Monday, October 1, 2018

Launch Week---Rocket is firmly strapped

I've got an interview this morning with Fresh Fiction.

I'm not sure when it will play but I'll link to it as soon as I know. They are calling (I hope I've got that right) at 10 a.m. There are a lot of fun interviews at Fresh Fiction, go check them out.

I've got a PODCAST, that means my FACE, on video, next week, with Novelists Unwind.
Here is Johnnie Alexander interviewing Lynette Easton
The skies are always blue and the sun is always shining here at Novelists Unwind!
And every day is a great day for getting lost in a great book.
Join me as I chat with an inspirational novelist about writing, faith, life…whatever comes up in the conversation.
A book giveaway is announced the first Saturday of each month so be sure to stop by and enter.
For now, take a break, grab your favorite beverage, and enjoy the interview!
From Novelists Unwind,

I've got a sale price on for The Accidental Guardian, book #1 of the High Sierra Sweethearts series to help promote the sales of book #2, The Reluctant Warrior. The Accidental Guardian ebook is on sale right now for $2.99. Click Here to Buy.
And then TOMORROW The Reluctant Warrior is releasing! It seems like I've been anticipating this for a long, long time. Two books a year. That should whip around faster than it does.
I've also got a speech at a library tonight. About a 45 minute drive away. That's always fun (in a nerve wracking, self-loathing, why-am-I-not-better-at-this??? kind of way.
I know I've got one more book signing event, but I've got a couple of weeks on that (I think) and that's all related to the launch of my new book.
And I just sent in final edits of book #3 of The Unexpected Champion last week. Now available for Pre-order.

The finished manuscript of Book #1 of the NEXT series that we just titled The Brides of Hope Mountain. We've just titled it Aiming for heroine is a skilled archer.

My WIP is Book #2 of that series is currently titled Woman of Sunlight. I like the title but I"m not sure it's a good match for Aiming for Love.
Something to think about.

So, I thought today I'd give you this little slice of my author life.
And to take the BORING out of my whining about my busy life.....a busy life which mostly includes me NEVER LEAVING MY CHAIR.......I'm giving away a signed copy of The Reluctant Warrior.
What do YOU do when life gets hectic.
I don't own a hammock, and I probably couldn't get out of it once I got in it
How do you chill out.
Escape (okay I'll stop now...either that or open my online thesaurus, but you get the idea)
I need to remember how to BREATHE!
I'd appreciate YOUR advice. Leave a comment to get your name in a drawing for a signed copy of The Reluctant Warrior. And thank you.
Union army officer Cameron Scott is used to being obeyed, but nothing about this journey to Lake Tahoe has gone as expected. He's come to fetch his daughter and nephew, and seek revenge on the people who killed his brother. Instead he finds himself trapped by a blizzard with two children who are terrified of him and stubborn but beautiful Gwen Harkness, who he worries may be trying to keep the children.

When danger descends on the cabin where they're huddled, Cam is hurt trying to protect everyone and now finds Gwen caring for him too. He soon realizes why the kids love her so much and wonders if it might be best for him to move on without them. When she sees his broken heart, Gwen decides to help him win back their affection--and in the process he might just win her heart as well


  1. Mary, it's an inspiration how you manage to Get Yourself Out There. Hope I'm as good at it when my book comes out.
    It's a cliché, but the only way I know to get away from writing is to get away from writing. Take a walk, take a trip, pick pumpkins, go shopping. I have a Really Weird Hobby that I've never mentioned here, I collect miniatures and furnish dollhouses, and when I'm burned out on writing (remember I also write in my secular job!), I go and repaper a tiny room or set up an itty-bitty banquet. Sometimes I talk to them. Are you sorry yet that you invited me on this site?
    My husband's on vacation this week and I decided to take it with him. We may be on the road, but I'll check in here early morning and late afternoon.
    Nobody said anything about food, so I'm setting out a platter of my Pumpkin Pie Muffins, maple coffee and an assortment of teas.
    Kathy Bailey
    Wants to be "Kaybee" to the world

    1. Kathy, I love that about the doll houses. That's so interesting. You wall paper tiny rooms? I find that so charming. I wish I had a hobby besides reading. I mean, yes, reading TOO. Well fussing over adorable grandchildren is great.
      I should try and be more INTERESTING.

