by Audra Harders
Hello Friends, and Happy New Year!
Many writers have joined the trend to choose a One Word for the year. The One Word represents something they wish to change, accomplish or a multitude of other reasons particular to that person, for the year.
Instead of talking about my One Word choice for this year, I’d like to share with you my word for last year and how my life surprisingly revolved around it. My One Word for 2022 was:
When I chose the word, I knew I was at a crossroads for many things - family, faith, future. Nothing was meshing together for me any longer so I needed to “defrag” (a button I push on my computer frequently to clean up my harddrive) my brain and my life. I chose this word at the beginning of December 2021 when my local writing friends and I got together to reflect on the year and plan the next.
GENESIS did not wait to step into action!
Over the New Year weekend 21-22, Boulder County experienced a massive wildfire that wiped out two towns almost to entirety. In my office - due to a mass EXODUS of co-workers during 2021 - I was the only person able to update our Extension website for our office with resources to help the multitude of people affected by this disaster. My reasons are many, but this event triggered my decision to retire from the day job a year earlier than planned. I was mentally tired and the thought of doing the job of 2 or 3 people until vacancies could be filled was the impetus for telling my director on January 3, I planned to retire at the end of March.
Without financial income. Without a plan for my future. Without a net.
But I did have the blessing of my husband and kids. And the quiet blessing of my Lord who removed all anxiety over the decision.
My year of GENESIS had begun.
I will not bore you will all the personal blessings I discovered throughout the year - oh my, I think you’d click off this post and go “phew, enough of that!” LOL!! But I would like to describe my writing GENESIS.
As I said, I didn’t have game plan other than enjoying freedom, spending time with my loving aunt (the last of the older generation on both sides of my family), and regrouping to kickstart my writing career.
Well…the first two were accomplished easily enough. The writing? The more I tried, the more confused and frustrated I became.
I wanted GENESIS to cover my writing - a career I’d put on hold for so many reasons.
But, the words and inspiration would not come.
I didn’t fight it, though I was deeply disappointed. Instead, I turned to books written by authors I loved and respected, and discovered works by new authors fed to me through BookBub.
Over the past couple of years, I had created a fictional town in the mountains of Colorado. I had planned to work on that series. Contemporary inspirational romance.
But my tastes in reading had honed in on historical romance - mainly the Victorian era. I gobbled up story after delightful story and discovered a nugget of desire to research the time period.
By the end of summer, I had gathered together the research and works of a series I had created at the start of my writing journey oh so many years ago. Originally, the series was set in the Regency era, but I had a strong desire to set the books in Victorian times.
Frankly, nothing was making sense about this entire change of heart. Though two of my original books had won numerous unpubbed contests - including the GENESIS (ACFW contest for Unpublished writers) - I couldn’t really figure out what to do with the stories to fit into my new inspiration.
And then I attended the ACFW conference with one of my local writing buddies in St. Louis, MO. That’s where it all changed. I found my direction.
I had one of the most incredible GENESIS moments of all.
At that conference, we prayed together in the hotel room for wisdom and guidance in writing and all aspects of life.
The ideas started flowing.
I filled pages of my notebook with handwritten plots and characters.
I mapped how the series would flow together.
I came home with 7 plotted novellas that stemmed from the over-arcing novel that would pull the entire adventure together.
This entire post took you through my year with a One Word I’d hoped to use to renew my spirit. It did that and so much more.
If you ascribe to the One Word beacon of fulfillment for the year, I recommend you pray over it and choose wisely. Always remember, the Lord has plans for you. Do not disregard His path when you grow weary along the way. He’s chosen you for special things. Accomplishments in His Name so special we’ll be humbled by His faith in us.
He will rejuvenate your spirit as He did mine.
He will lead you.
He will never leave you.
Oh, and by the way, my One Word for 2023 is DISCERNMENT. I’ll let you know how that goes next January!
Do you have a One Word? Share and let’s talk about how it might shape your year!
We know that in everything God works for good with those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 RSV
Audra Harders writes "rugged stories with heart" featuring fearless men who haven't a clue about relationships, rescued by ladies who think they have all the answers. In real life, she's married to her own patient hero, has two adult children, and a very strong-willed Corgi. She began writing right after her second kidlet was born and sold her first book to Love Inspired mere months before that same young adult graduated from high school. Surviving those years in between reminds her God does have a plan for her life...and that He has a tremendous sense of humor. You can visit Audra at:Website:
ReplyDeleteThat is the word I always come up with as well.
DeleteHi Cindy! Persevere is always a word that follows me through the years. Good choice!
I loved this post, Audra! Thank you for giving us this glimpse into your life and how God is working. I'm still contemplating my One Word. Stay tuned.
