very private, independent McAllisters start their ranch in a nice quiet area

outside of town, no one thinks anything of it.  They stay to themselves, don’t cause any trouble, and are just considered normal newcomers…

Until the community finds out that the four oldest children, who have always been dressed and raised as boys, are actually girls!  They are rough, tough and beautiful; and of age to marry.

The secret is out and the men are lining up to win their attention.  But, who is brave enough to try to tame them?

When they find themselves having to depend on others to fight against evil men, not once, but twice; they experience for the first time, to trust true friends, but also how to trust God. 

Overcoming their pride and independence to give God control of their lives, doesn’t come easy.  During the darkest of days, they find the greatest blessings in life are found when they finally give up bitterness and revenge and cry out to God,

I Surrender All

Join the McAllisters as they learn about things they had never experienced before; friendship, love and trust; as they fight real battles and find true love.

About Lynne Lanning

Lynne’s stories are full of romance and action mixed with humor and sass; her poetry is full of inspiration… most is from life lessons learned herself, or taught by previous generations. She has a way of encouraging her readers to identify with the characters while evoking emotion.

Where the Heart Leads

Lynne's Website Click Here


  1. The Link to the website isn't working for me. If you are having trouble also, go to or find all my books on Amazon. Thanks!

    1. It's fixed now. (at least for me!!!)
      if not, it's

  2. No it isn’t working. Thank you for sharing. Have a blessed day.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you so much. I was beginning to think I am truly a bad omen for technology! LOL!

  4. Hi, Lynne! Welcome to Seekerville!

    You are so right - if we wait for the perfect day for creativity to strike, it will never happen. I'm content if the dogs are quiet and I have a fresh cup of tea by my side. :-)

    I'm looking forward to reading your book. It sounds great!

    1. I don't think there is ever a perfect day, we just have to believe there is and be satisfied with it coming close. In all honesty, if I wait for my husband to bring me flowers for inspiration, I'm in big trouble!

    2. Hi Lynne:

      You wrote:

      "...if I wait for my husband to bring me flowers for inspiration, I'm in big trouble!"

      Not if you tell him!

      I think there should be a law that women only be allowed to marry mind readers. :)

      Inspiration, like the Kingdom of God, is within us. The outside world acts as a mirror so we can 'see' that which is within.

      We can't see our eyes without a mirror and even then they are reversed.

      Inspiration lies not in our stars but in ourselves. (With apologies to the Bard.)

      Lynne: it looks like you did the Bard three better that his one impossible woman in "The Taming of the Shrew". That is a must read!

      Bless you.

    3. LOL! Thanks Vince. As with our children, our spouse doesn't come with an instruction manual. BUT his lame excuse for not bringing me flowers... "When I brought you flowers it made you cry, and I promised to never make you cry. I will never do it again." Excuse me? Don't men know the difference in a woman's cry? LOL! Sure they do. He says any excuse is better than none.

    4. The thing is, Vince, it's not the flowers. It's truly the thought that counts. When a man comes home with flowers or any little thing, your favorite flavor of soda pop, whatever, it means he thought of you. He turned aside from his busy day because he thought of you and wanted to get you something to show you he was thinking of you. So saying, "Get me flowers..." doesn't really serve the purpose a woman has...or rather what touches her heart. It's being thought of. Going to one small bit of trouble because you're thinking of her.

    5. Hi Lynne:

      If I heard it once, I've heard it a thousand time from women: "I should not have to ask for it!" Women are just entitled to these shows of spontaneous affection. They are right but entitlement does not work. You have to train the man like a good dog. At first you have to ask and get him into the habit of doing these affectionate things. Then when he sees he is rewarded for doing these affectionate and caring things, he'll know to do it on his own. It's like the true believer who prayed everyday for years to win the lottery. He never won and became despondent. Finally he heard God from on High say, "At least give me some help, buy a ticket!"
      Telling the man what you want is the buying of the ticket! Glory be. :)

    6. Hi Mary:

      Please note my comment to Lynne above. Entitlement is not enough. Also, the true believer said this: "If you're really God and all powerful, then I shouldn't have to buy a ticket." Sound familiar? As Oral Roberts often said here in Tulsa, "Expect a miracle."

      About bringing flowers out of the blue, think about what often happens: "Flowers and candy? The woman starts crying. Why? "You're having an affair and you feel guilty. You rat." Men can't win that's just the way it is.

      BTW: Here's one solution from the 1870's I read about. The man was just married in the little country church, the couple were in the buckboard on the way to his ranch, and he says, "Honey, I love you. I love you with all my heart. And if I ever change my mind, I'll let you know. For now that's a 'standing I love you'."

  5. Great post, Lynne. Lots of inspiration out there if we just open our minds to it. Please put me in the drawing!

    1. Sandy isn't this great advice? I love it. Very wise, Lynne.

    2. It sounds crazy that sometimes we have to use our creativity to find the inspiration to inspire our creativity! What a happy circle. Glad you enjoyed the post.

  6. I love this, Lynne. It's really wise. Sometimes I get down or cranky or restless. Instead of embracing the inner crank, I can use it. It might help defuse the feeling, too.

  7. If we can force ourselves into a better frame of mind, it does usually defuse the gloom. My family is very thankful for that. You know the saying, "If mama isn't happy..." So true! LOL!

  8. Thank you for this post Lynne! Sometimes it's hard to find inspiration, but I read in a parenting book once to start thinking of the small victories, the small blessings in the middle of your parenting mess to change your attitude. I apply it to my writing. When I can't think any more or just feel like I'm not cut out to be a writer, I think about everything God has allowed me to accomplish, and those little "wins" along the way. It's amazing what happens when you focus on being thankful rather than discouraged or frustrated...

  9. YES! Thanks for you perspective. Small blessings, that in itself is enough for volumes of books. We need to stop and take notice how many of them we have each and everyday!

  10. Beautiful post, Lynne.
    I also think we need some bad moments in our life, too, because it makes our writing richer to have those experiences to put our characters through. After all, if they don't have any problems to overcome, the story turns out rather boring. :-) So, there's something else we can be thankful for ... although it might come later, after we've gotten through whatever bad thing might be happening. At least, that's the way I TRY to look at life.

    1. Thank you, Amy, you are right. The bad times make us thankful for what we have and hopefully make us stronger and wiser. You are right about boring also. I recently asked my readers if they would rather have a happily ever after ending or a cliff hanger that sent their minds whirling. The majority said they like a cliff hanger if there is another book in the series but they found happily ever after, boring. And if being rough on your characters makes a book 'not boring', #3 in my series (Trust and Obey), should be a hit. It needs to be sold with a box of tissues! I appreciate your comments! You have been very helpful.

  11. Thanks for your thoughts. I actually find inspiration in my yard and garden. I love digging in the dirt and seeing things grow and I'm reminded just how amazing God's Creation is.

    1. Thank you, Connie. All good and perfect gifts come from God. Isn't it amazing? How can anyone doubt that God exists? Looking at the intricate, delicate details of a flower for example...nobody but God can do something like that! We have an awesome Creator and serve a wonderful God. We don't have to look far for Him to inspire us.

  12. Love your post Lynne and I can't wait to read your books!

    1. Thank you very much, Sarah! Please let me know what you think of them. All constructive criticism is welcomed, hopefully it will make me a better writer and it will let me know what my readers expect and enjoy.


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