  2. BTW and FYI, I'm on a fellow Pelican author's blog Wednesday mulling my ACFW experience. Kathy Neely, Stop by and say hi.

    1. Kaybee, stop by here on Wednesday and leave a link. I would love to go see what you thought of ACFW. Between the room fiasco and the WIN! Highs and lows.
      It was so fun to talk with you.

  3. Hi Mary!

    I'll breathe once I turn in my WIP!

    But when I's a hike or drive in the Black Hills, catching up on housework, and reading and/or stitching to my heart's content.

    And of course, starting on the next project! :-)

    I have "The Reluctant Warrior" firmly on top of my TBR pile!

  4. Congratulations on all the busy-ness, Mary! I am not very good at decompressing and I'm a terrible vacationer, but I do love to binge watch Netflix, crochet, listen to music or lose myself in a good book when I need to unwind. A great conversation with a friend is always a good recharge, too.

    1. HEY! I just remembered, I have a friend. (I think she still remembers me!)

  5. Hi Mary, thanks for giving us a glimpse into your writing life. You are living my dream! ☺ to unwind, if i can find the time, I like to read a good book that makes me forget about whatever it is that I want to escape from for an hour or two, with a hot cup of tea or a vanilla latte. BTW I'm loving The Reluctant Warrior! I'm on NetGalley and am approved for Bethany books. LOVE that I get to read before books hit the market. This one is one of those books I will buy for my own collection. Can't wait to see what happens in book 3.... Lee-Ann B

    1. Hi Lee-Ann! You're reading The Reluctant Warrior!!!! YAY I'm glad you're enjoying it. I think the beginning of The Reluctant Warrior is particularly high-stakes, action-packed, fun!!!

    2. YES!!! I couldn't believe how long you maintained that high action! I couldn't stop reading... ��

  6. I am so excited about your new book. Ever since I read the book about Sophie, it has gotten me hooked on your books. You have been one of my top favorite authors ever since. Good luck on your new release!

    Now to answer your question. How do I unwind, relax and let things go? I read. Reading has always been a get away for me. It brings me comfort and peace and helps me to relax and to tune out of this crazy busy world. :)

    1. Joy that's me, too. Always reading or writing. I probably should toss in something less sedentary, huh???

  7. Mary, we do forget to breathe sometimes, don't we? I like to bake, but then I like to eat what I bake and then I feel guilty, so a walk in the woods or shopping works, too. Even if I don't buy anything, just looking stirs my imagination. Of course, if I'm at Hobby Lobby (which isn't often), you know I'm buying.

    1. I could go shopping. That might be just exactly right. I've got a library talk tonight. In a town about 40 minutes away. I think I'll go early. I'm not even sure if there's a place TO shop in that town. But I can meander.

  8. Mary, Congratulations on your release! Savor the moment!

    1. That's really good advice, Caryl. I wanted this publishing gig for so long. And now I have it. NO COMPLAINING....ONLY REJOICING!

  9. Congrats Mary on releasing another book! Anytime I read one of your stories I always know I’m in for a fun, action- packed Western! Looking forward to reading “The Reluctant Warrior”! “Petticoat Ranch” was the first book I read of yours...I’ve been a fan ever since & been privileged to review 5 of your Books on my blog.

    1. Emilee...thank you. I went and looked at Blonde Classic. Wow, you've got so many reviews. Way to go!!! I'll go spend some time there!!!

    2. And thank you for including my books among all those you've done!!!

    3. So honored you took time out of your busy writing schedule to check out my blog! Thank you! I really enjoy writing book reviews & your books are always among my favorites! I never feel like I do them justice! Your sense of humor is one of my things about your books! 😊

  10. Mary! I saw you from afar at ACFW but didn't get a chance to talk to you. Breathe! you will do great. You always do. I like to relax with a Mary Connealy book but I have to get through that trademark, anything-but-relaxing opening (which I love!). Here's my idea. Pick up a pen and paper and write the old fashioned way for awhile. It can be great relaxation therapy.

