Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Power of Rest

Good morning, friends! It is wonderful to be on Seekerville again. I am celebrating today. Several hours ago, I handed in my 18th Love Inspired Suspense book to my editor. Yay! It was an exciting story to write. If all goes as planned, it will be in stores in May 2023. But that’s not all I’m celebrating. On Sunday, my oldest child and only daughter got engaged. Woohoo! This next year is going to be so busy! Not only do I have four more books to hand in before June, I am also going to be busy helping my beautiful girl plan a wedding. A task I will enjoy! I feel so blessed that she wants me to be involved in her life.

But… there is only so much we can do without becoming exhausted. I tend to get very intense when I’m involved in a task. I throw myself into it with abandon and don't want to quit until I’m done. In addition, I have multiple projects going on at the same time. That’s my personality. My husband tends to be a very involved person, as well.

About 20 years ago, my hubby said ENOUGH! He told me, we have jobs, kids, friends, and many other things going on in our lives. But all those blessings are from God. And God specifically gave us a day to rest from our busy lives. Together, we made the decision to avoid any unnecessary work on Sunday. Sunday is our day to go to church and enjoy our family. This has been a very positive change in our lives.

It is so important to balance our busy productive lives with times where we let God refresh our souls. There is a difference between selfishness and self-care. I truly believe this. If I didn’t rest after hitting a manor deadline, I’d be exhausted. The care I give my family, and the way I interact with my students and my colleagues would suffer. Also, if I finish a big project and immediately leap into another, I will find that my creative ability is lacking. I become discouraged when this happens. If I take the time to pray, rest and care for my soul, my ability to create, to love, to complete the tasks God has put before me flourishes. 

We have to take care of ourselves. This is especially true if we have others depending on us. They deserve to see us at our healthy best.

This week, I am resting after my deadline by attending a spiritual conference at Franciscan University in Steubenville, OH. I will be free of all household duties, and be able to devote myself to learning, prayer, and resting in God’s presence. I always feel refreshed when I return from this place.


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28


I would love to know how you get refreshed when you are feeling worn or in need of rest and peace. I'm giving away one digital copy of Soul Care When You're Weary by Edie Melson and one print copy of Amish Cradle Conspiracy. Please say in the comments which book you are interested in, or if you're interested in both.



Our lives are busier each day, and the margin we have available for recovery and peace is shrinking.

Edie Melson helps you find Soul Care solutions using devotions and prayers and opportunities for creative expression. She has learned that sensory involvement deepens our relationship with the Father and gives rest to our weary souls. She will teach you to tap into your creativity.

Reconnect with God using your tactile creativity.

I'm also giving away a copy of my June release, Amish Cradle Conspiracy. 

From USA TODAY bestselling author Dana R. Lynn.

To protect an Amish community…

She’ll make herself a target.

After a pregnant Amish woman and her toddler are abducted, police sergeant Nicole Dawson charges in to save them. But when the kidnapper escapes with the child—and thinks Nicole can identify him—she becomes his new obsession. Determined to protect his ex-fiancée, FBI special agent Jack Quinn joins the case. But the clock is ticking in their race to uncover the baby-trafficking ring before another innocent is taken…


  1. Dana, this is so true, and especially true for us in the creative fields. It took me SO long to get published that it's tempting to overwork now, because I'm afraid of losing it all again. I feel guilty if I'm not writing, researching, editing or promoting my work. I often have to rear back and remind myself Who these gifts came from.
    My husband is the opposite. He barely does anything unless there's a deadline to meet or something's on fire.
    Plan your work, work your plan, but don't let your plan work you. I heard that in college.
    Tying up loose ends today and working on PR. May be back later.
    Kathy Bailey
    Your Kaybee
    Making it all work in New Hampshire

    1. I've often heard - and said - "Plan your work and work your plan," but I've never heard the rest: but don't let your plan work you. That's a great addition to that equation!

