Monday: Mary Connealy opened the year with talk of a new series. The winner of a $25 Amazon gift card is Tina Peterson
Wednesday: Mindy Obenhaus was here to discuss Goals, Resolutions and One Word.
Thursday: Audra Harders discussed choosing your One Word wisely
Monday: Jaime Jo Wright will be our hostess
Tuesday: Dana Lynn will be our hostess
Wednesday: Ruth Logan Herne swoops in with how she makes the quieter five months of non-farm winter pay off in her writing goals with possible advice on how not to kill people by scheduling your writing time when you can actually do it! And she's sweetened the deal with her newest Guideposts mystery "Love's a Mystery in Cut and Shoot Texas" to some lucky commenter! Come on by and see what the Ruthinator has to say this time!
Ruthy's newest mystery is available now! "Love's a Mystery in Cut and Shoot Texas" is up on the Guideposts website and you will love, love, love her contemporary offering in this 2-for-1 duo with Janice Thompson! Available in hardcover, e-formats or order the entire series and have them delivered to your door each month! #mustlovemysteries
Disclaimer: Any blog post that includes an offer of product purchase or service is NOT to be considered an endorsement by Seekerville or any of our authors (please see our Legal page )
Hand Hobbies: A Resource Guide to Writing Basics by Michele Wheat at Wristband Express
(this link was submitted by Laura Henne as Seekerville "played such a valuable role in helping my Girl Scout Troop with their Novelist Badges.")
How to Effectively Grow Your Email List with Facebook by Jonas Fischer at MailerLite blog
Three Powerful Ways to Brainstorm New Story Ideas by Kristen Kieffer at Well-Storied
How to Make Money with Subscriptions by Michael Evans at Self-Publishing Formula
Build Your Writing Self-Efficacy by Ariel Curry at Jane Friedman
How to Choose Your Best Writing Yes for the New Year by Kristen Hogrefe Parnell at The Write Conversation
BookFunnel promo of Inspy Romance books on Kindle Unlimited
The Big Three for Backing Up Your Computer Work by LA Sartor at An Indie Adventure
Parts of a Story: 14 Core, Tonal, and Plot Elements by Jason Hamilton at Kindleprenuer
7 Expert Tricks to Improve Your Newsletter at David Gaughran
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