    1. Cindy! You were there? I'm so sorry I didn't get to talk to you. Seekerville usually has a 'gathering' every night after the late sessions. But that hotel was so spread out, we couldn't even guess where that gathering spot should be. And then we miss seeing people!!!!! Thanks for reading my books. I really appreciate it.

  11. Are you still wearing your little golden crown and Wonder Woman cape when you're writing? :)

  12. When I'm stressed, have been dealing with people too much, or really need to relax, I generally just seclude myself and read a book (not just a chapter, a whole book, pausing only for reasonable things like food). That's generally a solid 5-6 hours of good relaxation.

    And you can always use the excuse that it's research, or keeping up to date on what others in the industry are up to, or studying the classics--whichever is most applicable at the time.

    1. Reasonable things like food LOL. Hi Rachael, that sounds really good. Yes, reading a book like that is INDUSTRY RESEARCH!!! I like it

  13. Woohoo! Congrats on another book launch!

    When I need to decompress and relax, it's time to read. I hide away somewhere with a book, usually one I've read before and loved. That's what I spent last night doing, re-reading an old favorite and letting some of the pressure and stress of the week bleed off.

    1. We all need to come down from conference I think. It's so much fun, especially seeing friends who live STATES away. But it's exhausting too, especially for an introvert who begins longing for her perfect pillow and blankets!!!

    2. YES! I love seeing all the people, but it can get overwhelming. I sometimes don't even realize how 'compressed' I feel until I get a chance to decompress.

      But I would do it all again just to see YOU! :)

  14. You must know that when I need to relax I spend some time reading a book by a great author like you. I also read the Bible, or play a game like Solitare. Counter-intuitively, because I am an introvert, conversation with a friend can be relaxing. You really got me interested in The Reluctant Warrior at the end of the first book. I will have to get it to find out what happens.

  15. To decompress I read! I also love to head over to the beach, visit a museum, or take flowers to a friend.

    Please put my name in the hat for your book! Can't wait to read it! :)

    1. Hi Heidi. I like the museum idea.
      I haven't been to a museum for a while...and there are a couple of nice ones near me.

  16. LOL on the hammock, Mary! I'd probably end up flipped out on the ground. :)

    I'm always impressed when I find out how many projects you have going! I'm afraid I'd be writing the wrong character names all the time. You do well!

    Congrats on the new release! I love the cover. Love the new series title as well!!

    1. I forgot the decompressing question. I like to watch my favorite shows on DVR at night. And like to Pin recipes. And paint (this one is new and I may blog about it eventually).

    2. You PAINT? Like portraits or fruit? I want to know more!

    3. I discovered on one of my wip that I at some point changed the character's name from Ashley to Amanda. I'm glad there is a search and replace feature in Word.

  17. We're supposed to take time to BREATHE? Now ya tell me! ;)

    Can't wait to dive into your new book, Mary. I always love your stories.

    1. We all know you don't get to breathe when you have PRESCHOOLERS! Just give that up Beth.

    2. Will do! I'll share my relaxation techniques with you in a couple years. :)

  18. Replies
    1. I could use a nap! I might just go give that a shot in a few minutes.

  19. Wow, Mary! That's all amazing. How do you get so many signings scheduled? Am I just a big chicken? Is that why I only have one on my calendar? Ha!
    As to unwinding, I like to read what other people write. :-)

    1. I've got two in about a month and that's a lot for me. I usually avoid them like the plague!!!

  20. When I taught school and graded papers at night I would sometimes get angry at stupid answers or if the student wasn't trying. I found taking a walk helped.

    Now i switch to another project for a few minutes and then come back.

    1. I have taken up watercolor and find it relaxes me if I'm working on a fun picture.

    2. Grading papers. Wow, I've been a teacher, Wilani. I get that!

  21. I’m retired now so I’m just lazy. Now my biggest pressure is reading and reviewing books! And entering all these contests for more books to read. We do veg out to Netflix or Amazon Prime in the evenings.
    How about a nice Bubble Bath, while listening to an audiobook?
    Really want to read the next books in the series. I so enjoyed the first one!