ReplyDeleteHi Mindy! You had a wonderful post yesterday on this very topic. Great minds, right? When my friends and I reviewed our One Words at the end of the years, each of us was amazed at it meshed and featured in our lives. Eye-opening, indeed.
DeleteI can't wait to hear which word will lead you this year!
Very interesting post about your year, Audra. So glad your story ideas have come together. Perseverance is the word that always comes to mind for me as I need to persevere in order to finish the revision on my book. If I can do that, maybe another word would work for another year.
ReplyDeleteHi Sandy! Persevere is an excellent word to choose for your beacon. It's encouraging to look back and see how the Lord leads us and how that word comes into play all year long. Onward and be fearless, my friend!
Audra thank you for this blog post. I loved reading about your year of Genesis!!!
ReplyDeleteMary, you are too kind. Let's all hope my successful year of Genesis continues on as DISCERNMENT leads!
Great post, Audra. This year God gave me the word "Commit." Have a great 2023!
ReplyDeleteGreat word, Karen! Make it work for you!! Happy New Year!
I love the one word for a new year idea. I've been an advocate of it for years. My word for this year is Simplify. Which can encompass so much, but then that negates the word, right? Everything I do will have the word simplify applied and then I'll know the answer.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see how this year's word works for you, Audra. Thanks for sharing your year and journey with us.
~Leslie Ann w/a L.A. Sartor
Leslie, thanks for joining us today! I think we all embrace the concept of Simplify. It's actually making it happen that will be the challenge. I'm here for you - let me know how to simplify your life!
Great post, Audra, and you had the perfect word for 2022! Everything in your life started anew, didn't it?
ReplyDeleteI haven't chosen a word for a few years. When none came to me on its own, I didn't want to pull one out of a hat! But this year it seems like one is tugging on my subconscious. I'll explore it before I decide to make it my word of the year, though. :-)
Ahhh, wise words, Jan! I remember choosing a One Word one year that was based on what I had wanted to make happen in my life. Oh, I failed miserably which is worse than not having a word at all.
Loved this post, Audra. What a year it sounds like you had. My word: splendorous. I've just started studying this word to see what it's about, but the definition has captivated me and some of the scriptures I've run across already. Definitions: magnificent display; marked by extraordinary elegance, beauty, and splendor. Some of the verses I've found so far talk about worshiping and praising in splendor: worship Jehovah in holy splendor or praise in holy splendor. Kind of makes it sound active. I'm excited to see where this word takes me.
ReplyDeleteI love this.... look for that silver lining in every single moment.
DeleteRuth, do you recognize my word? You'd said it in one of your facebook posts, and it stuck in my heart. I wrote it down. Kept coming back to it. Looked up the definition. The definitions spoke to my heart. Then the scriptures I started coming across, then this song kept coming to mind: Consider the Lilies. I'm going to keep a written journal of where this word takes me this year. It's only a few days into the new year, but I've already felt some changes. Excited to see where this year takes us!
DeleteSally, I love the word splendorous. Just rolling it over my tongue makes it feel decisively rich and magnificent. When you mention Consider the Lilies, you've given another dimension to the word where our faith zeros in on God's love and grace. Awesome. Please let us know how your splendorous adventure unfolds this year.
I came by to read this yesterday, read it and commented and got interrupted... and it all disappeared, of course, but no matter! This is a wonderful tribute to not only your beliefs and goals but to the tenacity of those who wait in the Lord. I love it. And I don't have one word this year... I have a two-word phrase: Stand strong. Simple. Direct. Targeted. Audrakins, thank you for a great reminder and inspiration!
ReplyDeleteRuthy, you always stand strong for others. You let your strength flow into others without thought or care of yourself. Stand Strong will include Ruthy-bear, this year. Let me know if there is any way I can help you along your journey. This might be the year where we all stand on the Bridge Over Troubled Waters with each other.
DeleteGreat words, Audra! Both for this year and last year. Thanks for sharing your Genesis journey.
ReplyDeleteYour story is exactly why I never choose a word for the year! LOL But honestly, I've never had a word "come to me" or a word I've thought about before. BUT this year it seems that FOCUS keeps coming up - in Bible readings, rethinking the schooling situation for our kids, my own writing and projects I want to do, etc.
ReplyDeleteSo, I think that word will probably stick around for a bit. :)
DeleteReading back my comment, it sounds odd. I didn't mean it offensively- I wrote it tongue in cheek. I should add - I have prayed for patience before and learned my lesson! ( I don't think I will pray for that again!!! Lol). But I love reading about others' experiences. So my apologies if I offended anyone by my initial comment.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing about Genesis.