  2. Congratulations on an exciting new chapter for your daughter and your family! You are right that finding rest in the busy times is so important and I've realized that like so many other things in life, it doesn't just happen. It needs to be intentional. I'm not intentional enough but I do try to make Sundays that day for us. I try not to work too hard, and I always joke that the kitchen is closed unless I decide to make something I enjoy!

  3. Congratulations on a wedding to plan! What fun! It will be a busy time, but so worthwhile!

    And rest - I agree that it's one of the most important things we can do! This topic was the one we tackled in Sunday School last Sunday (I teach 1st-3rd graders.) We brainstormed different ways to spend Sunday afternoon that would encourage rest and honor God, and they came up with some great ideas - of course, none of them mentioned taking an afternoon nap! But almost everything they mentioned involved spending time with family - hiking, playing games, watching a movie. They were enthusiastic about "rest" when they realized how they could use those things to honor God. :-)

    At our house, we refrain from work one day a week and have for years. I love it. And I open my computer on Monday mornings refreshed and ready for the new week.

    Enjoy your retreat!!!

    1. Yes, I am always eager to begin after a break!

  4. Dana, you have a busy year ahead. Four books and a wedding! How exciting! Giving God the Glory on Sunday is so important. Taking time for family. Enjoying the good things in life. Lucky you to go on a Steubenville retreat. Remember me in your prayers, please! I'll be praying for you. If you happen to run into Matthew Leonard while you're there, tell him hello for me. He's a friend and a great guy!

    1. Debby, I'll keep an eye out for him. So far it's been a joyous time. I am praying for you! Tomorrow I will be doing a silent retreat, so many prayers!! Hugs, dear friend.

  5. Great post, Dana. I relax most by reading. You will have a busy year with the books and the wedding. Congratulations to your daughter. Either of the books would be fine with me.

    1. Sandy, thank you! I've decided to really buckle down and focus on healthy eating for her special day . I am excited and nervous.

  6. Wonderful post, Dana. The need to rest in this ultra fast-paced world has become something of an enigma. So many people live by the phrase "I'll sleep when I'm dead." Oh, good heavens! All that work WILL take you to an early grave!

    Congratulations on your 18th LI Suspense. Congratulations on the wedding announcement and planning the event. Congratulations on taking Sundays to rest and refresh with your family and appreciating all the gifts God has blessed you!!

    Just thinking about writing 4 books in a year has me drained of energy and thinking about a nap, LOL. You go, girl! Enjoy your rejuvenating conference!

    1. Sometimes it seems draining when I think about it too much, but when Guideposts asked me to write two books, I felt I couldn't say no. The Lord will see me through it. It's all in His hands.

  7. I read, or sit outside and do nothing. Or watch some old live-action Disney movie from the sixties that I've seen a thousand times.
    Interested in Amish Cradle Conspiracy! Thank you!

    1. You're welcome. My family loves old movies and TV shows.

  8. A great reminder. Thank you for sharing. Don’t enter me as I already read and loved.

  9. All of us need rest. And it's hard to get it since we lead such busy lives. I actually schedule it every day!

  10. Congratulations to your daughter, Dana, and to you, also, for having those 4 books to work on in the coming year. Your books are a blessing to so many of us who love to read but choose to read wholesome literature!

    I firmly believe in having Sunday as a day of rest. For many years, my husband and I had a dairy farm, and milking those cows was a twice-a-day, seven days a week job. We did, however, refrain from doing the many other jobs that come with living on a farm. We firmly believed that God intended for us to have a day of rest! Yes, our Sundays were often hectic but it was a different busyness. We milked morning and night, we attended the morning and evening church services, and we spent the afternoon with family. The good thing is that we were both much younger!

    1. BTW, I've had the privilege of reading (and loving) Amish Cradle Conspiracy but I would love to throw my name in the hat for Soul Care for the Weary. Thanks for the chance.

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