Thursday, January 2, 2020

Onward and Upward!



Writers and readers, as we move into this new year, it's one of those times that's filled with hope, with expectation and a new year, new decade with a washed-clean slate. So much to do! So many choices!

So as we return to regular scheduling in Seekerville, the best advice we have for our aspiring writers/authors is to write.

And not necessarily to write like you've got all the time in the world, because who knows that?

None of us!

So set your goals... pick your one word if that works for you (this is Ruthy and it keeps me focused at times in my search/quest to be a better person) or set a resolution (no harm, no foul if it doesn't work) and go for it.

Go for the goal.

Go for your dreams.

Do what it takes.

And if you have a bad day (and who doesn't, darling???) take a few hours, drink some coffee or tea, grab a Coke and get back on the horse who threw you.

Writing's a tough gig. There's no sugar-coating that, but you're also at a time when there are more opportunities than ever before, so do it.

Go for it.

Grab your self-discipline, wrap yourself up in it and set your path. Then walk it.

Happy New Year and New Decade to all of you!

Let's do this!


  1. Great advice, Ruthy. I like the blunt, kick-in-the-pants encouragement because I always need it :) Have a wonderful day and Happy New Year to all!

    1. Glynis, I love you. :) Not everyone is copacetic with my somewhat more direct approaches to writing and success, LOL!

      Thanks for stopping by! And like you, I need it, too!

      Happy New Year!

  2. Good morning and a happy New Year to everyone!

    I spent December working on goals for 2020 (thank you to Susan May Warren's Brilliant Writing Planner for helping set my direction!) This week I've been getting back into the groove of living: writing, enjoying time with my dear husband, and a new and stronger emphasis on prayer.

    And as much as I LOVE Christmas and the whole holiday season, isn't it nice to get back to normal again?

    1. Holiday time is like summer vacation... I'm always ready to welcome some structure back into my life. Not because I don't love having kids around, but the free-fall of so much loose time wears on one after a bit.

      So yes, I am welcoming the quiet of my winter writing time, Jan!!!!

  3. Awww, Ruthy, just what I needed to hear today. Writing will become more consistent for me after my sons head back to school next week. I'm looking forward to getting back into a quieter groove. Thank you for these wise, exhorting words! Happy New Year!

    1. Jeanne, we understand completely! We work better with schedules, for sure... and if we don't have one, we come to Seekerville for a kick in the pants!

    2. He-he! :) You ladies are good at "kicking in love." ;)

  4. Hi Ruth:

    I like your comment about getting back on your horse. It made me think of these quotes:

    "There never was a horse that couldn’t be rode; there never was a rider that couldn’t be throwed.

    So when in doubt, let your horse figure it out."

    Wisdom is just horse sense in an uncommon amount.

  5. I'm back at it today, Ruthy! Thanks for the encouragement!

  6. Thanks Ruthy. Today has been a doldrum day, but I have every intention of making this the best writing year ever. My goals are to write two new ms, edit one or two others, get another contract for one I had been editing, and celebrate the one releasing in September. All while continuing to market the first two. And be wife, mommy, preschool teacher, etc. No biggie, right?

    1. You've got a packed agenda for 2020, msguish! I like your determination! Yes, you can do it all! :)

  7. Thanks for the great start to the year, Ruthy. I am determined this is the year I have no more excuses. I will keep at my writing and really get something done!

  8. Great motivation for the New Year, Ruthy. I haven't "received" my one word yet. Sometimes it takes a few days or a week or two to form.

    It's rainy and cold in GA and so dreary. We're used to sunshine even in the winter months. I'm working on the Art Fact Sheet for my Christmas 2020 book, then on to the next story.

  9. Realizing we don't have all the time in the world. Elderly parents are unraveling, teens and 20-somethings are launching jobs and lives. Just glad we can keep up a few favorite traditions such as the White Elephant gift exchange. I'm on vacation this week before starting a new assignment at work ... goal this week is to finish rough draft of my WIP. Also trying to recover from all the cooking for the holidays

  10. Thanks for the pep talk Ruthy!
    I finished writing the first chapter for my third novel today. :)
    Maybe with school starting back up next week, I'll be able to get another one written. One small step at a time - or maybe it's one word at a time.


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