Saturday, May 2, 2020

Weekend Edition


If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes.  Note our new email address and please send your emails to

Monday: Erica Vetsch shared how she casts the characters in her books. And did I see "giveaway?" Make sure you visit the sites mentioned in her post featuring, The Lost Lieutenant, and enter to win some awesome giveaways!

Wednesday: Erica Vetsch (again!) invited fellow authors releasing books during the pandemic to share how they feel about the situation and what they're doing about it

Friday: Candee Fick joined us this week discussing the pros and cons of bundling books for a collection. Jackie Layton, you are the winner of one of Candee's ebooks!

Monday:  Mary is our hostess.

Wednesday:  Mindy will be getting Back to Basics with the dreaded conflict. 
Friday: Join Beth and Carrie for a chat about reading, blogging, (maybe even publicity-ing), and changes they have/are experiencing in each.

I'm so grateful for your friendship and support!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Tried and True
On Sale

99 cents in all ebook formats

How To Write A Perfect Cliff-Hanger by Rachael Cooper at Live Write Thrive

15 Productive Tasks When You Don't Feel Like Writing by KM Weiland at Helping Writers Become Authors

Dipping The Quill Deeper - The Writer and The Sword by Eva Marie Everson at The Write Conversation

The Power of Journaling Through Difficult Times by Bonnie Randall at Fiction University

So Many Ideas, So Little Time by Rachelle Gardner

5 Tips For Building A Community Of Readers by Karen Lock Kolp at The Creative Penn

23 Top Writing Podcasts That Help You Improve Your Craft by CS Lakin at The Self Publisher

Is It Ready To Submit? By Bob Hostetler at Steve Laube Agency


  1. Good morning, Seekerville, and happy Saturday!

    Today's plans were cancelled, so I'm trying to decide between writing or cleaning the house. I wonder which one will win?


    1. Jan, um... is there really a choice here???


  2. Audra, thank you for the great WE!

  3. I can't believe it's MAY. It's like April never even happened!

  4. The Blue Angels and Thunderbirds flew over our town today. So impressive and inspiring. We gathered at the high school parking lot to watch them and then got to social-distance visit with a few friends. Yes, there is a world out there beyond the confines of my home! Who knew! :)


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