    1. I'm as afraid of crawling out of a bubble bath as I am getting out of a hammock!!! But maybe Amazon Prime might do it.

  22. Mary, you are so incredibly wonder you need advice on how to unwind! lol I don't know how you do it!

    I wish I could say I did something totally fantastic to unwind, but the two things I love to do (escape) is read romance books and to binge on Netflix (movies AND series). Yeah, I'm pretty boring.

    Can't wait to read your next installment!

    1. I did start the Jack Ryan series on Amazon. I just remembered that. I could pick that up again.

  23. I go walking clears my head and gets my head to a good place. Never underestimate a good walk.

    1. Okay! I'm sort of slothful. I should take a walk.

  24. Mary, I can hardly keep up with you. I don't know how you do it. But sitting all day is not good for you, so be sure you take breaks to walk and clear your head. I decompress in the evenings by reading and watching my favorite shows. (And visiting Seekerville!)

    1. I agree, Sandy. I need to move. Just thinking about it makes me want to take a nap!

  25. I’m so looking forward to getting this book! I loved the first one and can’t wait for this one! Thanks for the chance to win it!

    1. Hi Pabby! Thanks for stopping by Seekerville!!!! Your name's in the drawing!!!

  26. Congratulations on your book release! I love to read when I'm stressed and drink a nice cup of a tea. That's always helpful. Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Tea, hot tea. It is finally cool enough for that. It sounds lovely!

  27. I try not to have too many things going on at once, because I know I'll get too stressed, and when I do get too stressed, I don't function well. I get immobilized. I'm retired and old enough that I can blame things on my age! Chocolate helps if I need something to calm me down. Deep breaths and reciting "This too shall pass!"

    I don't know how all you amazing authors do all that you do. I get tired just reading about everything you've got going. Between you and Ruthy, you're a couple of Energizer bunnies. And you just keep churning out those books! Woohoo! Congrats on your new one! Good luck with all your many projects.

    I'd love to have my name in the hat for your new book! I've had my eye on it!

    1. Winnie, This Too Shall Pass is one of my mother-in-laws favorite sayings and I always think of it when times get HECTIC!!!

  28. Hi Mary, I do adult coloring. I love it because it is relaxing, artistic, and just plain fun! It requires just enough concentration to keep my mind from wandering to all the things I should be/need to do!

    Please enter me in the drawing!

    1. Okay, Edwina. I hadn't thought about that. I love some of those beautiful coloring books.
      I hope My Cowboy doesn't judge me!!!

  29. I'm so excited for this book to come out! Congratulations, my friend!!! Happy dancing for you!!!!

    1. Ruthy you have a new book baby, too. Welcome to Wishing Bridge released today!!!

  30. I like to take a step back. Learning to say no has helped.

    Count me in thanks.

    1. Mary, I'm pretty much saying no to EVERYTHING except writing and grandbabies. I should probably say YES to something!

  31. Find a quiet place with a good cup of tea or coffee.

  32. I don't have time to breathe. I was in a car accident 2 months ago. I also volunteer in the church library and have for almost 40 years. Between going to the chiropractor 3 days a week and the library 3 days a week, so on my "not-busy" day is when I play catch-up around the house, do laundry, etc. etc.
    Janet E.

  33. Reading has always been a way for me to relax but I also find walking and being outside a way to settle my thoughts. Digging in the dirt and getting it under my fingernails is the perfect antidote for me!
    Congratulations Mary!

  34. Hi Mary
    Looking forward to a late night reading your next book (I can't ever put your stories down, so inevitably it's a 2 am finish). Been moving to the New house, turned in keys to the rented last Sunday. Still no rest, cuz Guppy's birthday is coming. Going Jurassic.
    I think I'll be able to relax sometime after Christmas...
    Man, I've been missing Seekerville... Haven't had time to visit *epic sad face*

  35. Hi Mary,

    Great job on finishing book 3! Congratulations on your latest release tomorrow!

    Prayer and meditating on Scripture help me relax. I hope you can enjoy a rejuvenating weekend!

    Please enter me in your drawing.

    May God bless you and all of Seekerville!


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